Chapter 1124 Bloodbath in Kyoto ([-])
"Order: The Artillery Battalion fires with full force, and give me a blast!"

Not only was Li Shun not surprised when he saw the Japanese musketeers marching out, but he was relaxed. The tactical moves of the Japanese musketeers marching in formation seemed mighty, but in fact they were nothing more than good ones. This kind of tactics has long been eliminated by the Qing army, which has mastered more advanced weapons. The reason is very simple. Although the Qing Marine Corps has only 27 artillery pieces, they are all rapid-fire guns. Fired, the power of the shells is astonishingly great, and it is really easy to beat this kind of army marching in line.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Following Li Shun's order, the artillery observation posts on the walls of various places quickly sent the secret positions back to the artillery positions. After a burst of nervous adjustments, the Qing army's cannons started firing crazily again, with explosions one after another. Roaring, countless shrapnel swept across the Japanese musket lineup. Even though the Japanese musket lineup was in chaos and there were countless casualties, the Japanese's bravery was shown at this time, and they were not deterred by the heavy casualties. Still stepping on the beat of the drum and desperately moving forward.

"The artillery comes forward and blasts me!"

Seeing his own infantry formation being bombarded by the Qing army, Sei Kazutori's eyes turned red with distress, but at this moment he refused to order the troops to withdraw. Instead, he took advantage of the Qing army's artillery bombardment In the vacancy of one's own infantry phalanx, the gunners who had stockpiled behind the formation earlier were ordered to push their cannons forward in an attempt to blast open the gate of the Kyoto Imperial Palace.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Those who hid in the rear of the Japanese army in advance were all real artillery elites, and their tactical movements were quite skilled. Taking advantage of the gap when the Qing army's cannons had no time to adjust, they pushed the cannons hard to bypass their own infantry formation, and charged At a distance of less than 150 meters from Jianli Gate, the bombardment started regardless of the barrage of bullets from the defenders on the wall.

"Damn it, Artillery Battalion, knock out the enemy artillery positions!"

The gates of the Kyoto Imperial Palace are nothing more than two wooden doors covered with copper nails. They are strong, but they can’t withstand the wild bombardment of cannons. There was no guarantee that the gate would not be knocked down. Seeing this, Li Shundang got angry and gave the order with a roar.

"Beat the drum, attack the whole army, and kill in!"

Li Shun's worry is not unreasonable. No, before the Qing army's artillery battalion completed its adjustment, three solid bullets slammed into the wooden door of Jianlimen. The wooden door had been blasted so that sawdust flew, and two huge openings were broken out, and it was difficult to stop it as it was crumbling. Seeing this, Kazutori Sei immediately became excited, and held the door in his hand. As soon as he slashed his katana, he roared wildly.

As soon as the drum sounded, more than [-] Japanese warriors who had gathered near Jianli Gate immediately rushed out of the ambush, brandishing katana swords, and rushed towards Jianli Gate like a tide. The Yuwo Kingdom musketeers also started shooting violently, desperately suppressing the firepower of the defenders at the top of the city. The dense rain of bullets roared towards the top of the city, forcing the officers and soldiers of the defenders to fight back with all their strength. I don't care about the Japanese warriors who are rushing madly.

"Order: The reserve team will go up to Lao Tzu one after another, and block the gate!"

Seeing that the Japanese were coming so fiercely, Li Shunke couldn't bear it any longer. He waved his hand and hurriedly issued the general order. Soon after, he saw soldiers from a company of the reserve team rushing to the dilapidated building under the command of the company commander. At the first 50 meters behind Jianli Gate, a defensive formation was hastily arranged, with dozens of machine guns lined up, pointing straight at the broken gate.

"Call me!"

The Japanese warriors killed in this group were all regular warriors from various vassals, and all of them were brave men. Although the defenders on the top of the city had fierce firepower, many Japanese warriors were killed and wounded along the way, but because of the Japanese muskets Even though the team was involved, they were still powerless to stop the wild charge of the Japanese warriors. Soon, dozens of warriors rushed to the broken palace gate, split the broken gate with sharp axes, and swarmed along the gate. He rushed to the imperial palace, seeing this, the defending company commander who had just set up the defensive formation didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly roared and issued an attack order.

"Da da da……"

Following the order of the defending company commander, more than a dozen machine guns fired almost simultaneously, and the dense rain of bullets instantly knocked down a large number of Japanese warriors who rushed into the doorway, but the follow-up Japanese warriors were still desperately rushing forward , soon, the corpses were piled up layer by layer, and after a short while, they were already piled high in the doorway, blocking the shooting range of the Qing army's machine guns, and the desperate Japanese warriors took the opportunity to roll and charged in In the Imperial Palace, it was a pity that they were sacked and swept by the soldiers of the Qing army, and it was difficult to get close to the position of the Qing army. forward and forward.

