Chapter 277
Wu Di didn't know how to answer Mo Yu. It was impossible for him to tell Mo Yu that there was a system in his body that could be exchanged for priceless pills.

And in Mo Yu's perception, only a great Martial Saint or Martial Venerable with a high level of cultivation could save him, and Wu Di didn't know how to refute it.

Because, Mo Yu's cognition is also correct, the Great Martial Saint and Martial Venerable can indeed force the toxins in his body out of his body by virtue of their strong vitality.

In the end, Wu Di had no choice but to stop talking and just nodded.

Mo Yu gasped, looked at Wu Di with a complicated expression for a long time, and finally nodded with a smile on his face: "It seems that Mr. Bu has not misjudged the person. He has indeed taken in a great apprentice."

Mo Yu didn't doubt the truth of Wu Di's words. He believed in Bu Lao's vision, and also believed that a person who would rather protect thousands of people in the city and put his own life at risk would never use such a thing to add honor to himself.

"Wu Di! I have always been curious about one thing. What is your cultivation level? I rescued you in the crater before, and you are still a six-star martial arts king. Why can't I see through your cultivation level now?"

"I'm afraid if you tell me about this, Senior Mo, you will be shocked again."

Wu Di glanced at Mo Yu with a smile, turned over the two wolf legs above the fire, and said again: "When you rescued me in the sky crater, I was indeed a six-star great martial king. As for now! I have become Four stars... Martial Emperor."


Mo Yu's eyes widened immediately, and he stared at Wu Di incredulously. Finally, he couldn't believe it, so he shook his head: "Wu Di! Don't make fun of me."

"Hahaha! I knew that once I said this, Senior Mo, you wouldn't believe it. However, I did not lie to you. You have been in a coma for more than 40 days, and I will take advantage of this time to improve my cultivation base To the four-star Martial Emperor."

"More than 40 days? Promoted from the six-star Martial King to the four-star Martial Emperor? Wu Di! Do you know how long it took me to upgrade from the six-star Martial King to the four-star Martial Emperor?"

It's not that Mo Yu doesn't believe in Wu Di, it's just that he can't believe it.In Mo Yu's impression, even in the Holy Spirit Mountain and Wangyou Valley in the Eastern Region of Middle-earth, there are often rumors that there is a proud son of heaven who has improved his cultivation by leaps and bounds after retreating.

But Mo Yuke had never heard of any one of the proud sons of heaven who could raise his cultivation base from a six-star Great Martial King to a four-star Martial Emperor within more than 40 days.

"Senior Mo is extremely intelligent, so it must... not be long, right?" Wu Di said with a smile while roasting the wolf's leg.


Mo Yu glared at Wu Di, and said again: "It took me 30 years."

"Don't make trouble! How can it take so long?"

Wu Di knew in his heart that he was different from other martial artists, he only needed to accumulate tyranny points.And other people need to inhale the vitality between the heaven and the earth into their bodies, and it is only natural that they accumulate a little bit, and the speed of improving their cultivation base is slow.

However, Wu Di really did not expect that Mo Yu's cultivation speed would be so slow.

"You really don't believe it. In the first ten years, I raised my cultivation base to one star of Wuhuang. In the next 20 years, I upgraded from one star of Wuhuang to four stars. From two stars of Wuhuang to the current level of six stars of Wuhuang Because, it took me 20 years."

"That's really slow!" Wu Di laughed.

"Fart! I'm already very fast. Of course, compared with the proud sons of the Holy Spirit Mountain and Wangyou Valley, the speed of my cultivation base improvement is indeed a bit slow. But, I'm sure that the billionaires in the Eastern Region of Middle-earth Wan Wuxiu, no one has ever raised his cultivation to a four-star Martial Emperor in more than 40 days."

Mo Yu still didn't agree with Wu Di's words, and felt that this kid might have been stimulated by something, and began to suspect that what Wu Di said before was the toxins in his two bodies that were dissolved.

Looking at Wu Di again, after a faint smile, without much explanation, he roasted the wolf's legs for a while, and suddenly seemed to think of something, grabbed the package and handed it to Mo Yu.

"Senior Mo, let's not talk about cultivation. Take a look at what's in the package, it's a gift from this junior."


Mo Yu froze for a moment, felt the weight of the package, then frowned, with doubts in his eyes, and slowly opened the package.

The moment the package was opened, Mo Yu's eyes widened like copper bells, his face was shocked, and there was a roar in his mind, and he didn't have a single thought in an instant.

"This...isn't this Ji Xinghe, the head of the Bliss School? Who...who cut off his head?"

Mo Yu waited for seven or eight minutes before looking up at Wu Di and asking in astonishment.

But these words immediately made Wu Di fall into embarrassment.

Wu Di wanted to say that it was he who went to the Bliss Sect to break the killing ring, killed [-] Bliss Sect disciples, and also beheaded Ji Xinghe.But in this way, Mo Yu felt that he was talking crazy.

"Senior Mo, Ji Xinghe cut off your right arm, so I brought his head up to see you. Does this gift make you feel very happy?" Wu Di glanced at Mo Yu and asked with a smile .

"Haha! Of course I'm happy. It's just that I have a little regret in my heart, that is, I couldn't kill Ji Xinghe with my own hands."

Mo Yu remembered the revenge of the broken arm. Although he failed to kill Ji Xinghe himself, but the decapitation of the enemy's family was different, and the head was right in front of him, Mo Yu was still happy from the bottom of his heart.

"Wu Di! Quickly tell me who killed Ji Xinghe. If I meet him in the future, I'll beat him up."

"It's fine to be grateful, because that person doesn't need your gratitude." Wu Di withdrew his hand as he said, smelled a tender wolf leg, then handed it to Mo Yu, and said again: "Senior Mo, no matter who forced it out The toxin in him, and who cut off Ji Xinghe's head, these things are not as important as saving Boss Bu next."

"Well! That's right."

Mo Yu nodded, took the roasted wolf leg, took a bite and chewed twice, and after swallowing, he said, "I really didn't expect that Mr. Bu could escape from death. This is a happy event." ah."

"That's right! But this junior has exhausted his brains and can't think of how to save Lao Bu. I wonder if you have a good way, senior?"

"A solution...!" Mo Yu rolled his eyes, thought for a long time, and then said again: "Wu Di! With your and my strength, I want to rescue Bu Lao from the black water prison in the ancient treasure hall Well, it can be said that there is no hope at all.”

Mo Yu was silent for a while, and before Wu Di could speak, he continued: "So, we can only gather more martial arts practitioners and let them help us go to the Black Water Prison. In this way, there is hope for success. "

"Where do we gather people? The Ancient Treasure Hall is not a small sect, who would be willing to help us?"

"This...hey! Let a dead horse be a living horse doctor. Fortunately, Bu Lao had a lot of old friends back then. Although Bu Lao didn't contact them after he was in trouble, maybe they would be willing to help if he could fight for it."

(End of this chapter)

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