accidentally married the richest man in the world

Chapter 96 How to make her calm down?

Chapter 96 How to make her calm down?

"What about the people in the car? Who drove the car?" Xia Ranchen reacted, almost screaming in panic.

"I don't know about that! Are you in the nanny's car? Lu Shiqian is not with you? You..." Zhao Keke asked in a low voice.

Xia Ranchen was cold all over, his heart was about to jump out,

"Driver, go to the police station, go to the police station!!" Xia Ranchen yelled almost madly.

No, it must not be true.

police station.

Zhao Wen held Xia Ranchen's hand to keep her from falling.

Xia Ranchen was thinking wildly almost all the way along the way, with countless bad thoughts circling in his mind.What happened?Why did the explosion happen?

This is simply bad news!
Where is Lu Shiqian, is he dead or alive?
Xia Ranchen kept calling Lu Shiqian, but the other party reminded that the phone was turned off.

Xia Ranchen felt like his heart was about to jump out. !
Why are you arguing with him? Why don't you let him get into the nanny car?

It's all her fault, it's all her fault...

But why did the car explode?Why is there such a thing?
Who did she offend?
"Miss Xia, are you the owner of this car?" It's still the policewoman from last time, so it's really destined.

"Yes. This is my car. Where is the person in the car? Is there anyone? Where is the person now?"

Xia Ranchen grabbed the policewoman's hand so hard that she almost collapsed.

"When the explosion happened, the door was open. Someone on the road saw it, called the police, and found no one in the car. It was empty."

The policewoman was also extremely surprised.

It is almost impossible for ordinary people to escape in such a situation. The only explanation is that they jumped off the car in advance.

However, at such a speed, jumping down may not be much better.

And there is no one in sight for a long distance, when did he jump out of the car?

Xia Ranchen didn't know this, but his heart was about to be pulled together.

What if Lu Shiqian died?
"Then where did he go? Have you searched and rescued him? What about the person, where did he go?" Xia Ranchen's voice was almost hoarse.

If something really happened to Lu Shiqian, she would be the culprit.If she hadn't insisted on getting the certificate from Lu Shiqian, Lu Shiqian would not be unemployed, would not live with her, and would not be her bodyguard.Can't drive her car.

Things like today would not have happened.

Lu Shiqian, where are you?Do you have something to do?
Xia Ranchen was so disturbed that he almost couldn't stand still.

The policewoman looked at Xia Ranchen sympathetically.The last time Xia Ranchen received her, she had just been kidnapped and almost raped.This time her car exploded again, and although she didn't know the reason, it could be said that misfortunes never come singly.

I still remember that the person who accompanied Xia Ranchen last time was the Lu Shiqian she was talking about, he was the man who saved her life.Although they only met once, the policewoman understood Xia Ranchen's feelings.

Going crazy!

"When the car was found, there was no one in it, which proves that he is probably still alive...Miss Xia, please calm down and don't be so excited. After receiving the call, we have sent search and rescue teams to search and rescue, and we are still looking for Mr. Lu."

The policewoman tried to use the most normal tone, hoping that Xia Ranchen could continue to remain calm.

But how to calm her down?
(End of this chapter)

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