Invincible martial arts supreme

Chapter 257 The Last Form

Chapter 257 The Last Form

The power of this kick made Wu Di's eyes widen in shock.

More than 15 people died, so don't think about it carefully, even if each person gave Wu Di [-] points of tyranny, this step will increase at least [-] points of tyranny.

However, although more than [-] people were killed at one time, the vitality consumed by this kick was also huge, and the vitality in Wu Di's dantian was instantly emptied.

"I have already stepped on four feet before, and consumed most of my vitality. Calculated in this way, the Martial Emperor's two-star cultivation base can only perform the upgraded Earth Cracking Art twice."

Wu Di murmured in his heart, opened the system store again, and selected the column of cultivation.

"Ding! The system detects that the host's tyranny value is 78 points. To raise the cultivation base to the Martial Emperor's three stars, 32 tyranny points are needed. Is the host upgraded?"


A large amount of vitality was vented from the system store, and poured into Wu Di's body rapidly.

But at this time, Ji Xinghe rushed forward, only 50 meters away from Wu Di.

"As the cultivation level improves, more and more vitality is pouring out of the system, and it takes a minute for all of it to pour into the body. It's okay if it's normal, but right now..."

Facing the murderous Ji Xinghe rushing towards him, Wu Di knew that what he lacked was time.

There was no other way, now Wu Di had no choice but to wait for a large amount of vitality to pour into his body, and at the same time mobilize the little vitality in his dantian, and temporarily use the ghost shadow body technique to distance himself from Ji Xinghe.

Fortunately, as his cultivation base increased by one star, Wu Di's speed was also faster than before, but he was able to barely keep a certain distance from Ji Xinghe.

"Damn it! Why is he so much faster than before?"

Ji Xinghe soon discovered this problem, but what made Ji Xinghe even more puzzled was that Wu Di had used earth-level martial arts many times, and it stands to reason that he should have lost his vitality a long time ago, so how could he persist now?

The two chased and fled, walking wantonly in the square of Bliss School.

Looking at Xing Kai and hundreds of puppets on the long road, they even ravaged and killed the disciples of the Bliss School.The number of disciples who died at their hands during this period has already exceeded ten thousand.

Doing the math, since Wu Di, Xing Kai and others entered the Bliss School, nearly 3 people have died in the Bliss School.

At this time, if one stood above the Bliss School and looked down, one would find dead bodies piled up on the bluestone road from the mountain gate to the square.The fresh blood flowing out of their bodies flowed into the lotus pond under the arched bridge, dyeing the water of the lotus pond bright red long ago.

Xing Kai was not injured, he was guarded by two puppets of the ten-star Great Martial King, and the number of Bliss Sect disciples who died under his sword reached more than [-].

However, Xing Kai also took three pills before and after, these three pills were given to him by Wu Di, and now there are two pills in his arms.

But he was able to kill more than [-] disciples of the Bliss School, even if Xing Kai died, he had no regrets at this time, but he was a little worried about Wu Di.

It can be said that this night, Xing Kai really saw Wu Di's strength.Its degree of strength far surpassed too much when he was in Wangtu.

"Before Wu Di just arrived at Wang Tugu, Hong Yumei who chased and killed Wu Di was only a six-star martial king, but she could easily kill Wu Di. But now let alone a six-star martial king, even a thousand six-star great martial kings are hard to destroy. Kill Wu Di."

Sometimes, Xing Kai was jealous of Wu Dixiu's rapid promotion.Similarly, Xing Kai was also curious about how Wu Di raised his cultivation level from Wuwang to Wuhuang in just a few months.

Of course, the Eastern Region of Middle-earth is vast and boundless, and among the hundreds of millions of martial arts practitioners, there are also very few outliers.

This kind of people are naturally suitable for martial arts, whether it is understanding or root, it is far from what ordinary martial arts can match.But Xing Kai has never heard of anyone who can be promoted from Wuwang to Wuhuang in just a few months.

