Chapter 102 Let’s be despicable, plot against the Du family (4)
This also made Meier a little reconciled.

Mei'er couldn't help but ask herself, did she really start to lose her attractiveness?

What women are most worried about is that their youth is gone and their age is getting old, and Meier is no exception.Now, in her heart, she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

Abandoning Mo Linghua, Mei'er felt a faint pain in her heart. She dressed herself up all night, but she didn't expect that when she appeared in front of Mo Linghua, Mo Linghua didn't take a second look at her.

At this time, a greedy gaze had already fallen on Meier, staring at Meier's exquisite figure, but secretly swallowing her saliva.

"Miss Mei'er, it's been a long time. I didn't expect you to be as beautiful as ever. How do you take care of yourself?"

The man's lewd words brought Meier back to her senses, and she followed the voice, what Meier saw was a fat pig wearing brocade clothes.

Can I only attract such a man?This made Mei'er feel sad.But this man was something she had to deal with.Because this dude is not easy to mess with.

Immediately, a vicious idea suddenly appeared in Meier's heart.

With Ling Binghe's beauty, it must be enough to attract this man's attention, and it must also be able to arouse the covetousness of this pervert.At that time, Ling Binghe will naturally suffer a bit.

Thinking of this, Mei'er smiled sweetly, her red lips were like fire, her eyes were alluring, she walked over gracefully, her arms were half-wrapped, her voice could soften a man's bones: "Mr. Du, it's been a long time."

A pair of fat hands hugged Meier's medicine, and when the man's hands became restless, Meier whispered: "Mr. Du, at the medicine reward meeting today, a beautiful beauty came. It's beautiful."

The man's eyes lit up immediately, and there was a little burning in them: "Really?"

Ling Binghe didn't know Mei'er's calculations, she looked around in the hall, and then her eyes were attracted by the medicine in a glass cabinet.On this medicine cabinet, there is no description of what kind of medicinal material it is, and this medicinal material is unremarkable, which also makes Ling Binghe feel a little surprised in his heart.

Not many people lingered around, just because the medicinal materials in the glass cabinet were too inconspicuous.

On the red silk carpet, there is a black tree root, its appearance is not good.

Even Ling Binghe didn't know what kind of spiritual power this tree root possessed for a while.

She began to search with her fingers, but the result was unexpected. What she could feel in the palm of her hand was a surge of spiritual power, which made Ling Binghe feel comfortable all over.

Such pure spiritual power!

Ling Binghe is ready to buy it, but since the owner who displayed this medicinal material is so weird, he must be a decent person.

After summoning the waiter, Ling Binghe couldn't help asking: "Who is the owner of this herb?"

The waiter went over and muttered something to a skinny old man on the side, only to see a skinny old man walking over like this, looking at Ling Binghe.

The old man in front of him can be said to be unattractive, but occasionally there will be a little light in his eyes.Ling Binghe secretly thought in her heart, could it be that this one is the real owner of this medicinal herb?
It seems that the real person does not show his face.

"Old man, I don't know, is this medicinal herb sold or not?"

Ling Binghe felt that with the spiritual power of this herb, maybe this old man would participate in tomorrow's auction.

The old man looked at Ling Binghe for a few times, seemed a little curious, and couldn't believe that the person who took a fancy to this medicinal herb was actually this pretty girl in front of him.

However, this surprise also disappeared in a flash, and then those eyes became deep and waveless again.

"Sell, of course you have to sell."

The old man said so.

"I don't know, what is the price." Ling Binghe secretly hoped that the old man would be ignorant.

Unexpectedly, the old man said casually: "Two thousand crystal coins."

He actually offered such a high price, thinking that when Qu Lianfeimo wanted to divorce Ling Binghe, the compensation to the Hua family was only [-] crystal coins, but it had already aroused the greed of the Hua family.It was enough to buy Ling Binghe's first-rank divine weapon.

It can be said that two thousand crystal coins is an astronomical figure for ordinary people.

The smile on the corner of Ling Binghe's mouth suddenly turned into a wry smile: "It doesn't have to be so expensive! Besides, this medicinal material is dark, who knows what it is, whether it is worth the price."

And Ling Binghe was still picking stabs in his mouth, which was the only way to bargain.

Without raising his eyelids, the old man said coldly, "If you don't buy it, forget it."

After finishing speaking, he was about to turn around and leave. Ling Binghe never thought that the old man would be so rude.

"Anyway, I'm going to take it to participate in tomorrow's auction." The old man threw out these words.

This immediately made Ling Binghe's ears prick up, damn it, if he participated in the auction, the price of this black medicinal material would definitely be more than this price.

It also made Ling Binghe couldn't help thinking to himself, this old man said that on purpose, did he say it to himself on purpose?

Suspicious, really suspicious!
But it was clearly a trap, Ling Binghe obediently took the bait.

"Well, I'm willing to buy it."

Ling Binghe also threw out such a sentence.In fact, I also know that at the market price, buying this black tree root with two thousand crystal coins is already an advantage.

Fortunately, this old man is a bit eccentric, and the good thing is so mysterious, as if it is deliberately hidden from people.It is estimated that I have collected good medicinal materials, and I am a bit artificial. I feel that my sales are a bit bad, and I need someone else to find out.

Ling Binghe feels that this old man is not simple, although he just likes to make such a little flirt.

At this time, a man's voice sounded: "This beauty seems to be from another place. I haven't seen it before, and she looks very unfamiliar."

After Ling Binghe heard this sentence, she immediately raised her eyebrows.

This voice is obscene enough!
(End of this chapter)

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