Chapter 239 Hundred Puppets

After thinking about it, Wu Di still felt that he should improve his cultivation as soon as possible.

Although the method he decided a few days ago was a bit risky, he finally decided to take a gamble.

After three days on the road, Wu Di and ten thousand people have driven over 2000 miles.Along the way, Wu Di rarely spoke, and kept observing the terrain.

Wu Di wasn't looking for a good place to dig new soil, he was already preparing to attack the disciples of the Bliss School who followed him.It's a pity that there is no place suitable for killing in the places he walked in the past three days, so Wu Di has been calm and forbearing.

Four days later, Wu Di led tens of thousands of people out of the territory of the Bliss Sect and entered the range of the Soul Control Sect.

There are many mountains and mountains, and the view is endless. Fortunately, the ancient road walks around the mountains, and it does not climb the mountains and ridges, which saves a lot of physical strength.

On the eighth day, even Wu Di was somewhat lost in the misty and uninhabited mountains and mountains, but there was no trace of panic or abnormality on Wu Di's face.

However, no one knew that Wu Di was already in a state of disarray.

You know, it has been eight days since he came out of the Bliss Mausoleum, and he has driven more than 5000 miles, but he still hasn't found a favorable place to start killing the disciples of the Bliss School.

If there is enough time, Wu Di can go on for a few more days. As long as there is a suitable place, he will wipe out the ten thousand disciples of the Bliss School who followed him.

But now, counting the time with his fingers, there are only about 25 days left before the deadline for treating Mo Yu, and if the delay continues, the time will be very tight.

"I can't go on any longer! Before it's dark, look for a suitable place."

Wu Di looked around, and after making up his mind to pay attention, he pulled the rein in his left hand, and the bay red horse under him also stopped.

"Ji Tian, ​​it will be dark in half an hour. We have only traveled more than 5000 miles now, and we are still more than 2 miles away from Jidi, and we don't have much dry food left."

"It's all their fault, everyone is a foodie. Look at Sun Xianliang, the Seven Star Great Martial King, who ate eleven pancakes last meal."

Ji Tian, ​​who was riding a black horse, had an angry expression on his face, pointing at a big man with a round waist and arguing.

"Just eat it, and they won't starve to death... Cough!" Wu Di swallowed his words quickly, coughed a few times in embarrassment, and laughed again: "You stay here, I will take you with you." Follow those one hundred great Wu kings up the mountain to see if there are any wild fruits on the mountain, and we must not fail to reach the auspicious place, and the ten thousand of us will starve to death on the way."

"Okay! Take them with you." Ji Tian didn't think too much about it, turned his horse around and shouted at the hundred great martial kings: "You and Wu Que are looking for food, if there are wild fruits on the mountain, don't care about the size... ... Forget it, you can even carry the tree back for me."

Ji Tian's words left the hundred eight-star great martial kings speechless.

But they didn't dare to refute. Seeing Wu Di dismounted and headed straight for the mountain peak on the right, hundreds of people also jumped off the horse immediately, and followed with serious expressions and a bit of vigilance.

Wu Di didn't turn his head to look at the hundred eight-star martial kings, but walked forward at a leisurely pace. After a few minutes, he reached the foot of the mountain. He looked up and climbed up step by step.

The hundred people behind were not slow. After following Wu Di up the mountain, they walked through the dense forest, keeping a distance of more than ten meters from Wu Di.

Half an hour later, Wu Di and a hundred people also arrived at the top of the mountain. With the light of the setting sun, Wu Di glanced around.

At this glance, Wu Di's eyes suddenly shone with light.

After crossing this mountain peak, there is a slender valley next to it.

Wu Di looked carefully again, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Go! Go to the opposite mountain and have a look."

Wu Di remained calm and walked down the not-so-steep hillside.

The hundred people looked at each other, and more than a dozen of them frowned. Maybe they sensed Wu Di's strangeness, but they couldn't tell what was wrong, so the hundred people followed Wu Di down the mountain.

Coming down from the mountain peak, Wu Di still walked in front without hurrying.When all the hundred people descended the mountain, and Wu Di walked another hundred meters in the valley, he stopped suddenly.

turn around!Wu Di's eyes swept over the hundred people one by one.gradually!A weird smile appeared on his face.

At this moment, the hundreds of disciples of King Wu of the Bliss School frowned, and when they felt uneasy, they also clenched the long sword in their hands.

"Wu Shaoxia! Why did you stop?"

Among the hundred people, a man in his 30s asked with a sullen face.

Wu Di shrugged, and laughed with a sword behind his back: "I'm tired of walking, and I don't want to go."

Beside the man in his thirties, Sun Xianliang, who was big and round, was displeased when he heard Wu Di's words: "What do you mean? Young Master Ji and the others are waiting on the other side of the mountain. "

"It's okay! Just let him wait for a while. After I turn you into puppets, I will naturally go over the mountains to find them."

"You... what did you say? Turn us into puppets?"

"Damn it! It's still the head of the sect who knows things like a god, you really have a problem."

"Hmph! Turning us into puppets? Just relying on your six-star Great Martial King's cultivation? What a joke."

"This kid is stupid enough. He thinks that Jiang Yun has been severely injured, so we don't pay attention to our hundred eight-star martial arts kings. Tell me, how should we deal with him?"

"Haha! Didn't the head of the sect give an order that if he has any wrongdoing, he will be beaten and brought back to the Bliss faction."

"That's right! Anyway, the headmaster has given the order, so let's bleed him first."


Hundreds of eight-star martial kings moved instantly, and Wu Di was surrounded in the blink of an eye.

Hearing the taunting words of the hundred people, and seeing the hundred people slowly approaching with their swords drawn, Wu Di hugged the Huofeng sword and laughed out loud at that stop.

"That brat still dares to laugh, make him miserable."

"Isn't he crazy? Let's go together."


Wu Di's laughter made hundreds of people furious, and they waved their swords!All rushed towards Wu Di.

Seeing the hundreds of people rushing to besiege, there was no panic on Wu Di's face.When hundreds of people were still more than ten meters away from him, Wu Di suddenly raised his right foot, silently recited the formula of the ground cracking formula, channeled the vitality in his dantian to his right foot, and stepped down hard.

Instantly!The ground within a radius of 90 meters exploded, and the dark energy gushing out of the crack instantly poured into the bodies of hundreds of people.

Looking at the hundred eight-star great martial kings, they fell to the ground one after another when their bodies spurted blood.

At the moment when hundreds of eight-star martial kings fell to the ground, Wu Di had disappeared in place, and when he appeared in front of the two of them, he secretly said the soul-controlling formula in his heart, and his eyes immediately released two golden lights.

The golden light flashed, and the expressions of the two of them instantly became dull, and the fear in their eyes quickly faded away. After a short second, there was no trace of expression in their eyes anymore.

Turning the two of them into puppet mouths, Wu Di kept walking and galloped past the remaining 98 people at an extremely fast speed. When he returned to his original position after 3 minutes, he had already turned a hundred eight-star martial arts kings into puppets.

"Next! It should be the Ten Thousand Martial Kings."

(End of this chapter)

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