Chapter 841 Chaos Pattern ([-])

"Come on!"

Hong Qing walked very gracefully, but Emperor Chengde couldn't be chic anymore. After sitting on the dragon bed for a long time, he suddenly let out a stern drink.

"The old slave is here!"

Earlier, Emperor Chengde and his son played alone, and there was no one else in the hall. Li Dequan and a group of young eunuchs were all waiting outside the hall. When they heard that Emperor Chengde's voice was wrong, they all panicked and swarmed. Then he rushed into the palace.

"Go, announce to me..., um, Xuan Fangbao is here!"

Emperor Chengde originally wanted to announce Li Minquan, but when the words came to his lips, he changed his mind. There is nothing else. Although Emperor Chengde never expressed the close relationship between Li Minquan and the third elder brother, in his heart he was Clearly, thinking of what Hong Qing said earlier about the relationship between the third elder brother and the eighth master, Emperor Chengde subconsciously didn't want to call Li Minquan to come to discuss matters, so he changed his words and summoned Fang Bao.


Hearing Emperor Chengde's order, Li Dequan didn't dare to be negligent, he hurriedly responded, led the two young eunuchs, and hurried out of the hall, and after a while, he accompanied Fang Bao from the palace. Walked in from outside.

"Minister, Fang Bao, Minister of Military Aircraft, greets His Majesty."

As soon as they entered the palace, they could see that Emperor Chengde's complexion was not right. Fang Bao couldn't help but paused a little, but he quickly adjusted, rushed to the front of the imperial court, and paid homage in a hurry.

"Forget it, just be flat."

Although Emperor Chengde's face was gloomy, his voice was quite peaceful.

"Thank you, Your Majesty Long En, long live my emperor, long live, long live."

Although Emperor Chengde concealed it very well, Fang Bao could hear the anxiety and irritability in Emperor Chengde's heart, and his heart was unavoidably a little heavy, but he didn't dare to lose his courtesy, and thanked him respectfully, and then Just then stood up, bowed slightly, and put on the appearance of listening to instructions respectfully.

"Wait back!"

Emperor Chengde was not in a hurry to speak, but waved his hand and shouted orders to Li Dequan and the others.


As soon as Emperor Chengde said this, Li Dequan and the others dared not delay a bit, they all complied and filed out of the hall.

"Mr. Linggao, since I came to the throne, I haven't thanked you sir. This is my fault. Don't worry about forgetting Mr. Linggao."

After all the people had retreated, Emperor Chengde showed a look of apology, and apologized in advance very kindly.

"I dare not."

It is not a trivial matter for the emperor to apologize. Even though Fang Bao was courageous, he couldn't bear it any longer. He quickly knelt down on the ground and replied in fear.

"Mr. Linggao doesn't have to be like this. I'm telling the truth. Hey, I can get the great treasure. You have made great achievements. This one, I will always keep it in my heart."

Emperor Chengde was obviously very satisfied with Fang Bao's humble attitude, but when he saw Fang Bao wave his hand, he comforted Fang Bao very kindly.

"I'm terrified, I really don't dare to take advantage of this heavenly merit."

Although he already knew what credit Emperor Chengde was referring to, Fang Bao dared to admit it. You must know that the emperor's replacement is the most important thing in the community, but no one involved in it can do it. It's a good end, the master in front of him is obviously not a lenient person like Mr. Kangxi, nor is he as broad-minded as Mr. Kangxi. If he really thinks about the hardships when he took over the heirloom, Fang Bao can have good fruit to eat. It's weird.

"Mr. Linggao, don't panic, I don't mean to blame you, sir, please get up."

After Emperor Chengde obviously paused for a while, he continued to comfort Fang Bao with gentle words.

"The old minister thanked His Majesty Long En."

Since Emperor Chengde cried out, although Fang Bao still felt uneasy in his heart, he could only respectfully kowtow and thank him.

"I'm not thanking you in empty words. Hey, people are saying that I'm valuable because of my merits. It's not wrong. If it weren't for the words of 'watching the grandson', it would be difficult for me to sit in this position. This point, although you never took credit for it, but the late Emperor recorded it clearly in his notes, how could I not know about it."

Emperor Chengde summoned Fang Bao to come here today, just to use it to great advantage, naturally he wanted to speak thoroughly, in order to accept Fang Bao's heart, because of this, Emperor Chengde revealed the truth without any scruples Said, Fang Bao was startled immediately with cold sweat all over his forehead.

"I dare not, I..."

When Fang Bao offered advice to the old man, Zhang Tingyu was the only one present. He thought the matter was very secret, but he never expected that Emperor Chengde would learn the details from the old man's notes. After reading all the secrets of the investigation above, my heart was already panicked immediately.

"I have said that you, Mr. Linggao, have made great achievements. It's just that this matter involves a lot of depth. I don't like to reward you very much. I just ask you to serve me as if you were the emperor. You and my ministers have a beginning and an end, and we should be able to make a relationship." It's a good story through the ages, but I don't know if the master is willing to help me?"

Although Emperor Chengde has been pulling with Fang Bao in a friendly manner, in fact, he is always restless in his heart. Seeing that Fang Bao has been bluffed, he doesn't want to go around in circles anymore. Point out the fundamental intention of calling Fang Bao to come.

