Chapter 292 Thoughts
Wu Di didn't even take a stroll in the city. After preparing enough water and dry food, he led the horse and left.

He came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

But the news that he took Sima's family to Longyun City spread all over the streets.Even two-thirds of the martial arts in the city heard about one thing almost on this day, that is, a small family lived in the west of the city.

No one dared to grab the attention of this small family, such as Wu Wang, and Da Wu Wang.

Because, more than 30 great Wu kings who wanted to rob this small family in advance were all beheaded.It was tied to a rope and dragged from fifty miles away to the city.

After Wu Di left, Sima Tianshuo left the inn with everyone. More than 130 people were busy all afternoon, and simply furnished the house they bought.

As for the matter of opening escorts again in the city, Sima Tianshuo was not in a hurry either.Besides, this is not something that can be resolved in a hurry. After Sima Qi and Sima Tianze wake up, the three of them will have to discuss in detail the selection of the site, the recruitment of talents, and so on.

Regarding the fact that Wu Di left in such a hurry, the Sima family sighed bitterly.

Especially Sima Ru, who was depressed all afternoon.Even though she was always by her mother's side, she seemed to have lost her soul, and would just sit aside in a daze from time to time.

The old woman is someone who has experienced it, how can she not see what her daughter Sima Ru is thinking?But what can she say?He could only persuade Sima Ru earnestly that she and Wu Di were not the same.

That night, Sima Ru didn't sleep all night.

After tossing and turning and thinking about it, Sima Ru also figured it out.What her mother said was right, she and Wu Dizhen were two people.Not to mention that she is not a martial artist, even if she is, Sima Ru thinks it is difficult to get into Wu Di's heart.

Because Sima Ru found that even if Wu Di laughed with her, she was not in his eyes.

Since this is the case, Sima Ru felt that it would be better to bury this memory deeply in his heart.Years or decades later, when I think back, there was a young man similar to her age who made her fall in love and saved their Sima clan.

Wu Di didn't know what was going on in Sima Ru's heart.

If Wu Di knew that Sima Ru's attitude had changed overnight, he would also praise this girl for her simple life.

Because some people see too clearly and some things are too complicated, they tend to develop in the opposite direction.Even if you get it in the end, it may not be what you wanted at first.

After leaving Longyun City, Wu Di hurried on the road non-stop for half a month. No. 16 was approaching evening, with strong winds and thunderstorms.

Wu Di's luck was not bad. After riding for more than ten miles, he found a ruined temple.

This dilapidated temple must have been abandoned for some years. The walls, altars, and Buddha statues in the temple were covered with dust. Perhaps the temple had been looted in the early years, and the inside of the temple was even more messy.

In this desolate place, with no village in front and no shops behind, Wu Di mumbled how lucky he was to find a dilapidated temple to shelter him from the wind and rain, and he didn't despise the shabby temple at all.

Wu Di did not treat the white horse badly either. It was raining heavily outside, so Wu Di directly led the white horse into the temple, then tied the rein to a temple pillar, and then wandered around in the temple.

Maybe someone lived here after the temple was run down, and there was a layer of weeds in the corner of the west wall.A lot of dust fell on the weeds, Ye Feng picked up a pile and shook it at the gate of the temple, then threw it in front of the white horse.

"It's still thousands of miles away from Shanggucheng, so you can just make do with it! When you get to Shanggucheng, I'll definitely buy you the best fodder."

Wu Di raised his hand to touch the white horse, but he didn't know if the white horse was really hungry, or if he understood Wu Di's words spiritually, he lowered his head and chewed the weeds on the ground.

Wu Di smiled faintly, then walked towards the pile of weeds, picked up another pile and placed it in the middle of the temple, then looked around, swung his right hand to solidify a cold ice sword, and swung a few times at the altar table. Down.

After moving the table legs and wooden boards, Wu Di found another wooden stick, sharpened it, drilled wood to make fire, worked for a quarter of an hour, and smoke came out of the weed pile.

Wu Di blew on it first, and seeing that the flames were burning more and more vigorously, he stood up and performed Mahamudra Kungfu, gently fanning the fire.

About half an hour later, Wu Di found a few broken chairs, took off his wet coat, and baked the soaked white coat with the heat from the fire.

"Hey! Counting the time, it has been a month since we parted with Mengyao and the others. She and Gongsun Yunyun should have joined the Wanhua School, right? I don't know how things are going."

Sitting cross-legged, Wu Di looked at the fire and muttered to himself.

In fact, Wu Di is very confident that Granny Wanhua will agree to send someone to Kunyuan City, but Wu Di is still concerned about Li Mengyao's safety.

After all, Li Mengyao is too kind. Even though Gongsun Yunyun is by her side to take care of her, Wu Di is still very uneasy.

"This place is not too far from the ancient city, and we should be able to arrive there after a week of driving. When we arrive at the ancient city, we should think of a way to see how we can sneak into the ancient palace."

Suppressing his thoughts of worrying about Li Mengyao, Wu Di thought about saving Master Bu Chen again.

There is no need to delay this matter, as long as Master Bu Chen is rescued, Wu Di has made up his mind and will return to Kunyuan City of Qinglan Kingdom immediately.

The enmity between him and Shangguan Yuyi and other four sects has not yet been understood. At the beginning, the four sect masters almost killed him in the crater of the sky. Now the four sects have merged into one, encircling Kunyuan City, new hatred and old hatred Wu Di has to settle with them.

Of course, thinking of Shangguan Yuyi of Tianyuanzong, Wu Di thought of Shangguan Xue who was going to Holy Spirit Mountain.

Thinking of this woman, Wu Di's head swelled for a while.

The reason for this was because Shangguan Xue was Shangguan Yuyi's daughter, and if he wanted to seek revenge on Shangguan Yuyi, he would definitely turn against Shangguan Xue.

Did Wu Di know in his heart that the six-edged snowflake sacred vessel carved by Master Bu Chen was still in Shangguan Xue's hands.

Wu Di thought about the worst outcome, once he started a battle with Shangguanxue, Shangguanxue didn't even need to make a move, but took out Master Bu Chen's six-edged snowflake, and he could be defeated in an instant.

Even if Wu Di has the cultivation base of a martial sage, it is still difficult to survive the illusion of the six-edged snowflake.You know, there are too many people who died in Wu Di's hands. The murderous aura emanating from the whole body can deceive Wu Xiu, but it can't deceive the sacred pendant Liulenxuehua.

As long as Wu Di takes a look at Liuleng Snowflake, his soul will be sucked into the illusion of flying snow in an instant.

However, it is not impossible to restrain the six-edged snowflakes. As long as Wu Di's cultivation reaches the Great Martial Saint, which is a level higher than Bu Chen's, the six-edged snowflakes carved by Bu Chen can still surpass Wu Di's. The soul is sucked into the ice and snow illusion, but Wu Di can still break out of the illusion with his powerful cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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