Chapter 1122 Bloodbath in Kyoto ([-])
"Baga, a group of cowards, if you don't dare to fight, get out, anyone who is willing to fight, come with me!"

Seeing a group of daimyos quarreling with no results, the irritable Sei Kazutori suddenly became angry, took the unsheathed samurai sword and slashed fiercely, roared, and turned to go out rushed.

"If you fight, those who don't will be turtles!"

"Let's go, enter the Imperial Palace and rescue His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Fuck the clean up!"


Sei Kazutori is the spiritual leader of the daimyo of the young school, and when he wanted to leave, all the daimyos of the young school couldn't sit still, they stood up one after another, clamoring to leave with Sei Kazutori.


Seeing that Sei Kazutori and others were about to leave, Tokugawa Minglan couldn't sit still any longer. As a member of the Tokugawa family, he absolutely could not give up his position as the leader. One bird does its own thing, and the consequences are really unbearable. No matter whether Sei Katori and others can rescue the emperor, it will be a blow to the reputation of the Tokugawa family, and this is obviously not something that Tokugawa Minglan can bear. Because of this, before everyone left, Tokugawa Minglan yelled sternly.

"What advice does Tokugawa-kun have?"

Tokugawa Minglan is a veteran daimyo, and he is also a direct descendant of the Tokugawa family. He has high prestige among the dozens of daimyos around Kyoto. When he speaks like this, Sei Katori really doesn't dare to be too high on Meng Lang, even though He was full of displeasure, but he still asked a question patiently.

"Well, it is necessary to fight, but in the end there must be rules and regulations. This is good. We will first mobilize our troops, surround the imperial palace, and send people to persuade people to surrender. We can see how people react before making a plan."

Seeing that war was inevitable, Tokugawa Minglan naturally would not give up his leadership, so he pressed his hand and made the final decision in an unquestionable tone.


Not to mention, Tokugawa Minglan really has the prestige among all the daimyos. With such a decision, no matter whether it is the daimyo of the young school or the daimyo of the old and prudent old school, no one raised any objections, and Qiqi suddenly agreed...

At that time, on the ocean outside the Youdao Strait, dozens of fishing boats of different sizes are casting nets for fishing. Flocks of seagulls are flying around the fishing boats, making crisp gull sounds. Everything seems so beautiful. Peace, of course, under this peace, there is obviously a strange atmosphere, that is, although several fishing boats cast nets from time to time, they obviously don't care about the harvest. The focus is obviously on the movement in the southwest direction, even though the sea in the distance is actually empty at this time, those fishermen still raise their eyes from time to time to look into the distance.

"I'm coming!"

"Look, the fleet is coming, it must be the soldiers of Master Xiyang!"

"Great, it's finally here!"


At three o'clock, a black line suddenly appeared on the far side of the ocean that had always been empty. It was advancing extremely fast, and within a short time of incense sticks, it was already possible to vaguely see a huge fleet sailing towards the enemy. The entrance of the island strait came galloping. Although the flag and size of the fleet could not be seen clearly, many Japanese people on the fishing boat couldn't help shouting excitedly, as if seeing a savior.

"Baga, why is it the fleet of the Qing people? It's broken. Hurry up, let the pigeons go!"

Halfway through, the high-speed fleet finally revealed its ferocious true colors at the far end of the ocean. Dragon flags fluttered in the wind, clearly showing the origin of this huge fleet, and it was not at all the five western countries that the Japanese expected The United Fleet was the Qing Fleet. Upon seeing this, all the Japanese on the fishing boat panicked, exclaiming and wailing, as if they were mourning a concubine, but the Qing Fleet didn't care about these gangsters at all. What do the Japanese think? After the huge fleet arrived at the entrance of the strait, they split into two groups. With three medium-sized warships as cover along the way, six troop carriers and a baggage ship sailed into the strait in a grand manner. On the other side, nine medium-sized warships escorted thirteen troop carriers, and four supply ships headed northeast along the periphery of the strait...

It was almost noon, and the surrounding area of ​​the Kyoto Imperial Palace was dead silent. The so-called large-scale celebration that was originally scheduled was completely gone, and no one even dared to appear near the Imperial Palace. It's too scary, not to mention those ordinary people who didn't know where they were, were scared away, and even the famous people who wanted to rebel didn't dare to show their faces before they received orders from their superiors. In this way, It is quite normal that there is no one around the Kyoto Imperial Palace.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom!"