"Use the bayonet to suppress all the pirates!"

Although the firepower of the Qing army was extremely ferocious, the rate of fire was limited after all. As more than a dozen machine guns began to replace their barrels one after another, the density of firepower dropped uncontrollably. Breaking through the fire blockade of the Qing army, he rushed towards the formation of the Qing army with strange screams. Seeing this, the company commander of the defending army was unwilling to show weakness. He pulled out the command knife from his waist, roared, and led his troops to launch the attack. Back charging, the two parties strangled into a ball in the small square behind the doorway...

"Report to the commander, the first brigade of the cavalry division has assembled, please give instructions to the commander!"

At four o'clock, the sun had already set to the west, but the pier in Osaka Port was still busy. Teams of heavily armed soldiers lined up along the gangway from the ship to the shore, and the first cavalry brigade who landed first had already After setting up a neat starting formation, Battelle, the brigade commander, finished counting, and immediately trotted over to Taninhe, the commander of the Second Army standing on the pier. He gave a standard military salute and reported loudly. One sentence.


Taninghe didn't talk nonsense, after returning the salute, he loudly issued the general order.


Battelle promised loudly, rushed back to the front of the formation, took the reins of the horse from the orderly, turned on the horse's back, waved his hand, and shouted: "Everyone is here, come with me, let's go! "

"Order: Immediately send a report to Brigadier Li. Our troops have arrived at Osaka Port, and the [-]st Cavalry Brigade has taken the lead in attacking. I hope that your troops will stick to the imperial post and buy time for our troops to gather and wipe out the rebels. With this order, Tanin, commander of the Second Army, river!"

Taninghe didn't pay attention to the attack of the first cavalry brigade, and raised his hand, giving orders in a low voice.


As soon as the general order was issued, a herald who was accompanying him loudly agreed, and hurried to the temporary command post erected on the pier, and went to arrange to send a message without mentioning it...

"The Japanese dog is coming up again, fight!"

At three o'clock in the morning, it was the darkest time of day. The officers and soldiers of the Marine Corps, who had fought hard for a day and a night, just took a breath when they suddenly heard the sound of the siren from the sentinel, and the exhausted soldiers immediately woke up. , jumped up one after another, and put the wall in their hands on the broken palace wall, aiming at the indistinct crowd, they swept wildly, until the Japanese warriors who were trying to sneak attack in the dark howled, but even so, But it was hard to stop the desperate attack of the Japanese warriors. Soon, the screaming Japanese warriors rushed to the dilapidated palace wall, and a tragic hand-to-hand battle began again near Jianlimen. The soldiers on both sides shouted They were strangled into a mass, with knives and guns hitting each other, blood and flesh flying everywhere, no one would give in a little bit.

Kill, kill again!Although the officers and soldiers of the Qing army who fought hard for a long time were exhausted, none of them fled the battle, and no one called for reinforcements. Not only was Jianlimen fighting fiercely, but other places were also fighting. All exhausted, the remaining officers and soldiers can only rely on blood and courage to do the final fight, even if they die in battle, they will never give in half a step!
"Ohh Ohh ohh……"

Just when the Marine Corps officers and soldiers were in a bitter battle, there was a sudden sound of loud horns outside the city. Immediately, groups of cavalry were seen galloping out of the woods less than two miles away from the city. He rushed towards the city of Kyoto in a similar manner.

"Close the city gate, close the city gate!"

Because the battle was unfolding in the city, the city gates of Kyoto were not closed, and when they heard something wrong, the few Japanese people on the top of the city panicked and screamed again and again to close the open city gates , the reaction is not too slow, but unfortunately it is too late, before the Japanese ran down the city, the officers and soldiers of the brigade of more than a hundred riders who had been lurking outside the city beforehand had already swarmed up, and a bunch of random guns would swarm in. The Japanese shot and killed on the spot, and they took control of the southern city gate of Kyoto very smoothly.

"Rush into the city and kill me!"

Battelle, who rushed to the south city gate first, saw that the gate was controlled by his own side, Dang even became excited, let out a roar, and led his troops into the city like a thunderbolt, regardless of the Japanese along the way. Fleeing or surrendering, the saber circled left and right to kill all the Japanese who stood in the way.

Chaos, complete chaos, under the sudden attack, the Japanese side, which had suffered heavy casualties, was completely in chaos. Both warriors and farmers fled in disorder, trying to avoid the wild onslaught of the Qing cavalry. The command system, which was not perfect in the first place, completely collapsed. The people and horses trampled on each other, and the casualties were extremely heavy. The entire capital city was covered with blood and corpses. It really looked like a hell on earth. The officers and soldiers of the brigade had already fought from the south gate to the north gate, and successfully controlled the only two gates in Kyoto.

(End of this chapter)

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