Invincible martial arts supreme

Chapter 174 Two things

Chapter 174 Three Things

After leaving Tianyuanzong for a few months, not much has changed here.

On the square, tens of thousands of disciples sat cross-legged in meditation.In the martial arts competition hall, the sound of applause is still endless.

When Jiagu, Cao Yu and Wu Di came to the square, they caused quite a commotion.

Most of the disciples were still talking about the return of Jiagu and Cao Yu, and a small number of them pointed at Wu Di.

Wu Di didn't listen to what they said, and followed Jiagu leisurely with a sword in his back, walking towards the back mountain.

Going up the hillside path, a three-meter-wide cave fell into Wu Di's eyes in the middle.

Jiagu turned around and glanced at Wu Di, thought for a while, sighed and walked in without saying anything.

The cave is very spacious, and there is an oil lamp hanging on the walls on both sides one meter apart. The light of the oil lamp is a bit dim. Although it illuminates the passage in the cave, it is also slightly gloomy because of the dim light.

After turning a few turns, Wu Di estimated that he should have gone up several hundred meters, and a stone gate blocked the way of the two of them.

Obviously, Jiagu is very familiar with this place, and he even knows where the mechanism to open the stone gate is.

He walked to the right side of the stone door with his hands behind his back, raised his hand to hold the base of the oil lamp and pushed in, the stone door creaked open.

The strange thing is that Jia Gu stood in front of the stone gate and did not go in, but bowed and cupped his fists towards the inside: "Sovereign! I brought you Wu Di."

In the past few seconds, a word came from the cave.

"Let him in, you go back to the Canggong Pavilion."

"Follow the order!" Jiagu straightened his back, looked at Wu Di and said again: "Go in! The suzerain is inside."

Wu Di looked inside, took a deep breath, and walked in with the Fire Phoenix Sword.

As soon as he entered the cave, the big stone door creaked and closed again, which startled Wu Di.

Looking at the cave, there is a one-meter hole for ventilation.The sun shines down from the entrance of the cave, but it also illuminates the cave very brightly.

Through the light, Wu Di saw two weapons hanging on the stone wall on the right.One is Ziyun Sword of Ziyun Sect, and the other is Frost Halberd of Cold Mountain Sect.

Withdrawing his gaze, Wu Di looked five meters ahead again.

There is a stone platform three inches high, on which there is a futon, and a person sits on the futon.

This person was wearing a blue round-neck gown with a dark blue jade belt tied around his waist. His hair was as long as flowing water, and his eyes were as deep and bright as a bright moon.

He is the suzerain of Tianyuanzong, Shangguan Yuyi.

"It's really not easy! The day you joined Tianyuanzong, you were only a one-star martial artist, but now you have become a ten-star martial king. No wonder you dared to promise Xueer to go to that paper doll village to kill hundreds of people and win the treasure of the three sects .”

Shangguan Yuyi stood up slowly, his expression was neither happy nor angry, and he stared at Wu Di with piercing eyes.

"Shangguanxue is the daughter of Tianyuanzong. Disciple Wu Di dare not refuse her request."

Wu Di would also say that, besides, it was Shangguan Xue who forced him to go to Zhiren Village, and there was no framing to shirk responsibility.

"Haha! You are really brave. How dare you put the blame on Xue'er."

"The disciple is just telling the truth!"

Wu Di said lightly!

Shangguan Yuyi raised his eyebrows, looked Wu Di up and down a few times, fell silent for a while and let out a sneer.

"When I recall you from Kunyuan City, I will say three things."

"Sovereign Lord, please clarify!" Wu Di bowed and said.

"The first thing! You will participate in the four major competitions in a month and win the first title for Tianyuanzong. This is not difficult for you."

Wu Di already knew about this matter from Jia Gu, and there was not much surprise on his face.

In fact, this matter is really not difficult for Wu Di.As long as he thinks about it, he has an [-]% chance of being able to rank Tian Yuanzong first in this four-big competition.

But Wu Di pretended to be in trouble.

"Sovereign! I'm afraid it will be very difficult for me to win the title of No. [-] in the four major competitions. Look at my right arm, which was beaten to pieces by Chu Chen. I'm afraid it won't take three or two months..."

"Who did you say was injured? Chu Chen? Chu Chen, who Wang Tu called himself the Patriarch?"

Shangguan Yuyi then shifted his gaze to Wu Di's right arm, and frowned instantly.

But Wu Di was stunned.

"The suzerain doesn't know that Chu Chen led seven thousand martial kings to Kunyuan City?"

"When did it happen?"

Shangguan Yuyi's brows furrowed tighter and tighter, and his face that did not show joy or anger also revealed a look of doubt.

Wu Di was silent.

From Shangguan Yuyi's eyes, he found that the other party was not lying, let alone pretending.The other party probably didn't know that Chu Chen brought seven thousand Martial Kings to bloodbath Kunyuan City.

Wu Di is not stupid, which just shows another problem.

Even Shangguan Yuyi didn't know about it, how could Shangguan Xue know about it in advance?
If Shangguan Xue didn't know, why did Sanqianxiu go to Kunyuan City?Among them... there are one thousand Martial Kings?

Could it be that...Shangguan Xue really showed kindness?Wu Di didn't continue to think about it, he felt that his inner thoughts were somewhat unrealistic.

"It doesn't matter when, anyway, Kunyuan City has escaped this catastrophe."

Wu Di smiled, a little helplessly, and also a little disappointed with Tian Yuanzong.

"Now I can't move my right arm, and my strength is greatly reduced. I will do my best for the four competitions."

"It's not about trying my best, but I must win the first title for Tian Yuanzong."

Shangguan Yuyi bit him to death. Even after learning that Wu Di's right arm could not be moved, this guy's attitude was still so firm.

Wu Di was very unhappy about this.

To put it mildly, Shangguan Yuyi is for the development of Tianyuanzong.To put it harshly, this guy... Some people don't treat Wu Di as a human being.

"Talk about the second thing!"

Wu Di didn't argue with Shangguan Yuyi either. Wu Di cared more about the next two things than whether he could win the four championships.

I saw Shangguan Yuyi turned sideways, and looked at the two weapons on the west wall.

"These two weapons are the treasures of the Ziyun Sect and the Hanshan Sect respectively. You and Xue'er killed hundreds of disciples of the three sects in Paper Man Village, and the fact that you got the second weapon to destroy the alchemy furnace has been investigated by the three sects. gone."

There was a flash of fear in Shangguan Yuyi's eyes, although the fear came quickly, it disappeared very quickly.

It seemed that Shangguan Yuyi didn't want to be seen by Wu Di, but he really couldn't escape Wu Di's eyes.

"so what?"

Wu Di felt more and more uneasy.Faintly!I feel more and more uneasy.Moreover, Wu Di felt that his previous conjecture was likely to come true.

Looking at Shangguan Yuyi again, he turned around and smiled faintly at Wu Di.

"So, according to my analysis, when the day of the four big competitions is over, the third one should take care of me. I will let you take this matter down."

(End of this chapter)

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