Chapter 295

With 42 big steamed buns, Humpty Humpty is still not full. Wu Di really dare not think about how many steamed buns are needed to fill Humpty Humpty's stomach.

"Hey! Little brother, why are you standing there? Is there any water?" Seeing that Wu Di was in a daze, the short fat man became a little anxious, and asked again.

"Ah...!" Wu Di came back to his senses, pointed to the white horse at the corner of the west wall, and said, "The water bag is on the horse's back, can do it yourself."

"Ouch! Refreshing."

Humpty Humpty really didn’t regard himself as an outsider, he got up cheerfully and swished to the side of the white horse. After untiing the water bag, his figure flickered when Wu Di’s gaze followed him, Humpty Humpty was already sitting on the ground, and he didn’t know when The cork has been pulled out, and the gulp drank.

"His speed..."

Wu Di looked at the short and fat man gulping down water, and his heart was already filled with turmoil.

This is the fastest person Wu Di has ever seen.So fast, even his eyes couldn't catch it.It can even be said that his eyes can't keep up with others' speed at all.


When Wu Di was terrified, the short fat man drank all the water from a large water bag.After a full burp, he buckled the cork, put the water bag on the cloth pocket, and returned it to Wu Di.

"I'm full!" Humpty Humpty said with a smile, touching his swollen belly.

"You can eat and drink, it's really..." Wu Di looked at the empty water bag and cloth bag, smiled wryly and shook his head again: "It's really... I admire the younger generation."

Wu Di really wanted to say that Humpty Dumpty is like a pig, if he knew that this guy was so edible, he would leave a steamed bun for whatever he said just now.

Fortunately, the steamed buns and water have been wiped out by others.

"Little brother! Where are you going? Tell me and listen, maybe we will go the same way."

Humpty Humpty ate all of Wu Di's steamed buns and water, and he didn't even blush, but continued talking to Wu Di.

where to goWu Di's heart twitched.What is this guy doing?

"Master asked me to go out to practice, so I just wandered around, and I didn't know where to go."

Wu Di was a traitor, so he didn't dare to talk about going to the ancient city.He was really worried that he would be on the same road with this short fat man. With this short fat man's appetite, if he was so hungry that his chest would stick to his back on the road, he would go and get some food. Where would he find it in this wilderness?
Facts have proved that Wu Di was right in not confessing.

The short fat man pursed his lips, and after a moment of silence he said, "Little brother! The two of us plan to go to the ancient city. Anyway, you are just hanging out, so why don't you come and play with us?"

Playing?What a fart.

"Senior! This is really a coincidence. This junior just left the ancient city ten days ago. It is not always possible to just wander around. This junior plans to go to Lailuo City first, then go to the Soul Control Sect, and finally go to the Yinming Palace."

"The Palace of the Underworld?" The short fat man's expression suddenly changed, he looked Wu Di up and down, and asked curiously, "You are a four-star Martial Emperor, what are you doing in the Palace of the Underworld?"

Hearing this, Wu Di really admired Humpty Humpty more and more in his heart, and he couldn't stop asking the bottom line.

But Wu Di doesn't care either, if you ask, I'll make it up.

"Before the younger generation went down the mountain to practice, the master often mentioned the Yinming Temple to me. He said that the Yinming Temple is an amazing force, and it can transfer souls and renew lives. So, I plan to prove it."

"Prove it? You are a four-star Martial Emperor, how can you prove it? Forget it! I can tell you very accurately that your master is right. There are a few old guys in the Netherworld Palace who really know how to transfer souls and renew lives. You don't have to go, go back to the ancient city with our brothers to play. Don't worry, my brothers will never treat you badly when we get to the ancient city of Shan after eating your steamed buns."

The short fat man seemed determined and wanted Wu Di to follow him.Even though Wu Di said that he had just left Shanggu City, the fat man still didn't give up.

But Wu Di really didn't want to follow the two of them. According to his guess, the cultivation bases of these two were at the level of martial saints at the very least.If you don't listen to other people's fiddles along the way, if it is light, you will be cleaned up, if it is serious, you may die.

As for what Humpty Humpty said was not to be treated badly, Wu Di felt that it was nothing to do with it.But he can't drink the ecstasy soup from others. He will not fall behind on this journey, and it will be easy for them to get rid of him in the ancient city. At that time, he will not even have a place to cry.

Just for the sake of not treating the invisible one badly, there is no reason to get too close to the two of them.

"Senior! Since you said that the Palace of the Underworld really knows the art of transferring souls and renewing life, it is really necessary for this junior to take a trip. I will not hide this from you, I plan to buy a body in the Palace of the Underworld, just in case If there is an accident in the sky, let the Palace of the Underworld transfer my soul to that body."

"Hey! You little brother is really interesting." Humpty Humpty smiled, and then said: "Okay! Since you don't want to go back to the ancient city, I, Fat San, will not force you."

"Thank you, senior, for your success!" Wu Di cupped his fists in thanks.

"Brother! Did you hear that too? He doesn't want to go to the ancient city with us. What do you think about the follow-up... What should we do?"

The short and fat man's eyes moved to the tall and thin man's face, only to see that the tall and thin man opened his eyes, glanced at Wu Di, and said indifferently: "It's short for eating people, short for taking people, this kindness! I have to pay it back."

Hearing this, Humpty Humpty blinked his eyes and pursed his lips, but before Wu Di figured out what the two of them meant, the two in front of him suddenly stood up.

"Little brother! My elder brother said, I have to pay back this love."

Humpty Humpty reached into his arms with his right hand, took out a bronze medal and threw it to Wu Di.

At this moment, the tall, thin man also took out a sign from his pocket.The sign was not made of brass, but made of sterling silver, and it was thrown to Wu Di with a wave of his hand.

"Little brother! You put away the two signs. When your life is on the line, show the sign and it will save your life."

Before Wu Di could look at the two signs, the two people, one tall and one short, had disappeared by the fire.

When Wu Di looked out of the temple, his eyes widened and he stood up abruptly. He arrived at the gate of the temple in an instant, and when his heart was filled with turmoil, he kept staring at the two people who were going away.

"The two of them... what kind of cultivation is it? Even the rainwater changed its trajectory [-] centimeters above the two of them, flying to the sides and falling to the ground."

At this moment, Wu Di understood that if the two of them didn't want to get wet by the rain, their clothes would never be wet by an inch.

After the two disappeared, Wu Di recovered from his shock.His eyes also looked at the two signs in his hand.

On the front of the bronze medal was engraved with the Chinese character Fat Three.On the front of the silver medal is engraved Shou Er.

However, when Wu Di turned the two signs over, the three characters on the back made Wu Di stunned.

Worry Valley!
(End of this chapter)

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