Chapter 831

"I have observed a little bit, but I am not sure about my ears."

Now that he has figured out the most important point, Fourth Master's irritable heart has completely calmed down. Facing Wu Sidao's smiling face, Fourth Master's always flat and cold face has a layer of confidence Red light, but seeing him shaking his sleeves, he confidently gave an incomparably concise answer.


Wu Sidao didn't ask any further questions, he just waved his hands with a smile, and let out a soft voice, motioning for Fourth Master to explain in detail.

"I thought it should be summed up in two words, one is 'let', and the other is 'hidden', I don't know if you think so?"

Fourth master smiled, and confidently gave two words as an explanation.

"Si Yan is very kind! If the prince can think of these two words, it is not difficult to deal with the third master! The so-called letting go is nothing more than taking a step back. Let the third master be high-spirited first, so what, as long as it can be exchanged for time Deployment, when there will be a resurgence in the future, but the word 'hidden' must be paid attention to, has the prince made a decision?"

Seeing that Fourth Master could guess the truth so quickly, Wu Sidao immediately clapped his hands and laughed loudly, but he didn't let Fourth Master take his time. After making a few comments, he asked another sharp question Come.

"To be honest, sir, this is exactly where Xiao Wang is hesitant. After all, although the three elder brothers of a certain view have some merits, among them, the three elder brothers, the third, the fourth, and the sixth, are more outstanding. Some, but compared to Prince Ren, the difference between them is beyond reason, and it is really difficult to choose one to help, I wonder if you can teach me anything?"

When it came to the word "Yin", the fourth master was a little uncertain, but seeing his brows frowned, he commented on the third son's sons quite nerve-wrackingly, but in the end he didn't make a decision, but It was throwing the question to Wu Sidao.

"My lord's analysis is pretty good. There are really only a few of the elder brothers of the third master's family who are relatively outstanding. If Wu's predictions are not bad, the eighth master will most likely choose the third elder brother. If the prince It is not surprising that there are such considerations.”

Wu Sidao did not directly choose the candidate, but first analyzed the elder brother who might be chosen by the eighth master with a smile.

"Hey, if you leave Butcher Zhang, you may not necessarily have to eat pigs with hair. Why does this king have to gossip with the old man?"

Hearing Wu Sidao's words, the fourth master was obviously taken aback for a moment, nothing else, just because he originally wanted to choose the third elder brother, the reason is very simple, that guy and Emperor Chengde are in the same mold The ones poured out are all not very capable, they can only recite a few limericks, but they are quite famous among the young masters of the capital, and it is relatively easy to support them, but since the eighth master has made such a choice, the fourth master can He didn't want to join in the fun anymore, so he smiled coldly and said something obviously sour.

"Hmm, so the lord is planning to choose one of the four and six elder brothers?"

Seeing the taste of Fourth Master, Wu Sidao couldn't help but smiled, and instead of exposing Fourth Master's little thoughts, he asked a joking question.

"Well... let's take a look. Although these two are relatively stable people, they have not entered the court after all, so it is really difficult to see whether they are superior or not. At this moment, it may be too early to say."

Since he didn't want to squeeze in with the eighth master, the fourth master really wanted to find one of the four and six elder brothers to be the spokesperson, but it was difficult for the fourth master to make a decision on who to choose.

"Heh, why doesn't the lord think about the second elder brother?"

Wu Sidao smiled lightly, and did not comment on Fourth Master's words, but instead suggested the most unlikely candidate—Second Elder Brother Xiang, known as the "stubborn master".

"He... sir, isn't he joking?"

The fourth master doesn't know much about the son next to the third master, but he is very clear about the second elder brother Hongsheng. There is no other, this guy is the same virtue as the eldest son of the fourth master, Hong Zhou. Fudu is a mud that can't climb the wall. Since childhood, he has done everything from cockfighting and running dogs. The people he handed over are all thieves. He can't write, and he can't use martial arts. It's just a master waiting to die, asking his fourth master to support this person, isn't this kind of joke too big?

"Hehe, if the lord thinks it's a joke, then others should think so too. Since that's the case, it's not necessarily a bad choice to be surprised. Besides, if the prodigal son turns back, he won't change his money. If he can really make it A few major events, the impression of the world should not be changed? Besides, the prince does not really support him to the top, what he wants is to let him run on Prince Ren, who is not to be supported? Instead of making random choices, it is better to just take this one' "Stubborn Lord" play tricks, is it better to be familiar with the so-called raw, what do you think, my lord?"

Facing the astonished face of Fourth Master, Wu Sidao shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, explaining in detail the benefits of choosing Hongsheng.

"Hmm... well, let's let Hongzhou go and find out what he said first, and it's not too late to discuss it later."

