Chapter 287
In Sima Tianshuo's eyes, it would be easy for any of the three chasing him to kill him.Especially that middle-aged man, as long as the other party is willing, he can easily kill him with one finger.

However, the young man whom he considered to be a mortal boy before killed the Seven Star Martial King in just a split second.This powerful strength is beyond Sima Tianshuo's imagination.

"Young hero!" Sima Tianshuo hurriedly strode behind Wu Di after being astonished, knelt down on the ground with a plop, and kept kowtowing to Wu Di: "Young hero! I blamed you before. Please. You, go and save my father and elder brother."

Wu Di turned around slowly, looked at Sima Tianshuo and frowned slightly, without saying a word.

Seeing that Wu Di was silent, Sima Tianshuo kowtowed a few more times, but Wu Di still didn't speak.

"Young man! For the sake of my father letting you ride in the car, you... hurry up and save them."

Sima Ru saw that the second elder brother would not beg Wu Di, and guessed that Wu Di would not want to intervene in this matter, so he trotted to Sima Tianshuo's side, lifted his skirt three inches and wanted to kneel down.

But before Sima Ru knelt on the ground, Wu Di waved his right hand, and a gentle force directly lifted Sima Ru up.

"I traveled a hundred miles in your carriage. Now I have surrendered two people and killed one, and saved the lives of the three of you. I have repaid your favor. Wu will not interfere in the next thing."

Man's fate is predestined to follow the path of cause and effect.He originally intended to go to Longyun City in a carriage, and it was enough to protect the Sima family and other hundred people along the way.But people didn't trust him at all, and mistakenly thought that he was going to rob the money, so they coaxed him away.Now that they are in a catastrophe and want him to save them, what does this family think of him?

Say it!Wu Di turned around and left, Sima Tianshuo and Sima Ru panicked.But before Wu Di could take a few steps, there was another begging from behind.

"Young man! I can see that you are angry. But you can still save us three, which shows that your heart is still kind. Young man! To be honest, the ancestors of the Sima family have been running escort agencies for generations. But I have never done anything harmful to nature. I beg you, go save my old man and Tian Ze, and I kowtow to you too."

The old woman in the carriage got out of the carriage, knelt beside the carriage and kept kowtowing to Wu Di.

Wu Di's footsteps stopped abruptly, and when he turned around, he saw the old woman was still kowtowing, and in a flash, he came to the old woman's side, sighed and stretched out his hand to help the woman up.

"Don't kowtow, I can't stand it."

"Young man! Did you agree?" the old woman looked at Wu Di eagerly and asked.

Wu Di sighed again, nodded, and said, "I'll go over and see. If the father and son are not dead, I will help you save them. If they are dead, you...don't blame me."

"Okay, okay! Tianshuo, hurry up and lead the young hero's horse."

"Riding a horse? It's too late to ride a horse."

As soon as Wu Di's words came out of his mouth, a white shadow rushed a hundred meters away in an instant.

When the three of them blinked blankly, in less than a second, Bai Ying was already 500 meters away.At the moment when the two people holding the sword fell to the ground and died, Wu Di also disappeared from the sight of the three.

"Isn't this speed too fast? What level of cultivation is he...?"

It was the first time Sima Tianshuo had seen Wu Xiu with such a speed, same!Sima Tianshuo also became extremely curious about Wu Di's cultivation.

Sima Ru didn't say anything, and looked at the direction where Wu Di was leaving for a few seconds, she no longer cried, and there was a reassuring smile on her face.

Perhaps, Sima Ru felt that as long as his father and eldest brother Tianze survived, Wu Di would definitely be able to rescue them.

"Ru'er, mother! You two get in the car, let's go back and have a look."

Sima Ru and the old woman nodded, and were supported by Sima Tianshuo into the carriage. Sima Tianshuo sat outside the carriage and tugged at the reins. The white horse turned half a circle around the carriage, and Gululu rushed after it. .

At this time, Wu Di had already arrived ten miles away.

He really didn't want to get involved in this matter. The previous displeasure accounted for a small part, and the more reason was that Sima Qi and Sima Tianze were both martial artists, not common people with mortal bodies.

Since he is Wu Xiu, Wu Di has no obligation to save Sima and his son.If it's strange, you can only blame Sima and his son for not being good at martial arts.

But Wu Di really hated seeing the old woman kneel and kowtow, if she insisted on ignoring the matter, Wu Di would feel that she was committing a crime.

Running on the mountain road at this moment, Wu Di has already used his speed to the extreme. It is no exaggeration to say that although he is not as fast as the lightning, he is still faster than the sharp arrow shot.

Ten miles, twenty miles, thirty miles.

It took Wu Di a quarter of an hour to gallop for thirty miles.

After reaching thirty li, dead bodies can be seen sporadically on the mountain road.

Wu Di recognized that the people who died on the road were all Sima Qi's subordinates.

Stopping on the dead body road, Wu Di sighed, then swayed, and continued to gallop forward.

But at this moment, five or six miles away from Wu Dineng, there were 500 people holding swords in their hands.

These 500 people's cultivation base is not high, but each one is a martial artist.The weakest one is also a two-star martial artist.

More than 130 people formed a circle, and there were [-] people kneeling in the middle. They were Sima Qi's subordinates.

In front of the 130 seven people, the old and the young were bleeding from the corners of their mouths, their faces were pale and they lay motionless in a pool of blood.

But fortunately, the old and the young are still angry, but they were severely injured by someone.

Ten meters away from Sima Qi and Sima Tianze, there were seven people standing side by side.

The cultivation base of these seven people is not low, four of them are two-star great martial kings, two are six-star great martial kings, and the last red-faced man is actually a nine-star great martial king.

"Brother! The eighth, ninth, and tenth have been chasing after them for a long time. It stands to reason that they should have caught the three of them a long time ago. Why haven't they come back now? Could there be an accident?"

Among the seven people, a man about forty years old turned around with a sword, looked at the red-faced man and asked with a frown.

But the red-faced man hadn't spoken yet, a bald man in gray sneered a few times among the seven, raised his eyebrows at the man holding the sword, and said with a smile: "Second brother! What could happen? You also know that Lao Ba is on our Qiuhua Mountain, who doesn't know that he is very lustful. He hasn't come back at this time, so he must have dealt with that little lady on the way."


The voice of the bald man in gray hadn't dissipated before Sima Tianze, who fell to the ground and vomited blood, cursed angrily.

"Things who don't know how to live or die, dare to accept what I say? I will beat you to death."

It's good that Sima Tianze didn't speak, the curse words were still echoing in the air, the gray-clothed bald man widened his eyes, strode up to Sima Tianze, squatted down and slapped Sima Tianze twice.

(End of this chapter)

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