The shrew of time travel

Chapter 805? Compared with that night, I prefer the feeling of this morning...

Chapter 805 Compared with that night, I like the feeling of this morning...

" are shameless!"

Mu Qingsi couldn't hit her once, and then hit again, but in the end she was wrapped in Bo Yifei's arms, realizing her situation.

The irritability she couldn't shake off turned into the anger of being taken advantage of by others, and Mu Qingsi's small face suddenly flushed red.

Shameless?Following Mu Qingsi's coquettish shout, Bo Yifei couldn't help showing a little mocking look on his face.

"Familiar vocabulary, if this is a different kind of seduction from my wife, I don't mind satisfying my lady's needs after I have enough rest, but at this moment, I still advise my lady to live a little longer, otherwise, how shameless I will be , I can't guarantee myself..."

The rare Bo Yifei was forced to show some sense of humor, even though the humor was a bit scary.

These days, Bo Yifei couldn't fight back, and she couldn't fight back when she scolded, but Mu Qingsi really forgot what happened that night. Now that Bo Yifei reminded her in such a way, she opened her mouth slightly in shock.

I was a little timid in my heart.

After regaining consciousness, Bo Yifei beside him could already hear the sound of even breathing.

Mu Qingsi was slightly taken aback, then raised her head in Bo Yifei's arms.

It was the first time I looked at him so closely, only then did I notice the blackness under his eyelids.

It dawned on her heart that these days, he spends very little time in the camp, and when he finally came back once, she made a big fuss.

Speaking of it... After that incident, he seemed to be full of guilt towards her, and has been trying to make up for her. This time, he must be very tired...

While thinking about it, a rare tenderness appeared between her brows.

Mu Qingsi, Mu Qingsi, it's really in vain for her to disdain those ladies of the family all these years, but now, she is like a shrew in the market.

She was the culprit for what happened back then... After all, she just wanted to make herself feel better.

However, when she really did it, she couldn't let it go. These days, she was always struggling with Bo Yifei, but it was just venting her anger.

In the end, it's all her fault...

Thinking like this, the eyes looking at Bo Yifei finally had some warmth...

No more thinking, Mu Qingsi was hugged by Bo Yifei, closed her eyes, and fell asleep very quickly.

Since that night, the two got along harmoniously for the first time, but who would have thought that it would be in such a way...

I don't know if it's because of the warm and fragrant nephrite in his arms, or if he was really tired, but Bo Yifei actually slept until the sun was up.

Opening his eyes suddenly, and looking at Bi Ren in his arms again, a trace of astonishment flashed in Bo Yifei's eyes.

Realizing that she had slept for a long time, she said inwardly, and glanced at the woman who was sleeping peacefully in her arms. Mu Qingsi in her sleep seemed to let go of her defenses, put aside her barriers, and slept peacefully.

It seemed as if there had never been a quarrel between them, it was really... an ideal appearance.

It's a pity that he still has a task to do, so he can't enjoy such a warm moment, and he feels a little regretful in his heart.

After all, if she wakes up, she might be noisy again...

Thinking in this way, his fingers stretched out unconsciously, and when they were about to touch Mu Qingsi's cheek, before touching it, they retracted like an electric shock.

Depressedly retracting his fingers, Bo Yifei placed Mu Qingsi, who was pillowed in the crook of his arm, on the pillow beside him, and then lifted his numb arm.

Turning over and getting out of bed, before going out, Bo Yifei glanced at the bed again, the itching and numbness on his arm reminded him that the scene he saw just now was not a dream.

Compared with that night, he prefers the feeling of this morning...

(End of this chapter)

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