Chapter 242
In the impression of tens of thousands of people, this young man in white is mysterious and powerful.

Since he suddenly arrived at the Mausoleum of Bliss, the construction of the mausoleum, which has been under construction for eight years, has stopped.Moreover, Taoist Fang who ordered them to build the mausoleum was also killed by Ji Xinghe because of his arrival.

This was secondary. After the boy in white arrived at the mausoleum, he filled their stomachs even more.Although they didn't get rid of the sea of ​​suffering, they didn't have to carry stones to work every day.

Coming out of the Bliss Mausoleum this time, the common people all knew that Wu Di wanted them to rush [-] li away to transport new land for the Bliss Mausoleum.

They don't know the tricks of Feng Shui, but having dry food every day makes life much easier than before.

Therefore, the common people don't say anything, but they still think of Wu Di's kindness in their hearts.

But now, Wu Di's whole body is covered in blood, like a god of death from hell, who has scared the courage of more than ten thousand people.

Coupled with the slight blink just now, Ji Tian's eyes became dull and lifeless, like a wooden man poking there, the souls of tens of thousands of people were scared away, and they only wanted to escape.

But Wu Di's angry shout made most of the people afraid to move.But there are also thousands of people who still turn around and run towards the boundary of the bliss sect screaming strangely.

Wu Di's complexion became much gloomy in an instant, and he didn't mention killing the people, why did they run away?

"Go and stop the fleeing people."

Wu Di opened his mouth lightly, only to see the hundreds of puppets of the Great Wu King behind him instantly disappear in place, and in just over 20 seconds, they had stopped in front of thousands of people.

I saw hundreds of puppets lined up, drawing their swords and standing upright, with dull eyes and no emotion on their faces, as if thousands of people dared to escape, they would kill them with their swords.

"Young man! We are all poor people, please let us go."

"The Bliss faction robbed our family property, burned our house, and took us to the Bliss Tomb as coolies for eight years. Now we have no money on us, only this humble life is left. Please, don't kill us." us."


When the way was blocked, tens of thousands of people turned around one after another, kowtowed and kowtowed to Wu Di again and again.

This scene made Wu Di's eyebrows frowned even tighter.

"Get up! When did I say I was going to kill you?"

The voice was mixed with a little cultivation power, and the words buzzed in the night sky, reaching the ears of tens of thousands of people, making them all stunned.

"Young...young man! really don't want to kill us?"

Among the group of people closest to Wu Di, a skinny half-century old man stood up tremblingly, and tentatively asked Wu Di in fear.

Wu Di glanced at this person and nodded.

Afterwards, Wu Di looked away again, looked at the tens of thousands of people, sighed, and continued to speak loudly: "If Wu wants to kill you, can you still live to this day? Also, if I want you to die How could you get rice noodles from Ji Xinghe and let you make big cakes and steamed buns to satisfy your hunger? Get up! Listen to me later."

Wu Di's words made the common people dissipate some fear.

I saw people standing up one after another among the tens of thousands of people, and found that Wu Di didn't behave strangely, and more and more people stood up.

"Let's make a long story short! You hate the Bliss Sect, and I have a grudge against the Bliss Sect too. I killed all the [-] Bliss Sect disciples who came here this time."

Wu Di walked back and forth a few steps, and then said loudly: "I brought you out of the Bliss Mausoleum to save you from the sea of ​​suffering. Don't step into the boundary of the Bliss School. Continue to the northeast direction from here. Let's go, there should be villages and towns after passing the mountains, you can go there to make a living."

Those words echoed in the night sky for a long time.

Looking at the tens of thousands of people, everyone froze in place.

"Young...young man! Old man, am I right? want to let us go?"

The skinny half-centenarian touched his ears, his eyes were somewhat excited and joyful, but because he was not sure if what he heard was true, the joy in his eyes was not too strong.

"There are more than 1 horses here. Leave me [-] horses and dry food for [-] people. You take the rest and sell the horses for silver when you come to the town. It should be enough for more than [-] of you. Although you won’t be able to become rich in the future, you shouldn’t have to worry about food and clothing.”

Wu Di's words made the hundred-year-old man's eyes more and more joyful. Just as he finished speaking, the old man knelt down on the ground with a plop and kowtowed to Wu Di one after another.

"Young man! I kowtow to you."

In the next second, more and more people knelt down. In the past ten seconds or so, tens of thousands of people knelt down and kowtowed to Wu Di incessantly.

Wu Di's sword eyebrows immediately frowned into Sichuan characters. He didn't like to kneel down and thank him.

Of course, if it was an enemy, Wu Di would not be merciful and would definitely kill him under the sword, even if the opponent knelt down and kowtowed until his head was bleeding.

"Okay! Don't kowtow, hurry up and pack up, and run for your life along this road."

Wu Di didn't intend to say anything more, but the behavior of tens of thousands of people bowing and kowtowing really made him a little unbearable.Right now, let the people get up and flee this place quickly, and he should also rush back.

After all, there will be a few days of delay on the way back, and the time limit for treating Mo Yu is getting closer.

Looking at the tens of thousands of people who were running away like crazy before, they stood up now, but they were a little reluctant to part with Wu Di.

Regarding this, Wu Di really couldn't laugh or cry, and after giving Ji Tianxia's order, he walked slowly to the foot of the mountain, with his back to the people and no intention of speaking anymore.

The common people are not stupid, how could they not see what Wu Di meant?
But they were still grateful for Wu Di's life-saving grace. Every time they walked behind Wu Di, one person counted as the other, and they all bowed deeply to Wu Di before leading the horse away.

Half an hour later, after tens of thousands of people had left, Wu Di turned to look at the departing team, and let out another bitter sigh from his mouth.

This sigh contained too many emotions of Wu Di.

I sympathize with the sufferings of tens of thousands of people, and lament in this world where the strong are respected, those who suffer... will always be these people.

Looking up at the crescent moon in the night sky, Wu Di sighed again.

"If there is a force that can unify hundreds of millions of martial arts practitioners in the Eastern Region, then the martial arts practitioners will concentrate on cultivating martial arts, not bullying the people, and not doing things that are against the law, and the world will be peaceful."

Dreams are always beautiful.

But after Wu Di said that, he withdrew his eyes and showed a helpless wry smile on his face.

Maybe he didn't think it was realistic.After all, even Holy Spirit Mountain, recognized as the strongest force, failed to unify the Eastern Region of Middle-earth.

(End of this chapter)

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