Invincible martial arts supreme

Chapter 116 It's Her

Chapter 116 It's Her
Wu Di took a deep breath to calm down the excitement in his heart.

"There are more than [-] tyranny points, but you can raise your cultivation level by one level first."

Just do what you say, Wu Di closed his own information bar, immediately opened the system store, and chose the column of cultivation.

"Ding! The system detects that the host's tyranny value is 42 points. If you consume 880 tyranny points, you can raise your cultivation level to Martial King Four Star. Is the host upgraded?"

"Why don't you upgrade and open it? Upgrade!"

"Ding! The host has successfully upgraded and cultivated."

"Ding! The system detects that the host's tyranny value is 29 points. If you consume 880 points of tyranny, you can raise your cultivation level to Wuwang five-star. Is the host upgraded?"


In the illusory light curtain, strong vitality emerged again, and it penetrated into Wu Di's body in just three breaths.

"Ding! The host has successfully upgraded and cultivated."

"Ding! The system detects that the tyranny value of the host is 15 points. If you consume 880 tyranny points, you can raise your cultivation level to Martial King Six Star. Is the host upgraded?"

Wu Di was really distressed by the deduction of cruelty value.

Now there are more than 15 tyranny points left, and Wu Di can still improve his cultivation level once.

As long as his cultivation is raised to the six-star martial king, Wu Di is [-]% confident that he can defeat the eight-star martial king Xing Kai.

But Wu Di pondered for a moment, and closed the system store, not daring to raise his cultivation level to Wuwang Six Stars.

"I raised my cultivation level to six stars, and I only have more than 5000 tyranny points left. This is not Tianyuanzong, nor is it a blessed place. In order to quickly improve my cultivation level, I offended many Martial Kings this month. Wan First, I can’t beat Xing Kai, and after returning to the valley injured, I’m sure a strong man will emerge and declare war on me, that would be bad.”

Wu Di's eyeballs rolled around, and after thinking about it, he still resisted the urge to improve his cultivation.

"Anyway, I have been in the valley for two months, and the next ten days or eight days are not bad. During this period, kill ten more Martial Kings, and the tyranny value can be increased to about 30, and then the cultivation level will be raised to six stars. Even if I can't defeat Xing Kai in the end, I still have more than [-] tyranny points to protect my life."

In this place where fish and dragons are mixed together, Wu Di dare not be careless in the slightest.

In addition, a few days ago, Wu Di was drinking and chatting with Xing Kai, and learned something from him.

According to Xing Kai's information, counting him, there are 52 martial kings with eight stars or above in the valley.They seldom open their eyes, and they don't stand up every morning to visit Emperor Mountain.

Xing Kai's duty is to guard the entrance, while the 51 people meditate day and night, not only to take refuge here, but also to protect the land of the king.

For decades, the four sects did not dare to commit crimes, and the three sects did not dare to destroy them. This was directly related to Xing Kai and other 52 martial kings with eight or more stars.

It can be said that this force has been twisted into a rope by the ancestor, it is really...too strong.

"I drank too much wine today, so I stopped meditating and practicing. Get some sleep and start killing tomorrow!"

Wu Di yawned, hugged Huofengjian into his arms, fell asleep with his back against the mountain.

The only advantage of the valley is that you don't have to guard against anyone when you sleep.If you want to kill someone, you must go to the stage of life and death.

In Wu Di's heart, the ancestor did such a good thing.

In the valley under the night, the silence is scary.More than [-] people sat cross-legged and meditated silently, giving off a strange and eerie feeling.

After an unknown amount of time, two people walked in through the gap between the stones of life and death.

One of them was none other than the two-star martial king Zhang Ziyu.

The other person was wearing a black robe, covering his face.

However, it may be that this person's figure is not burly, so that the black robe is a bit loose, which makes people feel nondescript.

Looking at Zhang Ziyu again, he walked into the valley with the man in black and stopped. He didn't know what he said, raised his hand and pointed to where Wu Di was, then turned and disappeared into the crevice of the stone.

After Zhang Ziyu left, the man in black stood there for a moment, as if he was looking around at the scene in the valley.Afterwards, the person turned sideways to look at where Wu Di was, and walked over at a leisurely pace.

Maybe Wu Di was really drunk, or maybe Wu Di didn't expect that a man in black robes entered the valley in the middle of the night and walked towards him.At this moment, the man in black was standing half a meter in front of him, and Wu Di was still snoring, sleeping soundly.

It is not clear whether the man in black robe knows the rules of the valley, or he has no intention of persecuting Wu Di. This person stood in front of Wu Di for a long time, and then he walked up to Wu Di and sat down, tilting his head and leaning on Wu Di's shoulder superior.

Fortunately, Wu Di was very low-key when he came and chose an inconspicuous place.In addition, the person who came was wearing a black robe, so if one didn't look carefully, it was really hard to find a person sitting beside Wu Di.

Just like that, Wu Di leaned against the stone wall, and the man in black leaned on Wu Di's shoulder, welcoming the first ray of light from the sky.

"Oh! My head... hurts." Wu Di closed his eyes, and when he frowned tightly, he raised his right hand and rubbed his head vigorously: "This Xing Kai definitely didn't feel good last night. He probably wanted to feed me too much." , and today I won’t be able to go to Wangshan.”

Wu Di muttered in a daze, rubbed his dizzy head for a while, and then slowly opened his eyes.

"Hmph! Don't let me kill people? Then when will I be able to leave the valley?" Wu Di shook his head vigorously, glanced at more than 8000 people in the distance, and continued to mutter: "I don't know if old man Geng will... . . . "

Wu Di babbled, but before he finished speaking, his body stiffened suddenly, and he slowly turned his head, seeing the man in black leaning on his shoulder, Wu Di suddenly stood up with a strange cry Get up.

"" I don't know if it's because of the tense relationship, or because the alcohol has not passed, Wu Di's tongue is a little curled up. After squeaking for a long time, he roared again: "You... .Status, you... what did you do to me last night?"

The man in black was silent, but Wu Di's face turned green.He hurriedly looked at the clothes on his body carefully, and heaved a sigh of relief after confirming that they were in good condition.

"Damn it! It must be because the hare has eaten too much that such a disgusting thing happened."

Wu Di spit a few mouthfuls of saliva to the side, and the more he thought about it, the more his stomach turned upside down.

"Take off your robe and hat, and let me see who you are."

After Wu Di felt better, he turned his eyes to the man in black again. Seeing that the man in black really wanted to take off his cap, Wu Di quickly covered his mouth and retched non-stop.

"Don't...don't pick it, I'm afraid I'll spit out all the gall. tell me, what's your name, I won't kill others today, I'll kill you alone."

The head of the man in black tilted slightly, as if wondering why Wu Di was abnormal.

Standing up, the man in black moved closer to Wu Di, and raised his hand to push back the black cap.

"I... came to find you."


Wu Di's eyes widened suddenly, and in the next second he took a big step forward, blocking the man in black, and raised his hand to push down Shangguan Xue's cap.

(End of this chapter)

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