Chapter 172

Li Mengyao took the letter, but did not open it immediately, as if she was afraid that Wu Di would read it, she bowed to everyone and went back to her room.

What are you doing?Shangguanxue actually wrote a letter to Li Mengyao, and Li Mengyao deliberately read it behind his back, Wu Di felt more and more uneasy.

But at this moment, Jiagu opened his mouth again.

"Wu Di! Apart from bringing Sanqianxiu to Kunyuan City, the two of us have another important matter. The suzerain ordered the two of us to bring you back to the sect."

This time, the expression on Wu Di's face was much more normal.

Regarding this matter, Wu Di had already guessed it before.It would be abnormal if Shangguan Yuyi didn't let him go back.

"The suzerain asked me to return to the sect, is it to convict me?" Wu Di asked with a smile.

"Conviction...cough!" Jiagu coughed lightly, as if he knew what Wu Di was referring to, and then said after a moment of silence: "Whether you are convicted or not, the suzerain did not mention it. But it is certain that the suzerain asked you to return to Tianyuanzong , I want you to participate in the four big competitions in a month's time."

Wu Di was slightly taken aback, pinching his fingers to calculate the time, and a sigh came from his mouth.

"Time really flies! When I joined the Tianyuan Sect, there was still a year before the Fourth Sect Grand Competition. Now, there is only one month left."

Jiagu and Cao Yu looked at each other without saying a word.

"Seniors, when shall we... leave for Tianyuanzong?"

"This..." Jiagu blinked his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.When he glanced at Li Xiuyuan who was also concerned about this issue, Jiagu frowned slightly and said: "In the meaning of the suzerain, it is the day after the two of us arrived in Kunyuan City, I will set off with you to return to the sect. You are still injured, so... just three days later."

"Thank you senior!"

Wu Di knew in his heart that if he said goodbye to Li's father and daughter this time, he might not be able to see each other for several months.Now that he can stay in the mansion for three days, Wu Di is naturally happy in his heart.

The people talked for a long time, and what they said was insignificant.

During this period, Li Xiuyuan left for a while, specially gave Chunju and Dongmei some silver taels, and asked the two daughters to take the servants to the street to buy fish.

After noon, together with the servants from the mansion, the three tables were completely filled.

These three tables have fish and meat, which are extremely rich.

It can be seen that today, when Chu Chen was repelled, Kunyuan City was saved from the bloodbath, and Li Xiuyuan was happy from the bottom of his heart.

In addition, two hundred-year-old powerhouses, Jiagu and Cao Yu, were welcomed into the city lord's mansion, which was even more joyful. Li Xiuyuan was helped back to the room until he was drunk.

But this meal, Wu Di was a little unhappy.

For no other reason, there was one person missing from the table.

This person is Li Mengyao.

After Li Mengyao returned to her room with the letter, she didn't come out for two hours in a row.I don't know what she was doing in the house, Wu Di and Li Xiuyuan took turns to knock on the door before eating, but Li Mengyao refused to come out to eat with everyone because she was not feeling well.

At the wine table, Wu Di also asked Jia Gu if he knew what was written in Shangguan Xue's letter.

But Jiagu smiled wryly and shook his head.

This incident was like a big rock, always weighing on Wu Di's heart, making him slightly out of breath.

Fortunately, during dinner, Li Mengyao also came out of the room.

However, including Li Xiuyuan, none of them thought that Li Mengyao had a serious illness after crying bitterly, and she was not very energetic.

However, Li Mengyao's whole body seemed to be relieved, tears flowed from her red eyes, but there was a burst of joy.

Wu Di asked with concern, but Li Mengyao didn't say anything.Especially about Shangguan Xue, Li Mengyao didn't mention it.

For the next three days, Li Mengyao was always clinging to Wu Di.

After distributing the broken silver in the morning, Li Xiuyuan didn't organize the people to go out of the city to open up wasteland, but stayed in the mansion with Jiagu and Cao Yu.

In the early morning of the fourth day, Wu Di, Jiagu, and Cao Yu woke up early.He led the three horses that Li Xiuyuan had found, and went out of the city accompanied by Li's father and daughter and Gongsun Yunyun.

Parting is always full of grief.

Even though Wu Di was very reluctant in his heart, his eyes were reddish and he got on the horse.

