Invincible martial arts supreme

Chapter 200 Entering the Westinghouse by mistake

Chapter 200 Entering the Westinghouse by mistake (first update!)

Fang Hui scratched her hair, thought for a few seconds, and nodded slightly.

"After midnight, it will be No.16 day, you...can enter the house."

As soon as these words came out of his mouth, Zhu Yu was happy, and Wei Cong covered his red and swollen face, he really wanted to die.

What if you asked this before?Wait for more than an hour, won't he enter the house safely?How could he be slapped by this crazy girl.

Now that there is trouble, Fang Hui is guarding the gate of the fenced courtyard. She can't rush through it, and she can't beat this crazy girl. The two looked at each other, turned around and disappeared into the night with a sigh.

Although the two left here, Zhu Yu and Wei Cong did not.When Fang Hui walked into the house with an angry grunt, the two stood outside the fenced yard again.

This time, the two of them didn't shout or enter the fenced yard rashly. Instead, they sat cross-legged at the gate of the yard, waiting for another hour to go straight into the hut with blue tiles and mud walls to meet the old man Fang.

Fang Hui went back to the house, walked to the door of the east house, and looked in through the finger hole that was pierced earlier.

Inside the house, old man Fang had already retracted his right hand, and the white silk on Wu Di's wrist and ankle was also pecked off bit by bit by the golden bird.

At this moment, if you look at Wu Di's wrist and ankle, you will be surprised to find that the wound has been sutured with white silk, and there is no more bleeding.

Wu Di was still lying there, undressed and motionless.

Although Wu Di hadn't woken up yet, his face was still red, and his breathing was even as if he was in a deep sleep.

Fang Hui didn't see what happened just now.However, the red box next to old man Fang was red and black, quite strange.

In fact, when Fang Hui stopped Zhu Yu and Wei Cong just now, old man Fang had already used the last tenth of his vitality in his dantian to control the fire insect and dry the last ice needle in Wu Di's body.

Afterwards, old man Fang controlled the fire worm to return to Wu Di's abdomen, pulled it out from the navel, and put it into the black box that imprisoned the fire worm.

Wu Di's life was saved, but old man Fang was exhausted to death. Now old man Fang's dantian is empty, without any trace of vitality.If you want to fill up your dantian again, just by absorbing the vitality of the world, I am afraid that a month will be short.

And the fire worm, after fighting with old man Fang continuously for twelve days, was also exhausted, the heat emitted from his body dropped sharply. The flame worm seemed to be dead, and hurriedly took out a small worm from its ear, and put it in the box together with the flame worm.

Although I don't know what old man Fang meant by this, but guess, he probably wants to use that little worm to nourish the fire worm.

After finishing these things, old man Fang closed his eyes tightly, and made a formula with both hands at his dantian. His complexion was even paler and frighteningly pale. He must be secretly recuperating his exhausted body.

Seeing that old man Fang didn't intend to come out, Fang Hui outside the door stepped back a few steps, walked to the earthen stove and sat down, leaned against the earthen stove and closed her eyes, and shouted after a while.

Time passed quietly, and just after midnight, the door creaked open.

Just as Zhu Yu and Wei Cong raised their legs to go into the house, they caught sight of Fang Hui by the earthen stove by the moonlight.Under the dim moonlight, Fang Hui, with disheveled hair and floral dress, looked like a little ghost, almost scaring Zhu Yu and Wei Cong to death.


Zhu Yu was still relatively calm, and hurriedly put the fan to his mouth, signaling Wei Cong not to shout.

Wei Cong's face was pale with fright, his legs were trembling, and he followed Zhu Yu across Fang Hui tremblingly.

I don't know if the two of them were reminded by bad luck, or if they were scared out of their wits by Fang Hui, they tiptoed like thieves, and slowly groped towards the west room.

It just so happened that old man Fang came out of the west room before, but did not lock the west room. The two of them managed to find the door in the dark, opened the door lightly, and rushed in hastily.

But within three seconds, there was a scream like howling ghosts and wolves from Westinghouse, and Fang Hui stood up suddenly from the ground in fright.

The old man Fang, who was sitting on the kang in the east room, slowly opened his eyes, let out a cold snort, and then slowly closed his eyes.

Looking at Wu Di lying on the kang, he was motionless at first, but at the moment when Zhu Yu and Wei Cong screamed, Wu Di moved his hands slightly, and his eyelids blinked slightly, as if they were about to open , but I don't know why... still can't open it.

"Who's in Westinghouse?"

Fang Hui stood by the earthen stove, looking at the west room with her head poking around.

"Help! Don't climb on top of me."

"What kind of bug is it? It's so sticky and disgusting. Wei Chen, that black bug is poisonous, don't... don't let it get close to you."

Accompanied by the angry words, the door of Westinghouse was kicked open, and two black shadows rushed out.

The door was kicked to pieces by Zhu Yu and Wei Cong. Fang Hui was also taken aback. She hurried to the door, pushed the door open and looked through the moonlight.

"Hey! Why are you two again?" Fang Hui's eyes widened when she saw that it was Zhu Yu and Wei Cong, but when she saw that the two were covered in bugs, Fang Hui laughed out loud, "Yes! It deserves it. Let you rush in without making a sound, and the insects will kill them both."

Even if Fang Hui didn't speak, those bugs didn't tend to let the two go.

At this time, although the moonlight was dim, hundreds of insects could still be seen on the two of them, constantly biting their exposed flesh.

This scene is very scary.In just ten seconds, their faces were covered with blood, but they didn't pay attention to the bugs on their faces, but kept beating on their bodies. It is estimated that many bugs got into their clothes and gnawed on them. Biting the bodies of the two.

"Girl...Living Bodhisattva, please, let these bugs go back to the house, they killed me...It hurts!"

Zhu Yu's face was covered with blood, and he realized that patting his body like this was not an option, because there were too many insects, and he would definitely be killed if he continued like this, so he knelt down in front of Fang Hui with a plop, and kowtowed to Fang Hui non-stop.

Wei Cong was bitten to death, with blood all over his body, followed by Zhu Yu, knelt in front of Fang Hui, and kowtowed to Fang Hui.

"You two idiots, run to the east room. I can't control the bugs, but my grandpa can."

"Thank you! Thank you!"

The two kowtowed a few more times, got up quickly and opened the door of the east room, and rushed in without hesitation.

But when the two of them entered the east room, they looked at the skinny old man Fang, and they both gasped.

"Mummy...?" Wei Cong exclaimed in shock.

When the two of them turned their gazes to Wu Di again, both of them forgot that there were bugs on them, and the doubts in their eyes grew a little bit stronger.

"This's the matter? The so strong." Zhu Yu looked at the naked Wu Di and murmured.

 Why!After writing this chapter, I saw that the time was three o'clock in the morning.Take a nap, and continue to make up the changes during the day tomorrow, and make up the chapters that the baby owes in the past few days after being hospitalized.Let commoner do his best, if he can make up one more update, it counts as one update.

(End of this chapter)

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