Chapter 540 Weiwei Taihang ([-])

With the opening of the two major banks one after another, the chaos in Taiyuan City has been considered to have stabilized. Immediately, the "Jingshi Times" published the news of the official establishment of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China in the first half of the page, and reported in detail "Risheng Bank" As soon as the news of the joint venture with the two giants of the "Eight Banners Firm" spread, the restless hearts were calmed down, and the financial turmoil sweeping the country became a thing of the past.

On the seventh day of August, the imperial decree was sent to Taiyuan, rewarding Hongqing, Li Quan and others who had contributed to quelling the financial turmoil and arresting the White Lotus Sect—Shanxi Governor Li Quan was awarded the title of Shangshu of the Processing Department, and some gold and silver were rewarded; Ge Ran Jin Shanxi Chief Envoy, the vacancies left behind will be assigned by the Ministry of Officials, and the rest of the meritorious persons will be rewarded differently. The only person who was punished was the Shanxi Chief Envoy Ku Xi, who was taken down by Hongqing Yiben and directly smashed In the end, but what, this person is a student of the Eighth Master, and he has not been "unemployed" for a long time. After half a year, the Eighth Master secretly worked hard and was able to come back. He went to Sichuan and became the comfort envoy of Sichuan. carry.

Although I only came to Taiyuan for more than a month, I did a lot of things. Not only did I quell the raging financial storm, but I also detected the local White Lotus Sect organization. Well, Hong Qing didn't get any reward, it was just a commendation, just such a result, there are many people who complained for Hong Qing in private, but Hong Qing herself didn't care at all. Besides, in Hong Qing's view, no reward is the best reward—as long as there are no accidents, the whole country will be hers. Is there any reward that is heavier than this? Of course, the old man's so This is a metaphor, Hong Qing knows it well in her heart, but she will never say it out loud. Making a fortune in silence is better than anything else.

After the event is over, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, Hongqing is eager to return home, and she has no plan to spend the festive season in Taiyuan, but there are three beautiful wives waiting to be appeased at home—even though it is an urgent order from the court, they can come out on the occasion of the newlyweds. Tolerance, no matter how you say it, is to neglect the beauty. If you don't go back, you will be coaxed. There will be a fire in the backyard in all likelihood, and that will be a real joy.

On the ninth day of August in the 52nd year of Kangxi, Hong Qing led more than [-] palace guards to leave Taiyuan. Li Quan, the governor of Shanxi, led local officials and tens of thousands of people to see him off. On that day, the car drove into Pingding Prefecture. It was getting late. Hong Qing could only lead his troops to stay overnight at the post station in Pingdingzhou, and rushed to Niangziguan at dawn the next morning.

Niangziguan, a pass of the Great Wall, is located at the fifth of the Eight Xings of Taihang—the west entrance of Jingxing. Guarding the gate of Youzhou, the roads in Xing are not easy to walk. The narrowest part is known as "cars are not on square rails, and riders are not parallel". However, it is still an important commercial road between Shanxi and Hebei provinces. As the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, there are not many caravans coming and going. When Hong Qing and his group arrived at the gate, although it was already bright, there was no one there, and the gate was still closed.

"Go, call to open and close the door."

Hong Qing looked up at the sky, and was sure that it was already past the time to open the door. She couldn't help but feel a little annoyed at the slackness of closing the guard, but she didn't show it, she just gave orders in a cold voice. One sentence.


Since Hong Qing had given such orders, Li Minxing who was following him did not dare to neglect, and after a respectful reply, he named a guard with a loud voice and told him to come and knock at the gate.

"Listen to those who closed the door, my prince has arrived, so hurry up and open the door to greet him!"

When Hong Qing was popular, the guards under him naturally rose to the top, all of them were extremely proud, no, even if it was just an ordinary guard, the tone of shouting at the door was very aggressive, which made Hong Qing's brows involuntarily The ground just wrinkled, but he didn't scold the guard, probably because Hong Qing herself was quite dissatisfied with the slackness of closing the guard.

"The last general Nian Gengyao kowtowed to the prince!"

When the royal guard shouted, a soldier poked his head out of the dead and silent pass city, looked down, and quickly shrank back. After a while, there was already a panic noise in the pass , After half a stick of incense, the closed door finally opened, and a strong general dressed in military uniforms led a dozen military officers out of the pass, rushed to Hong Qing's horse, and slapped Hong Qing neatly. Qian, met Li very respectfully.

Um?How did this guy come here!

Seeing that it was Nian Gengyao who came, Hong Qing's eyes immediately flashed a gleam, nothing else, with the experience of two lifetimes, Hong Qing paid great attention to Nian Gengyao, the hero of the fourth master, Since he knew that he had just been released from Sichuan as a guerrilla general the year before last, and now he actually went to Niangziguan to become a general, and this official was promoted too quickly.

"It turned out to be Liang Gong, so let's avoid it."

Although Hong Qing was suspicious, she didn't show it on her face, but raised her hand with a smile, and called out very warmly.

