Chapter 270 Changes of the Four Sects
Wu Di raised Li Mengyao's cultivation level to one star Wuwang. Among the three major sects, Li Mengyao's cultivation base is not outstanding, but among the four major sects of Qinglan Kingdom, he is already considered a strong one.

"When you were in a coma, I improved your cultivation. Mengyao, warriors and martial masters are at the stage of condensing energy and quenching the body, and the martial king is the beginning of the way of martial arts. After the martial king is the great martial king, and after the great martial king is the martial emperor , so you still have a long way to go in the future, you must guard against arrogance and impetuosity and proceed step by step, and you must not be impatient."

With Wu Di's current cultivation base, Li Mengyao's cultivation base can still be raised to four stars, but Wu Di didn't do that. After all, raising four stars is his limit. Although it won't hurt Li Mengyao's body too much, but Wu Di didn't want Li Mengyao to have any problems with her body.

"Brother Wu Di, don't worry. Seeing that you are healthy and your cultivation level is still so high, Mengyao's heart is relieved. From now on, she will definitely not be eager to attack again."

Li Mengyao knew what Wu Di was referring to, and Gongsun Yunyun had also told her about it. After all, she had raised her cultivation level to the level of a martial artist in a few months, and her temperament was extremely prone to deviations.

"Hmm! This is the best..."

As soon as Wu Di's words came out of his mouth, there was an exclamation from under the tree in the distance.

Gongsun Yunyun opened the package, covered her mouth after an exclamation, and stared at Ji Xinghe's head in disbelief.

"What are you yelling for? You're still a Great Martial King, it's really embarrassing."

Wu Di turned around and glared at Gongsun Yunyun, but Gongsun Yunyun was not angry, and turned her head sideways to Wu Di with a smirk.

"Wu Di, you are amazing."

After Gongsun Yunyun fastened the package, the astonishment on her face disappeared, and she jumped up to Wu Di, bowed her body and bowed again.

"Wu Di! You helped me kill Ji Xinghe. You will be my Gongsun Yunyun's benefactor for the rest of your life. You will never refuse."

"Being like a horse?" Wu Di was startled for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile: "Let's forget it! When I'm not in Qinglan Country, you can help me take care of my sister Mengyao, even if you are the best friend to me." Repaid."

Wu Dike never thought about asking Gongsun Yunyun to repay him, and Wu Di never thought about the matter of following the horse's lead and acting like a cow.

For Wu Di's refusal to report, Gongsun Yunyun was still a little surprised.Similarly, Gongsun Yunyun's eyes dimmed for a few seconds, perhaps because of some loss in her heart.

However, this loss was still deeply hidden in Gongsun Yunyun's heart, even Wu Di didn't notice it, let alone Li Mengyao.

"The head of the Bliss Sect was killed by Brother Wu Di, so Sister Yunyun won't have to marry, that's great!"

At this time, the joy on Li Mengyao's face was not less than that of Gongsun Yunyun. It could be seen that she was also happy for Gongsun Yunyun.

"Sister Yunyun, what are your plans for the future? Are you going back to the Wanhua School?"

"Ah? This matter..." Gongsun Yunyun frowned slightly, her eyes blinked slightly as if she was thinking about something, then she looked at Wu Diyan and said, "Are you not going back to Qinglan Kingdom for the time being?"

Gongsun Yunyun asked something inexplicable, Wu Di gave a light snort, and said, "There are still some things I need to do right now, and Qinglan Country can't go back for the time being."

"Well! It's fine if you don't go back."

"What do you mean?" Wu Di asked with a serious expression, frowning slightly.

Gongsun Yunyun glanced at Li Mengyao, and the moment their eyes met, their respective expressions changed, and a sigh came from their mouths.

"Brother Wu Di! During the time you left Qinglan Country, something... happened in Qinglan Country." Li Mengyao sighed softly, observed Wu Di's expression, and whispered.

In an instant, Wu Di's brows became more and more wrinkled, and his complexion became more and more gloomy. At the same time, he felt uneasy in his heart.

"What happened?"

Maybe it was frightened by Wu Di's expression, or maybe Li Mengyao didn't know what to say, she moved her body, touched Gongsun Yunyun secretly, and motioned for her to tell Wu Di.

Gongsun Yunyun glanced at Li Mengyao, sighed and looked at Wu Di; "I shouldn't hide this matter from you. In the second month after you were rescued by a man in black in the meteorite crater, Qinglan Country's The four suzerains made a decision."

"What decision?"

Wu Di had a serious face, and after asking with a frown, Gongsun Yunyun was silent for a few seconds, then hesitatingly opened his mouth.

"They... disbanded their sects!"

A word, like a thunderbolt, exploded in Wu Di's mind instantly.

"The four major sects...disbanded...!" Wu Di walked back and forth a few steps with his hands behind his back, and after muttering softly, a cold snort came out of his nose: "Are you afraid that I will destroy their sects? Interesting. "

"It should be. After all, you killed the disciples of the four sects in the crater back then, and even the masters of the four sects were almost wiped out by you." Gongsun Yunyun nodded, agreeing with Wu Di's conjecture, and then Said: "After the four major sects of Qinglan Kingdom were disbanded, they merged into a new force."


"They built a new sect around Kunyuan City. It's called 'Purple Poison Cold Sky'. Ten thousand people patrol outside the city every day, and the people are not allowed to leave the city." Gongsun Yunyun smiled wryly, and said : "Mengyao and I can come out, one is that they want me to leave Kunyuan City, as for sister Mengyao, it is because they are scruples about the Bliss faction, so they dare not stop me."

The words caught my ears, and I saw Wu Di clenched his teeth instantly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and a terrible murderous aura emanated from his whole body.

"Are they just besieging the city?"

"Well! Thankfully, they only forbid the people to go out, but they didn't kill anyone in the city." Gongsun Yunyun continued.

These words made Wu Di's complexion slightly better, but the fierce coldness in his eyes did not diminish at all.

"Where is my adoptive father, Li Xiuyuan? How is he doing?"

Wu Di was concerned about the people in the city, and he was also worried about the safety of the city lord Li Xiuyuan.

You know, the merger of the four cases into one case was obviously aimed at him.And Li Xiuyuan is his adoptive father, so he has naturally been implicated.

"Hey! How should I put it? Now there are three thousand Martial Kings guarding the City Lord's Mansion. Even a fly would have difficulty flying in, so City Lord Li is very safe."

Gongsun Yunyun's words were a bit interesting. Another way of saying it was to say that City Lord Li had already been placed under house arrest.

Li Xiuyuan was not in danger of his life, but Wu Di was slightly relieved.

But Wu Di's complexion was still very ugly, with a sullen face and brows tightly locked, he walked back and forth for a few minutes with his hands behind his back.

"Gongsun Yunyun, I can't go back to Qinglan country for the time being, would you like to do me a favor?"

Gongsun Yunyun nodded: "Say it!"

(End of this chapter)

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