Hearing Wu Sidao's explanation, Fourth Master's heart was already moved, but after all, he was still a little worried. After pondering for a while, he still didn't dare to make a decision...

"The disciple has seen the master."

Two flowers bloomed, each showing one branch, not to mention Fourth Master's hesitation in choosing the spokesperson, but after Hong Qing left the palace, he rushed back to his house, got off the carriage, and went straight to the study, As soon as she turned around from behind the screen, she saw Old Master Chen playing chess, Hong Qing paused slightly, then walked forward slowly, and greeted him respectfully.

"My lord is very worried. Could it be that today's errand is not going well?"

Although Hong Qing concealed it very well, her face was as calm as before, but Old Master Chen could tell at a glance that Hong Qing was deeply worried, and she frowned, and asked doubtfully.

"If you go back to Master, the mission went smoothly, but after returning to the palace, something went wrong. Huang Ama issued three edicts in succession. The village pension, the third is to make Zhao Shenqiao beg for an official position, the first two are nothing, but they are all expected, but Zhao Shenqiao's incident may be a signal of suppression intentionally released by Huang Ama, and the apprentice thinks that after this incident , Fourth Uncle and Eighth Uncle may have different thoughts, if this is the case, the court situation may fall into chaos again."

Since Old Master Chen had a question, Hong Qing would not hide anything, so she articulated the worries in her heart.

"Well, it's not surprising. The fourth master and the eighth master are both spiritually awakened people. With the lesson learned from the fourteenth master, these two may not be strong enough to stand out again. They will shrink back and wait for the opportunity. It is an inevitable choice, but the two of them are not willing to hand over the power of the government. It is also inevitable to support the other elder brothers to fight against the prince. I really thought that since I have monopolized the power, I will definitely help the other elder brothers, so as to restrain the prince's control of the court. It may not have much impact in the short term, but it will cause serious problems in the long run. To break this situation, you have to win Pre-emptive strikes, not giving fourth and eighth masters a chance to retreat calmly, if so, the unfavorable situation can be delayed for a few more years."

Even though Hong Qing didn't speak too clearly, Old Master Chen had already analyzed the possible changes in the court situation very clearly after only a little thought.

"Preemptive strike?"

Since leaving the imperial city, Hong Qing has been thinking of a way to break the situation, but under the disturbed mood, she didn't get much. At this moment, when she heard what Old Master Chen said, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she was already sure. Some pulses have been reached, but a suitable breakthrough cannot be found for a while.

"The reason why the fourth master and the eighth master retreat temporarily has only one purpose, and that is to preserve their vitality and wait for the change. What they want is to wait for the prince and the present to turn against each other. When that happens, the two masters can benefit from it. It is not impossible to even take advantage of the chaos to make trouble, the fourth master is fine, once Nian Gengyao died, he no longer has much power in his hands, but the eighth master is not the case, not to mention the many disciples, he is close to everyone everywhere There are also a lot of high-ranking officials. Although the prince has removed the governor of Shaanxi, E Hai, as far as the eighth master is concerned, he has only scratched the surface. He has the capital to wait for the opportunity, so he really wants to disrupt the court. , you have to start with Eighth Master."

After comparing and analyzing the power of the fourth master and the eighth master, Mrs. Chen came up with a contingency strategy, which is to use the eighth master as a method, delaying him and not letting him retreat calmly. De Di was not in a hurry to play the trick of suppressing Hong Qing anytime soon.

"What Master said is very true. Although the key criminals in the imperial examination case last year have already been sent to prison, they have never been tried because of the unwellness of the late emperor. If we start from this shore, He Shen will be the first to get out of it." The connection, following the vines, the eighth uncle will inevitably be suspected, if he wants to save himself, he dare not retreat, if there is a dispute, it will be difficult for him to retreat."

After receiving old master Chen's suggestion, Hong Qing's thoughts became clear immediately, and suddenly thought that all the people in the imperial examination case last year were still in custody, and in a flash of thought, she already had an idea.

"Well, this strategy is feasible, but it's not enough, we have to add a few more fires, and simply turn the Ministry of Punishment upside down. In this way, in order to keep the foundation, Ba Ye will definitely fight to the death. In the future, it is necessary to take various containment measures against Ba Ye. Even if Ba Ye can retreat, his vitality will be severely injured. If he wants to turn around, it will take a few more years. The army is firmly in our hands, and now that we have thrown the mouse in the face, we will not dare to touch the prince again."

Hong Qing's strategy was considered comprehensive, but Old Master Chen was obviously a little more sophisticated. What he said had already set the tone for the evolution of the court situation within a few years...

(End of this chapter)

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