Invincible martial arts supreme

Chapter 158 Forced Marriage

Chapter 158 Forced Marriage
When Wu Di and Li Mengyao returned to the City Lord's Mansion, the sky was already dark.

The servants in the mansion had already prepared the meals, and looking at the table, there were still a few vegetarian dishes without meat, probably Li Xiuyuan secretly told the servants that they should save food and money in the future.

"Has the master not come back yet?"

Entering the mansion, Li Mengyao's face was still a little blushing, but she was no longer as shy as she was on the street. When she went to the courtyard, she asked Chunju and Dongmei who placed the bowls and chopsticks.

Chunju and Dongmei bowed and shook their heads.

"Brother Wu Di! You go wash your hands first, I guess daddy will be back soon."

"Don't! I'd better go out and look for it, so as not to cause trouble."

Wu Di felt something was wrong, after all, it was almost dark.

But just as Wu Di was about to turn around and leave the mansion, the city lord Li Xiuyuan came in panting heavily and dragging his heavy legs.

When he was in front of Wu Di and Li Mengyao, Li Xiuyuan rolled his eyes angrily.

"Now you know how to look for it? Just now on the street, didn't you hear me shouting from behind? Listen to me, what's the matter with Dad's throat? You two are doing well, don't you care? Hold hands and shake Shaking his head back to the mansion without turning his head."

Wu Di and Li Mengyao were stunned for an instant. After looking at each other, they shook their heads in unison.

"What's wrong? Talking? Are you flirting with your father in front of you?" Li Xiuyuan grabbed his throat and asked angrily, rolling his eyes.

Wu Di smiled awkwardly and scratched his head. Seeing Li Mengyao looking at him strangely, Wu Di looked aggrieved and said in a low voice, "I...I really didn't hear it. If I heard it, I can ignore my father."

"What are you mumbling about?" Li Xiuyuan's eyes were rounded, and he asked with a hoarse voice.

"Father...! Brother Di and I really didn't hear it, you just calm down and let's eat."

Li Mengyao pursed her lips, smiled coquettishly and stepped forward to hold Li Xiuyuan's arm.

"Don't do this with me, it won't work." Li Xiuyuan swung his arms, glared at Wu Di and Li Mengyao, and said, "What are you eating? Both of you come into the house with me."

After Li Xiuyuan finished speaking, he rubbed his waist without pulling his throat, dragged his legs that seemed to be heavy and numb, and walked into the main room with great difficulty.

"Brother Di, what should we do? Dad is really angry."

Li Mengyao walked to Wu Di's side and looked at her father's back with a bit of fear in her eyes.

"I don't know what to do, the big deal...I'll let him beat me up."

"Why don't you go in, or I'll go in and persuade dad."

"Don't go in? It's no wonder Dad didn't break my leg."

Wu Di and Li Mengyao chatted a few words, seeing Li Xiuyuan turned around and stared at them angrily at the door, Wu Di and Li Mengyao shrank their necks in fright, and hurriedly followed.

After entering the room, Li Xiuyuan found a half-bald feather duster from nowhere, sat down on the chair by the table with a sullen face, and slapped it on the table with the feather duster.

"Your Majesty!"

This voice frightened the two of them so much that they knelt down on the ground.

This kneeling made Wu Di slightly taken aback.

Whether in the forest of thousands of corpses or in the Wangtu Valley, Wu Di didn't have much fear even when facing Wangtu's ancestors.

But in front of this Li Xiuyuan, who knew no martial arts at all, Wu Di felt his heart tremble when the other party stared at him.

After thinking about it, Wu Di also understood that it might be a conditioned reflex. When most of the souls did not pass through this body, Wu Di in Middle-Earth was often beaten by Li Xiuyuan.

So much so, now that Li Xiuyuan scolded him angrily, he knelt down reflexively.

"Say it! What should we do?" Li Xiuyuan panted heavily, his gloomy face was scary.But seeing that the two were silent, he raised his hand and knocked on the table with a feather duster, saying: "Meng Yao, you go first."

"Father! I can't blame Brother Di for this matter. He didn't hear it, maybe he was thinking about the matter of the Tianwu Camp. If you want to blame, blame your daughter. If you really can't put it down, hit your daughter a few times."

