Chapter 244

Stepping down with two feet, nearly seven hundred martial kings died.This strength was never seen by the disciples of the Bliss Sect guarding the mausoleum.

Similarly, they were also curious about who this person came, because Wu Di used his speed to the extreme, so fast as lightning that it was impossible to capture his appearance with naked eyes.

In addition, Wu Di didn't stay in place after stepping on the second foot, and rushed out of the [-] meters in an instant, and stepped on the third foot again.

With this step, more than [-] disciples of the Bliss School were wiped out.

In just ten seconds or so, Wu Di stepped on three feet, killing nearly a thousand people with three feet.

Looking at the mausoleum now, the arched bridge has collapsed, and the flat pavement paved with bluestones is even more cracked. The blood flowing from the dead body seeped into the ground along the dense cracks. The ground was stained dark red.

Xing Kai, who fell on the square and coughed up blood, gritted his teeth and pointed his knife to stand up, looking forward through the gap between the crowd.

What catches the eye is a red shadow.Although he couldn't see the face of the visitor clearly, he smiled.

"Good boy, before you were sitting on the steps of the mausoleum, I mistakenly thought that the Bliss faction had received the news and sent a hundred strong men."

Xing Kai laughed out loud, and his heart dropped to the ground.

In Xing Kai's impression, only Wu Di knew such terrifying moves.Moreover, Xing Kai still remembers that Wu Di used this move in Wangtugu a few months ago, and instantly severely injured 51 martial kings with eight stars or above in Wangtugu.

Shocked, not only Xing Kai.The more than 200 Bliss Sect disciples who were still alive at this moment were all stunned in place.

Looking at their faces, they were all so pale with fright at the horrible scene in front of them.In my mind, there was a buzzing and roaring, and there was no thought.

"In just ten seconds or so, nearly a thousand Martial Kings were killed. My God! Is this still the strength of a human being?"

"Who the hell is he? To possess such terrifying strength, could it be said that he is... Martial Emperor?"


The remaining thousand disciples of the Bliss School panicked. When Wu Di rushed forward, they quickly fled to both sides.

However, compared with Wu Di's speed, it is not an exaggeration to compare those thousand people to snails.

Wu Di rushed another [-] meters in an instant, and used the ground splitting formula for the fourth time.

The bluestone shattered, and the sound of wailing shook the night sky. More than [-] people out of a thousand people spurted blood, fell to the ground and twitched non-stop, and it took a few seconds for them to lose their breath.

"You...are you a human or a ghost?"

"We are disciples of the Bliss School, and here is the Bliss Mausoleum, where the head of Ji Xinghe will be buried in a precious place. have grown a few heads, dare to make a mistake in the Bliss Mausoleum."


The more than 600 Bliss Sect disciples who were still alive were going crazy, but dozens of them suppressed the fear in their hearts and shouted at Wu Di by pulling their necks.

The intention is nothing more than to use the prestige of the Bliss School and Ji Xinghe to scare Wu Di away.

With this loud shout, Hong Ying's body paused, and she stopped rushing into the crowd.

"He stopped. Has the threat worked?" A five-star martial king swallowed and murmured in shock.

"Hmph! It seems that he is still afraid of Head Ji. Huh? No, he...he's not that..."

"Wu Que? Wasn't that Wu Que who led tens of thousands of brothers and took the people to dig new soil some time ago? did he come back? Why did he torture and kill us in the mausoleum again? He... Is he crazy?"


Wu Di stopped in his tracks, and the rest of the Bliss Sect disciples also saw his face clearly.

It's good that they didn't see clearly, but because they recognized Wu Di, the more than 600 disciples of the Bliss School froze in place.

They really don't understand how this young man who was appointed by the head to build the did he kill them?
"You people are really ignorant of current affairs. Wu Mo dared to kill you in Bliss Mausoleum, yet you dare to mention Ji Xinghe." Wu Di glanced at the remaining [-] people, and smiled sneeringly , With a bang, he drew out the Fire Phoenix Sword, and then said: "I wanted to make your death easier, but you mentioned Ji Xinghe, and I will make your death uncomfortable."

The voice was still echoing in the night sky, but Wu Di had already disappeared in place.

The next second, the wailing sounded again, and Wu Di, who had turned into a red glow, walked left and right in the mausoleum. Every time he passed by a person, that person would fall to the ground with dozens of wounds on his body. What was fatal was the sword mark on his neck.

The killing was still going on, Xing Kai who was injured didn't know why, he inserted the sword into the bluestone ground and sat down slowly, smiling and watching Wu Di torture the remaining 600 disciples.

"Hey! This kid Wu Di is really a dragon among men, a peerless proud son of heaven. It's only been a few months? His strength is so strong." Xing Kai's gaze followed Hong Ying, As disciples of the Bliss School collapsed and died miserably, Xing Kai's eyes showed a bit of admiration.

If it was ruthless killing before, it is cruel torture and slaughter now.

Lines of blood splattered everywhere, and corpses fell to the ground.

Under the frantic cessation, the tyranny value is also skyrocketing.When the last [-] Bliss Sect disciples died tragically, Wu Di waved the blood on his sword, looked towards Xing Kai for a few seconds, and walked over step by step.

Xing Kai got up and stood there waiting for Wu Di.

The two approached, looked at each other with a smile and gave each other a bear hug.

"Okay! You brat is amazing." Xing Kai habitually raised his right hand, clenched his fist and punched Wu Di on the chest: "En! His body is much stronger than when he was in Wangtu."

"Thanks to Big Brother!"

Wu Di clasped his fists and said with a smile, then shifted his gaze to the wound on Xing Kai's right waist, put his right hand into his pocket, and after a few seconds, he took out a elixir and handed it over.

"Brother Xing! You still have injuries on your body, so take this pill first."

Xing Kai took the elixir, looked at the white pill no bigger than a fingernail in his palm, but did not doubt its efficacy in his heart.

Back then, Xing Kai also took the elixir presented by Wu Di, and he was extremely amazed by the efficacy of the medicine.

After taking the elixir, Xing Kai sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and secretly mobilized his vitality, combining the effects of the elixir to restore his physical injuries.

Seeing that Xing Kai was healed with luck, Wu Di would not open his eyes for a while, so he put the Fire Phoenix Sword beside Xing Kai, and disappeared in place in a flash.

Half an hour passed, and Wu Di didn't know where he went. He came back with two dead hares on his shoulders and a big wine jar in each hand.

It just so happened that at this time, Xing Kai also opened his eyes, and was stunned when he saw Wu Di.

"Wu Di, are you...?"

"I promised you in Wangtu before that I will invite you to drink next time we meet. Although there are no big fish and meat, I caught two hares in the back mountain. Tonight, we will have meat in Ji Xinghe's tomb."

 No way, I have to be busy with the work in the store during the day, and I can only code after dinner after closing the business.As for the reduction of updates before it goes on the shelves, the commoner is wronged.At the beginning of the month, it was said that at least 12 words should be updated, and as of today, 13 words have been updated.Including tomorrow's two updates, this month's update should exceed [-].It's not easy, I'm not busy with shop work during the day, how can a family make a living?Comparing your heart to your heart, what Commoner can do is to keep two chapters updated every day, and a few more chapters if there is enough time, please be considerate of each other.

(End of this chapter)

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