Chapter 180 Lottery (first change!)

Although Wu Di went to bed when he was full, Wu Di opened his eyes the next morning when San Zong was in a state of confusion, sat up and looked north.

I saw more and more martial artists appearing beside the meteor crater. Under the leadership of an old man in purple clothes, the uniformly dressed Ziyun sect disciples descended into the meteor crater one after another.

This scene made Wu Di gasp.It even shocked the cultivators of Tianyuan Sect, Poison Sect and Hanshan Sect.

Even Lu Xun, the suzerain of the Poison Sect, Han Zhiqing, the suzerain of the Hanshan Sect, and Shangguan Yuyi of the Tianyuan Sect all immediately stood up and clasped their fists at the old man in purple.

The number of Ziyun Sect disciples here is really too many, and it is estimated by the naked eye that it is no less than one hundred thousand.These 10 people occupied the entire northern staircase, and after taking their seats, they all looked at the disciples of the three sects with disdain.

After a while, most of Ziyun Sect's disciples were still staring at Poison Sect. Perhaps in their hearts, Poison Sect was the only one who could pose a threat to them.

As for Hanshanzong and Tianyuanzong, the disciples of Ziyunzong didn't pay too much attention at all.Perhaps, those poor [-] to [-] disciples were simply not enough of a threat to them.

Looking at the suzerain Yue Yangyi of the Ziyun sect, he also reached the bottom of the crater when he clasped his fists in return. He glanced at the three suzerains with his deep and energetic eyes, and stepped onto the competition platform without showing any joy or anger.

And Lu Xun, Han Zhiqing, and Shangguan Yuyi glanced at each other, and jumped onto the platform, each standing on one side, sitting cross-legged with Yue Yangyi, the patriarch of the Purple Cloud Sect, and slowly closed their doors. eyes.

"What do you mean?"

Wu Di frowned slightly, and after rolling his eyes, he guessed that the master of the four sects should be waiting for tomorrow.

That was the day of the big competition of the four sects.

Wu Di's guess was right, after a day and a night, the four sect masters opened their eyes one after another in the morning of the next day, stood up and clasped their fists one after another.

"Time flies, and ten years have passed in a flash, and the day of the four great competitions has also ushered in. Your cultivation has improved a lot."

With his hands behind his back, Yue Yangyi swept across Poison Sect Lu Xun, Han Shan Sect Han Zhiqing, and Shangguan Yuyi in turn.

But it is not difficult to find that the suzerain Yue Yangyi of Purple Cloud Sect looked at Shangguan Yuyi very delicately.

There was annoyance mixed with killing intent.

Shangguan Yuyi naturally saw the killing intent in Yue Yangyi's eyes, and understood why Yue Yangyi looked at him with that look.

Therefore, Shangguan Yuyi didn't say a word.

But Lu Xun of the Poison Sect sneered a few times while leaning on his silver staff, and said loudly to Yue Yangyi: "Sect Master Yue! If I remember correctly, you were still the Seven Star Great Martial King on the day of the competition ten years ago, ten years in a hurry ! You actually improved your cultivation by two stars, I really make this old man a little ashamed."

"As expected of being the leader of the four sects, Sect Master Yue not only improved his cultivation rapidly, but also brought as many as 5000 Martial Kings this time. It seems that Sect Master Yue is still planning to follow the old path and use numbers to win."

"Haha! Why do I smell a sour smell?" Yue Yangyi looked at Han Zhiqing, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Who made Ziyun Sect stronger? There are so many disciples of King Wu in the sect. I am I also brought five thousand Martial Kings less to give you three sects a chance to compete for the first place."

Those words immediately made the three sect masters blush.

They could hear that Yue Yangyi was mocking the weakness of the three sects, who couldn't even train ten thousand Martial Kings in ten years.

"Sect Master Yue! You don't have to be too arrogant. What can you do if you bring [-] martial kings? Most of them are not three or four-star martial kings? Look at my Poison Sect, all [-] martial kings are above five-star. "

Lu Xun leaned on a silver staff and hummed unconvinced.

"Lu Xun, may God bless you. Don't choose my Purple Cloud Sect in the next lottery." Yue Yangyi smiled sarcastically, then looked at Han Zhiqing and Shangguan Yuyi, and said: "The rules remain as usual, you Do you agree?"

The four big competitions will be duel in the form of drawing lots, and the time limit is three hours.

The rules of the duel are a bit interesting, each case produces an equal number of disciples.But there is a rule that is somewhat biased towards the strong sect.

That is, every hour, a group of seriously injured disciples can be replaced.However, the number of exchanged disciples has to be halved.

For example, if there are 1000 seriously injured disciples replaced, then the number of replacements for the competition will be reduced by half, that is, only 500 disciples will be able to play.

For Ziyunzong, this is undoubtedly the biggest victory.Because, Ziyunzong has too many backup Martial Kings.

But the three cases did not protest, and there were still changes within an hour.

If the Poison Sect could wipe out all the Ziyun Sect's disciples within an hour, then no matter how many Ziyun Sect's backup Martial Kings were, they would have to admit defeat.

"Let's keep the rules as usual!" Han Zhiqing nodded and said softly.

"Then you can engrave the characters! After the lottery is drawn, the four competitions can begin."

Yue Yangyi urged.

Han Zhiqing, Lu Xun, and Shangguan Yuyi glanced at each other, and seeing that they also nodded, Han Zhiqing flipped his left hand, and a white mist suddenly appeared on the palm.

The white mist became thicker and thicker, and in an instant it condensed into an ice cube ten centimeters square.

Looking at Han Zhiqing again, he raised his hand and bit his right index finger, and wrote four words on the ice with his blood.

Purple, poison, cold, sky.

The moment the four characters were formed, Han Zhiqing drew four consecutive lines on the ice with his right hand, swung his left hand upwards, and the four pieces of ice engraved with the characters flipped and shot a hundred meters into the air.

The masters of the four sects closed their eyes at the same time, and when the four pieces of ice fell rapidly 70 meters, they saw that the masters of the four sects did not open their eyes, and jumped up to a height of 30 meters in the air, feeling the position of the four pieces of ice , After selecting a certain piece, I grabbed it directly.

When it landed, four pieces of ice engraved with blood characters fell into the hands of the four people.

"I'm really looking forward to it. Which sect will compete with Ziyunzong?"

Holding the ice cube behind his back, Yue Yangyi looked at the faces of Lu Xun and the other three in turn.

Lu Xun snorted coldly, and brought the ice cube behind him to his body. When he saw the blood on it, his brows frowned slightly.

At this time, Shangguan Yuyi of Tianyuanzong and Han Zhiqing of Hanshanzong also looked at the ice cube, their eyes flickered at the same time, and their expressions obviously relaxed a lot.

Afterwards, the two looked at each other and let out a breath of foul air.

The patriarch of the Purple Cloud Sect, Yue Yangyi, did not look at the ice cubes, but the moment Shangguan Yuyi and Han Zhiqing looked at each other, he directly crushed the ice cubes behind him, and then shot his gaze at the Patriarch of the Poison Sect, Lu Xun.

"Hahaha! It's really a narrow road to enemies. This year, you and I are the first to fight. However, this is exactly what I mean, because it's interesting."

After Yue Yangyi said with a smile, he turned around and left.

Shangguan Yuyi and Han Zhiqing glanced at each other, and after crushing the ice cubes in their hands, they turned and returned to their respective camps.

In the first battle, Purple Cloud Sect vs. Poison Sect.

 The war is about to start, today is the fourth update.The commoner needs a recommendation ticket, a recommendation ticket, a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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