"You can't hit sister Mengyao. Dad! If you hit me, you can hit me anywhere as long as you don't hit me in the face."

Wu Di hurriedly protected Li Mengyao, Li Xiuyuan's eyes widened again, and he tapped the table with a feather duster several times.

"That's not what I'm talking about. You two go out to the street, why are you holding hands? Now you are holding hands, and the city is full of trouble. Tell me! When will you get married?"


Wu Di and Li Mengyao were stunned.

In the next second, Li Mengyao blushed and hurriedly lowered her head.

Wu Di swallowed, coughed lightly, and said nothing.

"What's the matter? Mengyao, tell me, marry or not?"

"Father...!" Li Mengyao blushed, lowered her head and answered softly.

"I asked you whether you will marry or not. What kind of father is your father?" Li Xiuyuan stared angrily.

"Father! You... how dare you let me say it."

"All right, all right! Stop talking." Li Xiuyuan glared at Li Mengyao, then looked at Wu Di, and asked, "Don't cough too much, I raised you since I was a child, and today I entrusted my daughter to you. You, will you marry or not?"


"Hey! Are you still coughing? If you don't say it again, believe it or not, I will slap you?"

With Li Xiuyuan's violent temper, he raised the feather duster as he spoke, which made Wu Di tremble again in fright.

"Don't...don't hit! I said, I said it."

Wu Di swallowed, glanced at Li Mengyao who was frightened, bowed her head and blushed from the corner of her eye, and sighed in silence.

"Oh, you little bastard, why don't you cough and sigh? I'll slap you."

When Li Xiuyuan went down with the duster, it hit Wu Di's butt with a slap, causing Wu Di to groan strangely in pain.

"Ask you to marry or not, and you still scream? You're still looking for a cigarette."

Li Xiuyuan raised the feather duster again, causing Wu Di to kowtow in a hurry.

"Daddy, Daddy! Calm down." Wu Di was really scared, kowtowed a few times to see Li Xiuyuan put down the feather duster, and said again: "Father! You are the biggest in this family, and you are the master. But Dier has something to say first, this Marriage... can't be married now."

"So, you agreed to marry Mengyao?" Li Xiuyuan's face softened, but he still asked in a hoarse voice.

"As long as sister Mengyao doesn't feel wronged, Dier... will naturally be willing to marry."

Wu Di blushed while talking, while Li Mengyao lowered her head lower.However, she didn't show any reluctance.

"Well! Dad's body is getting worse day by day. After walking outside the city for a few times in the afternoon, his legs hurt badly. Tell me, when will the marriage be held? Can I make it in time?" Li Xiuyuan stared at Wu Di with a sullen face. asked again.

"This..." Wu Di pondered for a while, and seeing Li Xiuyuan's eyes widen again, Wu Di was so frightened that he said hastily: "To tell you the truth, Di Er still has some things to finish. When Di Er finishes all the work I will definitely come back and marry Mengyao's sister, and then take over Kunyuan City to benefit the common people."

Wu Di would also say that when Li Xiuyuan heard that Wu Di was going to take over Kunyuan City, his anger subsided a bit, but he still asked with a sullen face: "Stinky boy, if you can't finish it in ten or twenty years, why don't you marry Mengyao?" Huh? Give me the exact time, when will you marry Mengyao?"

"Three years! Up to three years."

"Meng Yao, did you hear that? Let's wait for him for another three years."

Li Xiuyuan suddenly laughed, threw away the half-bald feather duster with a wave, opened the door, and walked out with a smile.

Wu Di knelt on his side, stared blankly at Li Xiuyuan's back for a few seconds, then turned his head and asked Li Mengyao blankly.

"Meng...Sister Mengyao, dad...why is dad's voice...not hoarse anymore? And his legs and feet...are also so much lighter?"

 The heroine is undecided, undecided, undecided. Repeat three times.Regarding who the heroine is, Bu Yi will give everyone an answer.Let me reveal in advance that the relationship between Wu Di, Shangguanxue and Li Mengyao will be very bumpy and tortuous.It doesn't mean that there is a chance to get married if you agree, and it's not because Wu Di doesn't like Shangguan Xue, the two of them must have no relationship as husband and wife.Just as you can see the rainbow after the rain, how can you see the true love without experiencing life and death, ups and downs, and tribulations?
(End of this chapter)

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