Invincible martial arts supreme

Chapter 142 Not allowed to buy expensive ones?

Chapter 142 Not allowed to buy expensive ones? (first update)
Not long after Shangguan Xue left, she pushed the door open and walked in happily.

Wu Di was still sitting at the table sighing, his expression a little depressed.

"Wu Di! I went to the shop owner to buy a red string and put the six-edged snowflake around my neck. Look, isn't it pretty?"

While talking, Shangguan Xue took the six-edged snowflake out of her pocket, and Wu Di turned her head away in fright.

"Put it away!"

"You, it's just that the outside is not the same as the outside. You keep telling me that it's not for me, but you always ask me to put it away. You are really... weird!"

"Damn! What I said was put away, not for you. My God! I beg you, take this female robber away."

"Where do you take it? You should see if I look pretty in it. Hey! Don't close your eyes, this is the most beautiful jade pendant I have ever seen. How much did you pay for it?"

"Big sister... auntie!" Wu Di closed his eyes, clasped his hands together with a mournful face, and bowed to Shangguan Xue repeatedly: "Put Xuehua in your arms first, I'm not trying to scare you, I'll definitely die at a glance. You put it first Alright, let me explain to you in detail."

Shangguan Xue frowned tightly, she still knew Wu Di well.And think about Wu Di's expression and emotion when she came back, and the fact that the snowflake jade pendant was not smooth and covered with lines. Shangguanxue wanted Wu Di to see her wearing the jade pendant, but she still put the jade pendant in her clothes. arms.

"Open your eyes! I put it away."

Wu Di tentatively opened his eyes a slit, seeing that Shangguan Xue had indeed put the snowflake jade ornament into his pocket, Wu Di breathed out a foul breath.

After pouring a cup of herbal tea, Wu Di took a big gulp to suppress his shock, put down the teacup and glared at Shangguanxue angrily.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"If you weren't Shangguan Yuyi's daughter, I would have strangled you to death. I'm really mad at you."

"Hey! Are you going to tell me or not? If you don't, I'll take out the jade ornaments?"


Wu Di really lost his temper, this girl...has learned to threaten him with snowflake jade ornaments.

"That snowflake jade ornament is not a mortal thing. It was made by a master sculptor. The lines on it form an illusion. Simply put, the more people kill, the heavier the evil spirit emanating from the body will be. Take a look at it, and you will see it in your mind." There are only a few sporadic pieces of white snow, but when I look at it, my soul will instantly fall into the illusion of flying snow."

"So evil?" Shangguan Xue touched the position of the jade ornament on his chest, and said in astonishment.

"Will I lie to you? With my martial arts cultivation, I know it's an illusion, but I still can't return to my body and walk out of the illusion."

"Why do I still not believe it?"

Wu Di poured another cup of herbal tea, took a sip, looked at Shangguanxue and said, "Don't believe me? It's done. When you go back to Tianyuanzong, let your father Shangguan Yuyi take a look, and then... I guess it's all over."

"Fuck! He's so beautiful. Even if the snowflake jade ornament doesn't have any special effects, I won't let him see it. I'll just show it to you, and no one else will even think about it."

Wu Di was drinking from a teacup, when Shangguanxue's words caught his ears, Wu Di almost spit out the tea.

"Grandma! Please show mercy. From now on, don't take out the snowflake jade ornament in front of me. Also, that snowflake jade ornament must not be exposed to the world. Once outsiders find out, your life will be the worst. The most important thing is that the [-] disciples in Tianyuanzong, including your father Shangguan Yuyi, will die because of it."

Wu Di put down his teacup, and specially instructed Shangguan Xue.

"Hey! Are you agreeing to give me the jade ornaments?" Shangguanxue leaned forward, staring at Wu Di's with her phoenix eyes, and asked with a happy face: "That is to say, you agreed Are you married?"

I have to say that Shangguan Xue's blinking eyes are indeed very charming.Coupled with the beautiful and alluring appearance, it is truly fascinating and intoxicating.

"I can give you snowflake jade ornaments, but I want me to marry you..." Wu Di suppressed the anger in his heart, and leaned forward, their noses almost touching.

Gradually, Shangguan Xue's breathing became more rapid.

But at this moment, Wu Di's expression changed, and he said angrily: "Let me marry you, there is no door. You are limited to three breaths to leave my room. If you dare to make me angry here, I will do it tonight." you."

"you dare!"

Shangguan Xue stood up abruptly, but Wu Di also stood up immediately, and said angrily as he untied his clothes: "Do you think I dare to take off my clothes right now..."

"Rogue, shameless!"

Seeing that Wu Di was about to take off his clothes, Shangguan Xue also panicked, backed up quickly, opened the door and ran out.

"Stinky bitch! You stole my snowflake jade ornaments, and you dare to take advantage of me. If you really become my wife, I will beat you eight times a day."

Wu Di put down his hands that didn't know his clothes, and it was obvious that he was just trying to frighten Shangguan Xue.

After closing the door, Wu Di lay on the bed tossing and turning, not feeling sleepy at all.

In his mind, the image of Bu Chen kept flashing, holding the carving knife and holding the jade, proudly talking about the Four Sacred Beast Stones, and the scenes of presenting him with six-edged snowflakes.

That night, Wu Di was very sad.As long as he thinks of Master's ruined shop, his heart will feel sour, as if he drank a jar of old vinegar, so sour that he wants to cry.

After finally surviving the night, Wu Di got up early in the morning, took the Huofeng sword after washing, opened the door and went out.

Wu Di's footsteps were very light, but when he passed Shangguan Xue's room, the closed door creaked open.

"Want to sneak out again? No way! I'll go with you to the auction house too."

Shangguan Xue came out of the room, closed the door and looked at the helpless Wu Di with her arms around her shoulders.

"I went to the auction house to buy a jade ornament as a gift for sister Mengyao. What are you doing?"

"It's because you want to buy jade ornaments for her, so I'm going with you. One is to help you check, and the other is to remind you all the time, just buy similar jade ornaments."

"Why is it almost enough? Besides, I still need you to check it?"

Wu Di's eyes widened, he could see through it, Shangguan Xue really fell in love with Li Mengyao.

"What? You still want to buy her jade ornaments worth tens of thousands of taels of silver? She doesn't know martial arts, and she doesn't have the slightest level of cultivation. If you wear it on your body, you won't be afraid of being remembered by bad people and causing death?"

"I'm happy, so what can I do if I buy it? Big deal, I will protect her. Anyone who dares to think about her jade ornaments will be killed by me."

Wu Di said angrily, walked away with a sword in his back.

Shangguan Xue froze for a moment, then stomped her feet angrily, and chased after her: "Anyway, the jade ornaments you can buy can't exceed 10 taels, you are not allowed to buy expensive ones for her."

"Don't buy expensive ones? It's done! I didn't spend a penny on that six-edged snowflake. You give it to me. I'll give it to sister Mengyao. At worst, I'll spend 100 million taels of silver to buy you a beautiful jade ornament." .”

 The female character Shangguanxue is actually not disgusted by commoners.She dares to love and hate, and is cold in front of others, but she becomes eccentric around Wu Di, likes to bicker with each other, a little bit jealous, even if she knows that the land of Wangtu is dangerous, she still looks for Wu Di without hesitation.Let's break out today, tentatively scheduled for four more.Friends who have recommended tickets, vote for commoner.


(End of this chapter)

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