Chapter 122 The Son’s Education Has Problems (1)
The three major masters in the world will not be interested in a fake.No matter how she thought about it, Xue Qinglian couldn't think of the possibility of her having a bad memory.

Under the hypnosis of this theory, Xue Qinglian quickly accepted the fact that she had a bad memory.

Seeing that my head is confused, I don't even know where to throw the carefully crafted imitations. It must be a little bit of confusion caused by being too tired recently.

Apart from knocking out a few more walnuts to nourish her brain, Xue Qinglian had no choice but to spend three thousand crystal coins heartbroken, and asked someone to make another fake.

After all, it would cost a lot to make a Ziji magic core that was fake enough to deceive the eyes of so many sellers.

This also made Xue Qinglian let out a sigh of relief, whoever made herself have a bad memory could only pay a bloody price.

In the private room of the restaurant, Ling Binghe and Bai Boss have returned with a full load of secret news, and Du Muxiang has already ordered a few dishes.

For four thousand crystal coins, Du Muxiang was also very generous and shared it with Ling Binghe.

Du Muxiang was not as teasing as Boss Bai, and the few dishes he ordered were much more normal. Ling Binghe secretly despised Boss Bai.

Hearing about Xue Qinglian and Du Muyuan's deeds, Du Muxiang's face suddenly showed a slight anger: "They are really going too far, even at the medicine reward meeting, they dared to do such deeds."

Boss Bai took a sip of the soup gracefully. Although he usually likes to joke, sometimes in some small places, it also reveals Boss Bai's good family education.

For example, his posture of drinking soup can make a certain woman sitting on the side feel ashamed.

Ling Binghe looked at Boss Bai with some jealousy. Not only is the master more beautiful than a woman, even the posture of eating soup is so beautiful, so pleasing to the eye.

Yaya picked up the small spoon by the way, imitating Boss Bai's posture to drink the soup.

"Ya Ya, you use these fingers to hold the soup spoon." Boss Bai casually stretched out his fingers to let Ya Ya understand his posture.

"Don't say Shigong is so troublesome." Ling Binghe grinned and fed a spoonful of porridge into Yaya's mouth.

Boss Bai looked at Du Muxiang: "However, Du Muyuan, such a waste, can actually join this kind of thing, it is really puzzling. Presumably Du Gongzi should also know the reason."

There was also a hint of anger in Du Muxiang's expression, but her voice was unbelievably calm: "Liluo City is a city with very developed commerce, and the medicinal material industry is the pillar of it, because the popularity of refining medicine on the mainland, It can be said that in addition to being a famous commercial city, Liluo City is also the largest distribution center for medicinal materials. Here, there used to be four families, Luo, Du, Lu, and Mu, which can be said to be the four forces in Liluo City. Of course, these four forces are relatively Those who do not go to Tianyue College, but they are not vassals of Tianyue College."

"But soon, these four families were blinded by their interests, and began to use their influence in Liluo City to engage in illegal activities that could make huge profits."

Ling Binghe tentatively guessed: "They sell fake medicine?"

"That's right. The number of real elixir is very rare, and it is also very rare to find. The daily trading volume of medicinal materials in Luocheng is so huge, so naturally there are some fake ones. Of course, many merchants from other places feel that they are very unlucky, but it is a pity that in the end It doesn't matter. They couldn't find out the source because the four major families were the instigators behind these things. Of course, because of the relationship of interests, these four families are also closely linked together."

Listening to what Du Muxiang said, Ling Binghe felt that the food she tasted tasted like wax.

"Of course, the head of the Luo family at that time had some conscience and decided to withdraw from this matter. In the end, the Luo family also suffered revenge, and my mother died because of it."

This also made the two listeners feel a little bit embarrassed. It turns out that there are greater economic interests behind the heartlessness.

"Xue Qinglian's status is naturally different. It can be said that there is a difference between Du Muyuan and Du Muyuan. But when it comes to how to make counterfeit products and sales channels, Xue Qinglian really needs to ask Du Muyuan for advice. This is why Xue Qinglian is willing to share with Du Muyuan. The reason why this kind of people colluded."

And Du Muxiang's last few words also answered a doubt in Ling Binghe and Boss Bai's heart.

"Then Mumu, what's your plan?" Ling Binghe lifted her snow-white chin boredly, staring at Du Muxiang with a little curiosity in her bright eyes.It's just that when Du Muxiang was stared at by Ling Binghe's eyes, her cheeks couldn't help feeling a little hot.

Since he likes Ling Binghe, it is impossible for him to remain indifferent to Ling Binghe's gaze.

Du Muxiang lowered her eyes lightly, and when she raised her head, there was a little determination in her eyes: "I want to uproot and get rid of these three big families."

Anyway, he would not allow black clouds to continue to hang over Liluo City.

But when Du Muxiang's smiling eyes fell on Ling Binghe's face, Ling Binghe's heart turned cold.

"Yaya, Mom told you, don't do things that are not beneficial."

"Xiao He, do you want to make a lot of money?"

"Money, I don't really care."

Du Muxiang started to help Ling Binghe analyze the pros and cons with her fingers: "But if you want to become a top pharmacist, you need a lot of top-grade medicinal materials, and you need to spend money to buy them. Even if you rob every time, it is more troublesome and dangerous. .And have their own medicinal materials shop, not only can become a big boss, but also choose the best medicinal materials at will."

"Wait a minute, you said you want to set up your own medicine shop?"

"That's right. Opening a pharmacy in Liluo City will crowd out the other three businesses. I'm still relatively gentle, and I don't like to use violence to solve problems."

At least on the surface.

Boss Bai looked at Du Muxiang as if he was holding a carrot to lure the rabbit, but Ling Binghe's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"With you and my intelligence and Boss Bai's shamelessness, I believe this combination will be invincible."

Damn it, this bastard actually wants to drag himself into the water.

(End of this chapter)

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