"Your Majesty's words are serious. The old minister is really lucky to be loyal to His Majesty. How dare you not do your best."

Emperor Chengde's words have been said to such an extent, how can Fang Bao say anything else? Originally, Fang Bao is an old-fashioned figure, and the thought of loyalty to the emperor has already penetrated into his bones, so it is impossible to disobey him. According to Emperor Chengde's words, kowtow to show loyalty is the only thing he can do.

"Okay, I have nothing to worry about if I can get my husband's help!"

Even though Fang Bao never showed his dew in the court, Emperor Chengde knew that his wisdom was as deep as the sea, and his ability to make calculations was definitely not inferior to Old Master Chen. To win such people's heart, Emperor Chengde himself I am very pleased.

"Your Majesty loves me so much, I should die to repay it."

The emotion of seeing Emperor Chengde came from the bottom of his heart, Fang Bao's heart was also very warm, and he hurriedly kowtowed again, expressing his loyalty again.

"Well, I remember these words, let's get up and talk."

Emperor Chengde nodded in relief, raised his hand, and yelled very warmly.

"Yes, the old minister complies."

Seeing Emperor Chengde's posture, Fang Bao knew that Emperor Chengde was going to get to the point, so he didn't dare to neglect it, so he stood up quickly, as if he was listening to the instructions respectfully.

"To tell the truth, sir, I just talked to Prince Ren earlier, and I wanted him to preside over the case of Xin Chouke, but I have always talked about him, and I can't force it. I can only let it go. , this case has already been widely circulated outside, if it is not dealt with early, it may change, my second and third sons are vying to preside over the trial, but I am not optimistic about it, I don't know if Mr. Do you have anything to teach?"

Seeing that Fang Bao was so knowledgeable, Emperor Chengde didn't go around too much, and directly stated the difficulties in his heart.

"Your Majesty, why do you think Prince Ren is unwilling to preside over the case?"

Fang Bao didn't answer Emperor Chengde's question directly, but asked back in a serious manner.

"He..., hmph, I thought that the reason why this case was exposed is probably because of him. This is to make it difficult for me to see!"

Upon hearing Fang Bao's question, Emperor Chengde could no longer suppress the resentment in his heart, waved his hand angrily, and cursed angrily.

"Your Majesty misunderstood. The reason why Prince Ren made such an arrangement is really painstaking."

Fang Bao can understand Emperor Chengde's thoughts of restricting Hongqing, but it does not mean that he agrees with Emperor Chengde's blind action to suppress Hongqing. There is nothing else, and it is ridiculous to think of killing a donkey before the grind is over. It's just that Fang Bao couldn't and didn't dare to say such words, so he could only express emotion euphemistically.

"Huh? How do you say that, sir?"

Emperor Chengde had won Fang Bao's allegiance before, and thought that Fang Bao should stand by him and condemn Hong Qing's rude behavior. Then he looked a little embarrassed, but he didn't want to act rashly, so he could only drink and ask coldly.

"Your Majesty, have you ever noticed why the second elder brother and the third elder brother are competing to hear the case, and who is standing behind each?"

With Fang Bao's wisdom, how could he fail to guess what Emperor Chengde was thinking, but for the sake of the stability of the country, Fang Bao did not dare to follow Emperor Chengde's words indiscriminately. It's really hard to explain it too clearly, but Fang Bao can only mention it in a superficial way.

"This... sir means..."

Emperor Chengde himself is not a dull person, but the structure is a little smaller, and there are some problems with the limitations of vision, but once someone points it out, he can still comprehend a certain depth. At this time, although Fang Bao never said it clearly, but Emperor Chengde saw something strange, and he couldn't help being taken aback, his face brightened.

"Your Majesty is clear after thinking about it. Since you came to the throne, the fourth master and the eighth master have all calmed down. However, their hearts may not be dead. The reason why they don't move is not because they don't want to, but because they are waiting for an opportunity. If your majesty is forced to benevolent If the prince goes too far, the opportunity for those two will come. The reason why Prince Ren chooses to trigger the case of Xin Chouke at this time may be because he sees the danger and has no choice but to let it go."

Fang Bao didn't dare to speak out about Emperor Chengde's fault, but he didn't have so many scruples about Fourth Master and Eighth Master, and explained Hong Qing's fundamental intentions for causing this disturbance.

"Well..., it's just that the matter has already happened, how should I deal with it properly, and please give me some guidance, sir."

Although Fang Bao didn't say it clearly, the meaning is very obvious, that is, he is persuading Emperor Chengde not to force Hongqing to death. Although Emperor Chengde felt a little regretful about this, he threw it away in an instant. He went to the back of his head, nothing else, in Emperor Chengde's view, he is the Ninth Five-Year Lord, and Hongqing's father, Hongqing should have followed him, so there is no reason why he will come back, Because of these thoughts, Emperor Chengde didn't want to admit his mistakes at all, and only thought about how to expose the case first. As for the suppression of Hongqing, what should be done, still has to be done, in a word—— How can you allow others to snore like thunder!
(End of this chapter)

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