Invincible martial arts supreme

Chapter 160 Time rushes

Chapter 160 Time rushes
Li Xiuyuan ate lunch in a hurry, before Wu Di and Li Mengyao finished eating, the old man left the city lord's mansion.

Wu Di left late, and at the end of the day, he left the City Lord's Mansion with the Fire Phoenix Sword and went straight to the Tianwu Camp.

It is rare for Li Mengyao to have a free time, but for some reason, she sat at the stone table in the courtyard in a daze all afternoon, not knowing what was going on in her mind.

Until the sun went down on the mountain, Wu Di also came back from Tianwu Camp, Li Mengyao was still sitting there in a daze.

This is not the first time Wu Di has seen Li Mengyao in a daze.Wu Di knew that this girl... must have something on her mind.

"Mengyao, what are you thinking about sitting here so distraught?" Wu Di put the Fire Phoenix Sword on the stone table, stared sideways at Li Mengyao who was in a daze and asked.

"Ah?" Li Mengyao shook slightly, saw that it was Wu Di who was speaking, and said with a little panic in his eyes: "No... didn't think about anything! Eh, daddy hasn't come back yet?"

Li Mengyao glanced around the courtyard as she spoke, then hurriedly stood up and bowed to Wu Di: "Brother Di, I think Daddy will be back soon. You can rest here for a while, and I'll go to the kitchen in the backyard to have a look."

"Meng Yao, wait..."

Before Wu Di finished speaking, Li Mengyao ran away with her head down.

"This girl, what is hiding in my heart?"

Wu Di muttered, after thinking about it carefully, he still felt that Shangguan Xue had said something to her.

It's just that Mengyao didn't want to say anything.

Another half an hour passed, and Li Xiuyuan also walked in from outside the mansion.

Unlike yesterday, Li Xiuyuan was cheerful, and yelled loudly when he saw Wu Di when he entered the mansion.

"Wu Di, Dad has been working all afternoon. He is usually too tired to get up, but today he doesn't feel tired at all. After dinner, you should hurry up and give me some vitality. Also, you gave me some energy last night. What kind of pill did you take? Give me two pills tonight."

"Ah?" The flesh on Wu Di's face twitched a few times, and he said with a wry smile: "Father! That elixir is not jelly beans, and eating too much is harmful rather than beneficial. Besides, don't look at that elixir is very small. The effect is enough for you to absorb it for half a year."

"Nonsense! How can the pill be so powerful? With my physique, it still takes half a year to absorb it?"

"Half a year is fast."

Wu Di smiled wryly and shook his head. He knew in his heart that if he didn't use his vitality to nourish Li Xiuyuan's body, Li Xiuyuan might not be able to absorb all the medicinal effects of that small 'chalcedony pill' in a year.

The father and son talked more and more. During the conversation, the maids and servants also set the table. After the meals were served one by one, the master and servant sat down and ate dinner happily and happily.

After dinner, Wu Di gave Li Xiuyuan vitality to nourish his body again, and it was not until midnight that Wu Di came out and returned to his room.

Day after day, for the next ten days, Wu Di distributed broken silver in the morning, and Li Mengyao still took two maids to distribute steamed buns to the poor people who fled to Kunyuan City.

After eating at noon, Wu Di will rush to the Tianwu camp with the Huofeng sword to teach the disciples of Tianyuanzong a style of martial arts.

This move is the first move in the three formulas of anger sword.

Chopping sword!
This sword-slashing style can be called a high-grade Xuan-rank martial art.

Even though all the Tianyuanzong disciples in the Tianwu Camp are martial masters, it is still a bit difficult to learn.

Fortunately, Wu Di patiently explained and demonstrated to hundreds of people in person, so after more than ten days, some talented and intelligent martial artists were able to slash the sword in their hands and shoot several meters through the ground. Sword Qi.

Of course, compared with Wu Di, the power of these martial arts cultivators using the sword-slashing style is really too weak.But from the beginning to the end, Wu Di did not scold them for being stupid and clumsy, but patiently taught them the principle that practice makes perfect.One day, they can also shoot sword energy 25 meters.

Wu Di's easy-going and dedication to teaching martial arts has also won the respect of hundreds of Tianyuanzong disciples.In addition, Wu Di is a disciple of Tianyuanzong, with this relationship between senior and brother, the two sides are much closer.

It is estimated that even if Shangguanxue asks them to evacuate Kunyuan City, hundreds of Tianyuanzong disciples here will ask for orders to stay.

At night, Wu Di will nourish Li Xiuyuan's body again.

As each day passed, Li Xiuyuan's body became stronger and stronger.It is no exaggeration to say that Li Xiuyuan, who is now close to 50 years old, is not inferior to a man in his early forties in terms of bone and physical strength.

This day happened to be the No. 20 day when Wu Di returned to Kunyuan City.

In the morning, Wu Di donated broken silver as usual.After lunch, Wu Di sat in the training ground of the Tianwu Camp all afternoon, watching everyone perform the sword-slashing style.When it was almost dark, Wu Di returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

This afternoon, the city lord Li Xiuyuan did not take the people out of the city.

The two sat at the stone table under the tree, drinking weak tea and talking.

"Father! From now on, you should pay more attention to your body. Although Di'er has been nourishing your body with vitality these days, you are not a martial artist after all, and you don't have a field of energy in your body."

Wu Di took a sip of tea, looked at Li Xiuyuan who didn't understand, and said, "Qi field, in layman's terms, is the dantian where vitality is stored. I have used vitality to nourish your body too many times, there must be vitality in your body, Once there is too much vitality and you will not be able to control it, it will be harmful to your body."

"Hey! That's the truth. But dad doesn't want to see the people in the city suffer. When everyone in Kunyuan City has enough food and clothing, dad will stop working so hard. When you and Mengyao get married, you two will give dad a baby." Big fat boy, I just want to coax my grandson."

Wu Di just took a sip of tea and sprayed it all out.

"What do you mean? Little bastard, do you want to go back on your word?" Li Xiuyuan put the teacup on the stone table with a bang, widened his eyes and said: "I can tell you, I still have that feather duster, how dare you?" Go back and try?"

"Father...! Why are you talking about feather dusters again?" Li Mengyao just came out from the backyard at this moment while carrying the dishes. After speaking, she hurriedly gave Wu Di a look, and said, "Brother Di, Dad! Hurry up!" Come and eat."

"Yes yes yes! Eat."

Wu Di understood, put down his teacup and stood up hastily.

But the moment Wu Di got up, he suddenly frowned and stared at the door of the mansion with cold eyes.

Wu Di's change made Li's father and daughter stunned.

Ever since Wu Di came back, the two of them had never seen Wu Di so abnormal, his the eyes of a fierce tiger, without blinking but showing a daunting fear.The coercion emanating from the whole body made even the two of them dare not approach.

"Wu Di... you..."

"Brother Di...what's the matter with you?"

The two asked questions one after another, but Wu Di didn't answer.The two had no choice but to follow Wu Di's gaze. After seeing that there was no abnormality at the gate of the mansion, the two looked at Wu Di suspiciously.

"Father! Mengyao, I'm afraid I won't be able to finish this meal." Wu Di stepped forward to block the two of them, looked at the gate of the mansion and said loudly: "Since you found this, come in." Come on! Don't let me go out and drag two dead bodies back."

(End of this chapter)

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