Invincible martial arts supreme

Chapter 140 Bu Chen, dead!

Chapter 140 Bu Chen, dead!

Wu Di never thought about apprenticeship.Now a Martial Saint appeared out of nowhere, and Wu Di couldn't accept it for a while.

"Wu Di, with your aptitude and comprehension, it is very suitable to enter Taoism through carving. But with your personality, it is not suitable to take this path of carving." Bu Lao sighed softly, took out a small notebook from his arms, and handed it to Wu Di said again: "This is the record of my life's carving experience. If you study all of them thoroughly, you will be able to reach my realm."

Wu Di held the small book, instead of flipping through it, he frowned and fell into deep thought.

"At that time, a piece of jade the size of a fist can be compared to a king's weapon or an emperor's weapon. There are four seasons in a year, and I only realized winter. If you can carve out spring, summer, and autumn, the four seasons will become one." It's better than a holy artifact."

"Uh... are you bragging?"

"Bragging? Haha! The reason for saying that is because the jade looks like a stone, but it has actually become the four seasons in the world. The weapons in this world are not necessarily swords. Every plant and tree can also be a sharp weapon for killing people. When you step into the peak of martial arts, you may not be able to turn your hands into clouds, cover your hands with rain, and scatter beans into soldiers."

Wu Di sucked in a breath of air-conditioning immediately, thought it over carefully, and felt that what Bu Lao said was also very reasonable.

Looking at Wu Di again, he glanced at the small notebook in his hand, after a few seconds of silence, he lifted his clothes and knelt down on his knees, and kowtowed three times to Mr. Bu.


The person kneeling on the ground heard the sound of two words, for an instant!Bu Lao's eyes were red.

"Okay, okay!" Bu Laolian said three good words, turned around and grabbed Liuling Snowflakes on the stage, tore off a piece of clothes with a click, and wrapped them up, handed them to Wu Diyan and said, "Master, lifelong father, In the future, on the day you get married, you can hand it over to her instead of Master."

"This this……."

Wu Di didn't dare to pick it up, this thing is comparable to an imperial artifact, it's really too precious.

"Take it! Don't act like a woman." Mr. Bu lowered his face, then glanced at Mo Yu, and said to Wu Di, "Teacher, the old man behind you is named Mo Yu." Rain. Mo Yu never left when he was a master. Mo Yu never gave up on a master who has been unable to escape for a hundred years."

Wu Di got up and bowed to Mo Yu.

"Disciple, even if you become an emperor in the future, please treat Mo Yu kindly on behalf of your master. If Mo Yu can't be promoted to Martial Saint after 30 years, please accompany him through the last journey of his life."

Two sentences, two words of please, revealed Bu Chen's feelings.

"Old Bu! just let me stay, Mo Yu lived 73 years more than enough."

Mo Yu burst into tears, knelt down in front of Bu Chen with a plop, kowtowed with both hands on the ground, begging.

"You're so old, why are you still messing around? Calculate the time, it's almost the same. You have followed me for decades, so I don't need to say what's on my mind right now?"

"Old Bu...!"

"Don't get out yet?"

Bu Chen's eyes widened, and Mo Yu trembled in fright. He got up and stared at Bu Chen reluctantly for a few seconds, then suddenly moved behind Wu Di and tapped twice.

Picking up Wu Di who had been acupunctured, Mo Yu cried like a child, stared at Bu Chen for more than ten seconds, opened the window and rushed out.

On the third floor, Bu Chen stood there alone, turned around to look at the stage, shook his head and smiled wryly, waved his right hand, and saw the stage instantly turned into flying ash.

Turning around and going downstairs, opening the closed door, Bu Chen looked at the blue sky outside, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, the moment he opened his eyes, Bu Chen... smiled.

His smile gave people a sense of reassurance, as if he had been relieved.

Sitting back at the counter, Bu Chen took out four pieces of jade from his pocket.

These four pieces of jade are also engraved with four holy beasts.It's just that there is no upper-grade earth-level martial arts that people are obsessed with.

"I hope that the false ones can be used to deceive the eyes of the nine of them."

Bu Chen sighed softly, raised his hand and grabbed the carving knife on the table, took another piece of jade from the side, lowered his head and started carving with concentration.

800 meters to the northwest of this place, on the roof of a four-story restaurant, Mo Yu put Wu Di aside, looking at Bu Chen's shop and bursting into tears.

Wu Di was still holding the hexagonal snowflake wrapped by Bu Chen in his hand. Although he couldn't move, his eyes were still fixed on Master's shop, with an inexplicable complexity in his eyes.

Time is passing by bit by bit.

About 7 minutes passed, and the entire house in Fengqi City trembled slightly.

Going to look at Bu Chen's shop again, the three-storey pavilion collapsed with a bang, and the dust filled the sky.

In the dusty sky, there were nine figures appearing and disappearing from time to time, and their roars resounded in all directions.

"Old Bu...!"

Mo Yu knelt down on the ground with a thud, looking at the ruins in the distance, and murmured tearfully.

After half an hour passed, Mo Yu got up and went to Wu Di's side, and unlocked his acupuncture points.

Looking at Wu Di again, he stood up suddenly, reached the edge of the roof, and stared at the ruins 800 meters away for a long time!
"Who did it?"

Wu Di's voice was not loud, but there was a chill in it.

Mo Yu wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, took a deep breath, looked at Wu Di's back, and finally let out a heavy sigh.

"Old Bu accepted you as an apprentice, not to ask you to avenge him. If you have the heart, you can inherit Lao Bu's will. To fulfill his wish, that is his true meaning. And I will follow Lao Bu's will , This is the greatest reward for him.”

"Senior Mo! Are you doubting my ability?"

Wu Di turned around abruptly, but the roof... Mo Yu was gone.

When Mo Yu left, Wu Di didn't feel at all.Wu Di didn't even know where Mo Yu went.

Jumping down from the roof of each room, Wu Di fixed his direction on the street, and galloped straight to Bu Chen's shop with a sword in his back.

The three-story pavilion has collapsed into ruins.Around the ruins, surrounded by hundreds of passers-by.

Squeezing away from the crowd, Wu Di sullenly swept across the ruins with a cold look in his eyes. Suddenly, his eyes flashed, and he stepped onto the ruins with a swaying figure, standing next to a corpse whose arms had been torn off.

The deceased opened his eyes angrily. He was dressed in black, with the word "two" embroidered on his chest.

"Ancient ancient treasure hall?"

Wu Di took a deep breath, walked back and forth among the ruins a few times, but still couldn't find Bu Chen's body.

However, Wu Di picked up the small carving knife used by Bu Chen in the gap between the two gravels.

But at this moment, words of joy spread impressively.

"Hey! I knew it. There must be jade ornaments that haven't been smashed. If you get rich, this pendant is worth at least one hundred thousand silver."

"The jade ornaments carved by that old man are really good, but his character is not good, and he always sets the price randomly. Now that he has been killed, everyone digs through the ruins. If we are lucky, we may really be able to find the complete jade ornaments."


The street was in chaos, and hundreds of people rushed into the ruins one after another, turning over the stones happily.

"Who gave you the courage to search for jade ornaments here?"

Wu Di tore off the corner of his clothes, wrapped the carving knife and put it in his arms, holding the sword behind his back and shining a cold light, sweeping across nearly a hundred people who had already stepped into the ruins.

(End of this chapter)

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