At noon, the sound of trumpets sounded almost simultaneously around the Kyoto Imperial Palace. Immediately, countless Japanese shouted and rushed out from the streets on all sides, rushing towards the Kyoto Imperial Palace in a chaotic manner. They did not directly attack the Imperial Palace, but stopped at a position more than [-] meters away from the Imperial Palace. One by one, they cursed and yelled at the Qing soldiers on the wall of the Imperial Palace in Kyoto. The arrogance was really very arrogant.

"Order all the ministries to be vigilant. Once the Japanese cross the [-]-meter line, they will fire immediately. There must be no mistakes!"

The so-called tens of thousands of people, not to mention the tens of thousands of Japanese besieging the Kyoto Imperial Palace at this moment, although most of them are very backward in equipment, and there are very few who can have a samurai sword. Farmers with wooden sticks and hoes, but such a large number of people is really not a factor that can be ignored. Even though careful deployment has been made before the war, Li Shun dare not be careless in the slightest. Because according to the scheduled battle plan, the [-]rd Brigade of the Marine Corps under his command had to stick to the Kyoto Imperial Palace for a day and a night.

"Listen to the Qing people on the wall, you have been surrounded by my [-] troops, and there is absolutely no way to escape. You don't need to expect reinforcements from Osaka. Tell you the truth, our ally, the Kingdom of Great Britain, and many western countries A large army has been dispatched, Osaka has returned to our hands, and there is only one way before you, those who put down their weapons will live, and those who resist to the end will die!"

Although the Japanese people surrounded the Kyoto Imperial Palace, they were extremely noisy, but they never launched a sudden attack, but took a picture of a Chinese-speaking interpreter, waving a white flag and arriving at a distance of less than a hundred steps from the Jianli Gate, screaming hoarsely. Persuade them to take off and land.

"Come here, inform the whole brigade that the main force of our Great Qing Bohai Fleet has defeated the combined fleet of the five countries of Xiyi in the sea of ​​Kouzi Island yesterday afternoon. Most of the Second Army has landed in Osaka, and will arrive in Kyoto before noon tomorrow, I hope our soldiers will fight the enemy bravely, and we must stick to it until the reinforcements arrive!"

Li Shun had already received a telegram from Osaka yesterday, but he didn't announce it to the whole army because he was worried about leaking the news. Now he saw that Japanese talking nonsense, trying to shake the marines The morale of the officers and soldiers did not dare to be ignored, so they ordered the good news to be notified to the whole army. After a short while, the cheers of the officers and soldiers of the Qing army resounded on the four walls of the Kyoto Imperial Palace. Immediately it became even higher.

"Bageya Road, Qinggou in the city, listen up, wait..."

The officers and soldiers of the Qing army cheered loudly. Although the Japanese envoy who came to persuade the surrender did not understand what was going on, he also knew that his persuasion to surrender was obviously ineffective. He opened his mouth and cursed wildly.

"Kill him!"

Li Shun had never been a good-tempered person. Hearing that Japanese man was swearing nonstop, he immediately became angry, waved his hand, and gave an order in a cold voice.


The Marine Corps is an elite division, and most of them are sharpshooters. Li Shun's general order was given just now, and a soldier moved after hearing the order. After a few twitches, he was already dead.

"Ba Ga, how dare these Qing dogs be so rude, kill, kill me!"

Seeing that the envoy sent to persuade the surrender was shot and killed by the Qing army on the spot, Kazutori Sei was furious, and never asked for instructions from the commander-in-chief of the battle, Tokugawa Minglan, but saw him pull out his waistband. The samurai sword slashed forward, and with a roar, he led hundreds of samurai under him to charge. Soon, many Japanese who didn't know why they saw this also rushed up, moving everywhere, surrounded The tens of thousands of Japanese in the Kyoto Imperial Palace spread their legs crazily, and rushed towards the siege of the Kyoto Imperial Palace like a huge wave.

"Call me!"

Seeing so many Japanese rushing madly, Li Shun didn't dare to be careless. No one else, although he himself was experienced in many battles, the soldiers below him basically had no experience in war. High, but training belongs to training, and real combat is two different concepts. Under such circumstances, Li Shun dared not make the decision to bring the enemy closer before fighting. At the moment, he waved his hand and issued a general order loudly.

"Da da da..., bah bah..."

Facing the onslaught of so many crazy Japanese, it would be an absolute lie to say that they were not nervous. In fact, except for Li Shun and those officers who had fought bloody battles, most of the soldiers felt that way at this moment. It is not uncommon for people to panic and tremble because of it, but no matter whether they are worried or afraid, once the general order is issued, no one dares to hesitate or slack in the slightest, and they pull the triggers one after another. Like a whirlwind, the bullets swept towards the surging crowd, and in just a split second, they swept down a large area of ​​the Japanese rushing in the front like cutting rice...

(End of this chapter)

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