Before leaving, Li Mengyao said a few strange words.

She told Wu Di that a man can bend and stretch.No matter when, she...wait for him.

The meaning in the words made Wu Di feel even more uneasy.But Wu Di pondered for a long time, but still couldn't figure it out.

Perhaps, Shangguan Xue really said something unknown in the letter.

Grieving and separated, Wu Di, Tong Jiagu and Cao Yu drove to Tianyuanzong under the watchful eyes of Li's father and daughter and Gongsun Yunyun.

The three of them traveled for two and a half days and arrived at Tianyuan City, ten miles away from Tianyuanzong.

Along the way, what Jia Gu said the most was to warn Wu Di to be calm in everything after returning to the sect.

Wu Di thought about what Li Mengyao said before he left. He already felt that everything was strange, but now he was sure. This time he followed the two back to Tianyuanzong. Simpler than that.

When they arrived at Tianyuan City, the three had a simple meal in the city, and then they led their horses out of the city and drove straight to Tianyuanzong.

Tian Yuanzong seemed to have known about the return of Wu Di and the others today. When Wu Di and the others arrived in front of the Jiuyou Cold Region, wooden boards had already been placed on several wrist-thick iron chains, and the three of them led the horse to Tianyuanzong's entrance In front of the sect.

The three elders of Tianyuanzong were all present, and they seemed to be waiting for Wu Di and the other three at the gate of the sect.

But here, Shangguan Xue was nowhere to be seen.

Without this woman present, Wu Di felt more and more uneasy.Because he knew very well that if Shangguan Xue knew that he had returned to Tianyuanzong, not to mention welcoming him at the gate of the sect, he might have arrived in Tianyuan City long ago.

But she didn't show up.

At this time, when the three elders saw Wu Di and the others coming, they hurried up to meet them and bowed and cupped their fists.

"We pay our respects to the two seniors!"

First Elder Xu Qing, Second Elder Yang Yushan, and Third Elder Duan Guchen all spoke together, and it was undoubtedly Jia Gu and Cao Yu who were paying respect.

Ever since leading the horse to the sect, Wu Di's expression gradually became gloomy.One is that he didn't see Shangguan Xue, so he felt uneasy.Second, Wu Di's cold eyes have been staring at Duan Guchen, without leaving for a second.

Duan Guchen naturally noticed Wu Di's unfriendly gaze, but he couldn't see a trace of fear and panic on his face.

However, there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.Probably wondering why there is no fluctuation in Wu Di's cultivation.

There are usually two explanations for not being able to perceive fluctuations in the cultivation base of the opponent.

One is that the opponent's cultivation base is too much higher than his own cultivation base, just like Duan Guchen became a five-star martial king, and if there was a martial emperor standing in front of him, he would not be able to perceive fluctuations in the opponent's cultivation base.

The second is the generation of mortal bodies.Because there is no cultivation, naturally there will be no fluctuations in cultivation.

And Wu Di is more different, because he has learned the Secret Art, unless his cultivation level is one level higher than his, he still can't feel the slightest fluctuation in his cultivation base.

That is to say, Wu Di's cultivation is Ten Star Martial King, if he is raised to one star Great Martial King, this Qinglan country, no one will be able to perceive fluctuations in his cultivation.

This is the case with Jiagu, and so is the suzerain of the four sects.

"Is the suzerain still in the Houshan Cave Mansion?"

Jiagu put his hands behind his back, nodded to the three people in front of him, and asked the great elder Xu Qing.

"The suzerain has ordered you to take Wu Di to the cave to meet him."

Great Elder Xu Qing bowed again and replied respectfully.

"Yes! Got it." Jiagu said softly, turned around and glanced at Wu Di, and said again: "Let's go! Follow me to see the suzerain."

"Senior Jiagu, before meeting the suzerain, I have to resolve a personal grievance."

 Commoner's book has a fast pace and no plot.There is a small plot between the suzerain of Tianyuanzong and Wu Di, which paves the way for future development.After this period is over, Qinglan Country will usher in a big climax.So Bu Yi plans to stay up late these days to save the manuscript, and the four shifts will break out as soon as the plot arrives.In addition, the number of friends who voted for recommendations in the past two days seems to be less, please help with recommendation votes.That thing is really useless in your hands, let's vote for commoners.


(End of this chapter)

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