Chapter 236
Outsiders don't know that Gongsun Yunyun has always been Ji Xinghe's heart disease.Now knowing where Gongsun Yunyun is hiding, Ji Xinghe really can't sit still.

"Since Gongsun Yunyun escaped from the Wanhua faction, Granny Wanhua didn't have a clear attitude, as if Gongsun Yunyun's escape was entirely the responsibility of our Bliss faction. Now it's all right, now that we know about Gongsun Yunyun's Whereabouts, you immediately send people to rush to Qinglan Country, and bring Gongsun Yunyun back to me."

Ji Xinghe was happy, took a big sip of wine, and spoke excitedly.

"Master! Let's arrest Gongsun Yunyun? This... is something wrong? I think it's better to inform Granny Wanhua and let her send female disciples to arrest her." Yang Ye was silent for a while before answering.

"What's wrong? Anyway, Granny Wanhua doesn't have a clear attitude. You just send someone to arrest Gongsun Yunyun. If something happens, I will go to negotiate with Granny Wanhua in person."


"What is this? Just do it if you are told to do it. Where is there so much nonsense?"

Ji Xinghe's face darkened, and what he said to Yang Ye was also a bit cold, mixed with a tough attitude.

Yang Ye didn't dare to say any more. After nodding his head, he got up and left the square.

Wu Di didn't know about this matter.

At this moment, Wu Di was walking in front on a bay red horse, and Ji Tian was riding a black horse on the right rear, maybe he was still thinking about taking over as the head of the sect, and he kept giggling when he left the sect.

Behind the two, there was a group of Bliss School disciples following in black.

Among them, [-] disciples led [-] carriages, and the carriages were full of rice noodles, which were the rations that Wu Di had won for the people in the mausoleum.

The bliss faction is more than 300 miles away from the mausoleum. Because of the relationship with the horse-drawn carriage, the progress of the journey is not fast.

But when the sky was slightly bright, Wu Di brought the disciples of the Bliss School to the gate of the Bliss Mausoleum.

After returning this time, Ji Tian followed, and the disciples of the Bliss Sect under the mausoleum did not dare to neglect, commanding tens of thousands of people to fight against Mi XieMian.

During this period, Wu Di didn't know what they were muttering to Ji Tian, ​​and then they went down to the mausoleum.

He didn't deliberately look for a place, he directly sat cross-legged in the center of the square, took out the two local martial arts in his arms and looked through them.

And Ji Tian is really like the head of the Bliss School, commanding tens of thousands of Bliss School disciples, lighting a fire, cooking rice, baking pancakes, and steaming steamed buns. He is so busy that Ji Tian can relax.

"Wu Di! What martial arts did Yang Ye give you?"

Ji Tian was not picky about food, he held a large pancake in his left hand and a steamed bun in his right, and stood in front of Wu Di, biting left and right, asking Wu Di while eating.

Don't look at Ji Tian as dumb, but Wu Di doesn't dislike him.

"Look! What that guy gave me is a kind of 'sword array' martial arts composed of 49 people."

Wu Di pointed to the cheat book on the ground, smiled wryly and shook his head.

"49 people? Then you can't practice?"

"Yang Ye didn't intend to let me practice."

"It's okay! Next time I go back to the sect, I'll ask him to change one for you." Ji Tian was honest, he didn't think about why Yang Ye gave Wu Di a copy of the sword formation cheats, but clamored to change Wu Di's martial arts.

Wu Di smiled lightly, put the martial arts secret book given by Yang Ye into his arms, and then picked up the 'Cold Yu Jue' given by Ji Tian.

When Ji Tian didn't come down earlier, Wu Di looked through the "Han Yu Jue" once.

According to the records in the secret book, this is a way of cultivating physique.

This made Wu Di think of a person, that is the man in black robe he met in the Nine Nether Cold Region.

The man in black was Chu Weidong, a disciple of the Hanshan Sect. Before he died, he begged Wu Di, as long as Wu Di let him live, he would tell Wu Di the method of the Hanshan Sect to cultivate the ice-cold physique.

This 'Cold Protection Jue' is somewhat similar to the ice-cold physique cultivated by the Hanshan Sect, but it is obviously different.

To put it simply, the beauty of this top-grade earth-level martial art "Cold Protection Jue" is that it can make the body extremely cold-resistant and has a defensive effect.

If you practice Hinayana, you can transform your vital qi into icy cold air. Even on the top of a icy snow mountain, Wu Di will not frostbite an inch of his skin after meditating for three months.Moreover, the cold air can also be turned into a weapon, and it can be dispersed to form the vitality to defend against the ice barrier, which is far better than the vitality to defend against the air barrier.

If you practice Mahayana with the 'Han Yu Jue', relying on the vitality in the dantian, you will fall down in one step and be frozen three feet.With a wave of his hand, snow fell within three feet and the temperature plummeted.

"Mr. Ji, no wonder the head scolds you. Do you know the value of this martial arts secret book?"

Wu Di dared to say that this "Cold Yujue" was scattered in the Eastern Region, enough to cause a bloody storm.I am afraid that even the ancient treasure hall will send disciples to snatch it.

"What's his worth? Anyway, I can't practice. Old Jitou is stupider than me. He has been thinking about it for three months, but he hasn't learned it yet? This martial art will be understood by Yang Ye sooner or later in the Bliss School. I can't let him study."

Ji Tian talked while eating.

Wu Di smiled: "Are you sure I can understand?"

"Of course I'm sure. My grandpa told me that my ancestor was very powerful back then, and he knew the 'Cold Warming Art'. And the ancestor was a four-star martial saint, so he could kill a six-star martial saint. Old Jitou is a four-star Star Martial Emperor, let him try to kill a six-star martial sage? Even if his old waist is tired, he can’t do it. But you can, then Jiang Yun is a nine-star great martial king, and you are a six-star great martial king. He was seriously injured, as powerful as my ancestor, learning the 'Cold Protection Art' will not be a problem."

Wu Di didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but Ji Tian's reason was really simple and straightforward.

"Master Ji, how do I feel, are you guarding against Elder Yang?"

"You are right. Let me tell you, I have already seen that Yang Ye is going to grab the position of head from me. My stupid father hasn't seen it yet. Oh, yes! You have to help me with this matter." Me, when I become the head, I will let you be the Great Elder."

Wu Di was stunned for a moment, and looked Ji Tian up and down carefully.For a moment, I really doubted whether Ji Tian was really stupid or pretending to be stupid. This guy... actually knows how to buy people's hearts.

"Cough! In fact, being the head is very tiring." Wu Di laughed.

"Whatever, I'll be the master for two days to taste what it's like. If I'm too tired, I'll give you the position of master. I think Yang Ye is very leisurely and leisurely every day. Then you will give me a The position of the Great Elder."

Wu Di dares to conclude that Ji really stupid.

"Let's not talk about this for now. I'm going to practice the 'Cold Yu Jue' for a few days, and you will manage the affairs of the tomb on my behalf. But there is a premise that the disciples of the Bliss School are not allowed to beat the common people again."

"No problem! Any disciple who dares to beat the people again, I will kill him. But don't be lazy, quickly raise your cultivation base to Martial Emperor. I thought about it, if you become a one-star Martial Emperor, you can almost do it." Yang Ye is dead, and you will help me kill him when the time comes."


Wu Di was really speechless, but Ji Tian said it lightly, as if he could become a one-star Martial Emperor in just a few days.

"Okay! I... will do my best."

(End of this chapter)

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