Chapter 190

There are twelve main meridians in the human body, also known as the twelve meridians, which follow the rules of yin and yang, and belong to the twelve viscera respectively. Combined, they circulate in different parts of the body, such as hands, feet, inside and outside, front, middle and back, forming a cycle that goes round and round without any reason. system.

When Qi and blood pass through the meridians, they can reach the viscera internally, reach the muscle surface externally, and circulate throughout the body.

Han Zhiqing used twelve ice needles to seal the starting points of the twelve meridians in Wu Di's body.

At this time, Wu Di's six viscera and the blood of the six internal organs were severely blocked.If the twelve ice needles are not forced out from the body, it can be said that there will be endless troubles.Not only do you have to suffer from qi and blood stasis every day, but your lifespan is also reduced again and again.

Moreover, due to the obstruction of the twelve orthodox meridians, it is difficult for the vitality to flow through the eight extraordinary meridians, and it is difficult to display the slightest amount of cultivation.

It can be said that Wu Di at this moment is indistinguishable from a mortal who does not know martial arts.

To be precise, he... is not as good as a mortal.

At the very least, mortals without the strength to bind a chicken can still walk freely.But Wu Di, the viscera and viscera in his body are in severe pain all the time, even if he simply stands up, Wu Di can't do it.

Not only that, but I don’t know what kind of gas was shot out by Lu Xun, the lord of the Poison Sect. Wu Di’s eyes kept bleeding, and the two lines of blood met Wu Di’s jaw. Make people feel pity.

On the east side, Jiagu looked at Wu Di solemnly, sighed after a few seconds, turned around and clasped his fists at Shangguan Yuyi, and said, "Sect Master! Anyway, Wu Di was also a disciple of our Tianyuan Sect before, and besides, he practiced martial arts. It is a pity that he fell down like this and was killed by the three sect masters."

Shangguan Yuyi raised his brows immediately, and looked at Jiagu strangely from the side.

"It's a pity, what can I do? What can I do if I'm extremely talented? You should know the value of those two imperial weapons. If they are in the hands of Yue Yangyi and Han Qingzhi, their combat power will increase dramatically. Let's talk about Han Zhiqing." , even though he is the Seven Star Great Martial King, but with the Frost Halberd in his hand, he might not be the opponent of the Nine Star Great Martial King Yue Yangyi."

"But... but without Wu Di to snatch it, how could those two weapons fall into your hands?" Jia Gu retorted, clasping his fists.

"Huh?" Shangguan Yuyi immediately lowered his face, stared at Jiagu with unkind eyes, snorted coldly and said angrily: "Jialao! You don't need to bother about this matter. I have made up my mind, I won't help!"

Shangguan Yuyi was a little angry, and Jiagu didn't dare to say any more.After all, Shangguan Yuyi is the suzerain.

At this time, Han Zhiqing, who had sealed Wu Di's cultivation base, raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.Step by step, he walked up to Wu Di, looking at the young man kneeling on his knees and bowing his head, Han Zhiqing's eyes were still filled with fear and lingering fear.

"This brat is really fucking amazing. When did Qinglan Kingdom come out with such a freak?"

It's no wonder that Wu Di's strength is far beyond Han Zhiqing's imagination.Moreover, Wu Di's last kick just now almost killed him, the Seven Star Great Martial King.

Lu Xun glanced at Han Zhiqing. Although he didn't say anything, the fearful look he gave Wu Di showed that in his heart, he still agreed with what Han Zhiqing said.

But Yue Yangyi didn't look at Han Zhiqing and Lu Xun at all, the five fingers of his right hand were slightly bent, and a bloody sword flew up one meter away from him, and instantly fell into Yue Yangyi's right hand.

"Wu Di! Don't say I didn't give you a chance, where did you hide my Ziyun sword?"

The voice caught his ears, Wu Di blinked his bleeding eyes, and laughed coldly: "The sword? I sold it as scrap iron."

As soon as these words came out, Shangguan Yuyi in the distance smiled reassuringly.

But at this moment, the angry Yue Yangyi swayed behind Wu Di, swiped the blood sword in his right hand, and two blood lines spurted from Wu Di's ankle, and the painful Wu Di fell directly into the pool of blood .