"Thank you, Lord Long!"

Nian Gengyao has been under the fourth master's family for many years, and he has met Hongqing several times, but their identities are too far apart, and they have not had much contact with each other. I was a little surprised, but I didn't forget the etiquette, I just thanked him respectfully, and didn't have much to say.

"When did Lianggong arrive? Where did Zhenming, the general guard, go now?"

After Hong Qing looked at Nian Gengyao with great interest for a while, she asked with a smile on her face.

"If you go back to the prince, the last general will be Ren who arrived on the 21st of last month. It is said that General Zhen went to Fengtai Camp and was promoted to lieutenant general."

Nian Gengyao was born as a Jinshi, but since he became an official, he has been working in the army. First, he was arranged by the fourth master to train in the Ministry of War for three years, and then he was released as a guerrilla general from the Admiral's Mansion in Sichuan. He didn't have the slightest literati air on him, only the toughness of a soldier. When answering Hong Qing's questions, he inevitably looked very stiff.

"Oh, so that's the case. I want to congratulate Liang Gong for his promotion, but I don't understand why the door is still closed after the opening time has passed. Could it be that something happened in Xing?"

Nian Gengyao's answer was extremely simple, and he made it clear that he didn't want to talk too much, but Hong Qing didn't care at all, and nodded with a relaxed expression on his face, as if he asked the question very casually.

"To tell you the truth, there was indeed a case in Xing. Just yesterday, a group of thieves from all corners of the country bloodbathed a caravan, robbed money for nothing, and even killed several merchants. The general was shocked to hear about this. I don’t dare to neglect the matter, I’ve written about it in Shanxi governor’s yamen, but the reply hasn’t come yet, in order to prevent bandits from committing crimes again, I will have to be careful in the end, if there is any offence, please ask Wang Ye Haihan to deal with it.”

Even in the face of the well-known Hong Qing, Nian Gengyao's aura was not weak at all, and he gave a military salute without being arrogant or humble, and responded in a formulaic way.

"There is such a thing? Has Lianggong found any clues?"

After hearing Nian Gengyao's words, the smile on Hong Qing's face disappeared immediately. She looked at Nian Gengyao with a very serious expression, and asked in a sad tone.

"The general is ashamed. Right now, I only know that the gang of thieves seem to be related to the White Lotus Sect. The leader claims to be the 'Wu Sheng Da Di'. As for the rest of the clues, the general has not been found out yet. Please forgive me, my lord."

As soon as Hong Qing asked this question, Nian Gengyao's dark face immediately showed a blush that was so faint that it was almost invisible, as if he lowered his head in embarrassment, and gave an answer with a wry smile.

"'Wu Sheng Da Di'? It's this guy again! If the White Lotus Sect is not eliminated, there will be no peace in the world. Liang Gong must cheer up and strictly inspect, so that these villains must not be allowed to escape. This king returns After Beijing, I will definitely ask Huang Mafa for an order, and the Ministry of Punishment will arrest this beast at sea!"

Hearing what Nian Gengyao said, Hong Qingdang was furious, and a murderous aura suddenly rose, and she swore in a voice of hatred.

"Yes, the general will do his best."

Nian Gengyao has always been known for being bold and unscrupulous in his actions, but he was shocked by Hong Qing's murderous aura. Fortunately, the city was deep enough, and he didn't show any gaffes, so he bowed down and agreed. His answer was crisp and clear.

"Well, this king can trust Lianggong's loyalty. Before the imperial decree is issued, Lianggong will take care of it first. After the Ministry of Punishment documents are issued, we will make other calculations. That's it. Liang Do you dare to do it?"

After Hongqing praised Nian Gengyao, he unceremoniously forced the task of arresting the bandits of the White Lotus Sect on him. Although the words were questioning, they were full of indisputable meaning.


Even though Hongqing is not her immediate boss, let alone her master, but Hongqing suppressed such an assignment as an imperial envoy, even if Nian Gengyao was unwilling, he would not dare to say "no" "Word.

"Well, then you've worked hard, and you've got all of them. Come with me and pass the test!"

I have understood everything that needs to be understood, and have finished what needs to be said. Hong Qing didn't want to say any more, after taking a deep look at Nian Gengyao, she waved her hand and gave the order in a loud voice.

"Wait a minute, my lord. The bloody case just happened. The White Lotus Sect bandit should not have gone far. I think the security of the Xing is in danger. Please wait a few days, the hidden danger will be cleared up, and it will not be too late."

Before Hong Qing could move the war horse under his crotch, Nian Gengyao hastened to Jianyan and said.

"It doesn't matter, the king has his own sense of propriety, and Liang Gong will do his own errands well!"

Hong Qing didn't accept Nian Gengyao's kindness, waved his hand impatiently, and after giving Nian Gengyao a lesson, he galloped his horse and led his troops into Guancheng, and he was gone in a flash. Far……

(End of this chapter)

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