"It's really powerful and makes people jealous! But I don't know if Wu Di can kill Ji Xinghe. I guess it should be possible?"

Xing Kai waved the blood on the knife, although he still looked calm when he saw Wu Di fleeing, Xing Kai still sweated for him.

Not because of anything else, Xing Kai saw Ji Xinghe standing 30 meters in front of Wu Di and wielding a saber. With the aura of the saber, he was able to cut off a high-grade royal sword. This strength is too strong.

But at this moment, Wu Di's dantian seemed to be filled with vitality, and a bit of confidence appeared on his calm face.

Ji Xinghe was still chasing very closely. When he and Wu Di pulled into a distance of 30 meters, Wu Di glanced at the surrounding Bliss disciples, and with a wicked smile, he quickly raised his right foot and stepped down hard. .

The ground exploded again, and more than 200 people spurted blood to death again.

Ji Xinghe was always on guard against Wu Di, so when Wu Di raised his foot, he jumped into the air.Ji Xinghe fell to the ground only after the dark force of the local cracking formula dissipated.

Although Ji Xinghe was not hurt, Wu Di was not upset either.He opened the system store again and selected the martial arts column.

"Ding! The system detects that the martial art that the host can upgrade is 'Three Swords of Fury'. Has the host improved?"


Wanting to kill Ji Xinghe and bloodbath 15 disciples of the Bliss School tonight, Wu Di felt that only by improving the quality of martial arts can he have a chance.

Therefore, Wu Di thought of the Three Swords of Fury again.

In the three formulas of the angry sword, he still has the last move that he has not learned, and he is also full of curiosity about the last move.

"Ding! Currently, the 'Three Art of Fury Sword' is a top-rank Mystic-rank, and it needs to consume [-] tyranny points to upgrade to a top-rank Earth-rank. Is the host going to be upgraded?"


"Ding! Currently, the 'Three Art of Anger Sword' is the top grade of the ground level. The host comprehends the sword control style and can control the trajectory of a sword. It needs to consume [-] tyranny points to upgrade the sword control style to the primary level. Is the host upgraded?"

Wu Di was obviously taken aback, he didn't quite understand the specific meaning of this sword control style.If you want to control the trajectory of a sword with your hands, then this style is too tasteless.

In addition, Wu Di didn't quite understand, obviously, the Three Swords of Fury had already reached their peak, so why was there another junior?
Although he couldn't figure it out, Wu Di didn't feel sorry for the [-] points of tyranny, so he chose to upgrade the sword control style to the primary level.

"Ding! The host has successfully upgraded the sword control style. The current sword control style is elementary and can control ten swords. It takes 30 tyranny points to upgrade the sword control style to the intermediate level. Is the host upgraded?"

"Grandma! I'll just see how powerful the Three Swords of Fury can be. Upgrade!"

"Ding! The host has successfully upgraded the sword control style. The current sword control style is Zhongji, and the host can control a hundred swords. The system detects that the host's tyranny value is insufficient, so it cannot be upgraded to advanced level."

"Hundred swords?" Wu Di just rushed out a hundred meters, and immediately froze in place: "Can you control the trajectory of a hundred swords?"

With doubts in his heart, Wu Di turned around and glanced around, and then silently recited the sword-control formula in his heart, and suddenly felt that one-third of the vitality in his dantian had been emptied.

This one-third of the vitality escaped from the body, and even a hundred sources of vitality were diverted. As Wu Di's hands floated up, a hundred long swords on the surrounding ground all trembled, and then quickly lifted into the air amidst the tremors.

Looking up at this moment, the tip of Baijian rushed down, and under the illumination of the moonlight, the tip of the sword exuded a sharp cold light.

Ji Xinghe stopped abruptly, looking at the Baijian covering him above his head, his scalp felt numb for a while.

"Monster, it's pure monster. My God! He... how many earth-level martial arts does he know?"

(End of this chapter)

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