Walking slowly back to Wu Di, Yue Yangyi held the blood-dripping long sword, stared at Wu Di and said angrily again: "If you don't say anything, I will even break your tendons. Even if you don't die in this life, I will let you die." become useless."

Yue Yangyi's actions were extremely ruthless, but Wu Di still twitched his body, gritted his teeth and leaned on the ground with both hands, kneeling up and laughing at Yue Yangyi.

"Yue Yangyi, Han Zhiqing, don't waste your efforts. I sold all your town treasures as rags. Oh and... Lu Xun, the broken tripod of your Poison Sect was originally hidden in the paper man village. Treasure land, let me split it in half with Ziyun sword."

"Little brat! How dare you mess with me? You are courting death."

Lu Xun widened his eyes angrily, waved his palms and slapped Wu Di on the forehead.

But at this moment, Yue Yangyi flipped the sword in his hand, and a sword energy went straight to Lu Xun's right hand.

Lu Xun hurriedly dodged, stepped back three meters and glared at Yue Yangyi.But before he could speak, Yue Yangyi snorted coldly: "Lu Xun! I haven't tortured him enough, you dare to give him a good time, I will definitely make you unhappy today."


Lu Xun's eyebrows were already wrinkled into Sichuan characters, and his eyes could almost burst into flames.But at this moment, he really didn't dare to tear himself apart with Yue Yangyi, so he could only suppress his anger in his heart.

"Wu Di, are you still stubborn? Good! Let me see how long you can last."

Yue Yangyi took a big step forward, and kicked Wu Di fiercely in the chest, sending him flying more than ten meters away.

Just as Wu Di's body stopped, Yue Yangyi came in front of him again, and swung his sword twice in a row, directly breaking Wu Di's tendons in both hands.

Blood gushed out like a spring, continuously flowing from Wu Di's wrists and ankles.However, Wu Di didn't roar out, instead he laughed again and again.

On the east side, Jiagu seemed unable to bear to watch this scene again, turned around and closed his eyes slowly.

As for Shangguan Yuyi, the excitement in his eyes became brighter and brighter, his lips moved slightly, as if he was saying kill him...kill him.

Shangguan Yuyi wished that Wu Di would die early, as long as Wu Di died, no one would know that Ziyun Sword and Frost Halberd had fallen into his hands.

"I don't want to be reconciled, that's all I need." Wu Di smiled and said coldly, and continued to say again: "Yue Yangyi, you broke my tendons, Lu Xun, you made my eyes bleed and blind, Han Zhiqing, you Twelve ice needles have been used to seal the twelve orthodox channels in my body. You'd better kill me at this time. If I, Wu Di, are still alive, in the future... I will let the blood of the three of you flow into rivers and piles of bones. "

"Still stubborn? Good, good! The old man will stab you a few more holes."

With a wave of Yue Yangyi's back hand, the sword in his hand stabbed straight at Wu Di's abdomen.

"What's the use of stabbing him with a hundred swords? I'll just wring his head off."

When the blood sword was shot, Lu Xun snorted angrily, and rushed straight to Wu Di in an instant.

At this moment, nearly [-] disciples from the four sects stood up, and Shangguan Yuyi opened his eyes wide, clenched his fists and stared at the few people below.

"Kill him, kill him!"

Shangguan Yuyi said in a low voice, when the blood sword was still ten centimeters away from Wu Di, a person suddenly appeared on the top of the crater on the east side.

The man was dressed in black, with only his eyes exposed.

The moment he saw the scene below, the man in black ignored the depth of two hundred feet, jumped up and stepped on the shoulders of Tianyuanzong disciples, and rushed down to the bottom of the crater.

The speed of the man in black was really too fast. Even Shangguan Yuyi was the eight-star martial king, but he just felt a breeze blowing beside him. When he was astonished, the man in black was already standing in front of Wu Di.

"Wait! How courageous."

The man in black flapped his left hand, and the bloody sword that was stabbing at Wu Di suddenly rolled back and shot straight at Yue Yangyi.

At the same time, Black Clothes clenched his left hand into a fist. Before Lu Xun could dodge, his fist...had hit Lu Xun's chest.

 The seven-month-old baby of Bu Yi's family has a fever of 39 degrees today.The update will be very late these days, I will try to keep two updates.

(End of this chapter)

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