Chapter 125 The Son’s Education Has Problems (4)
"Yoyo, my Yaya is still angry." Boss Bai immediately stretched out his finger, poking Yaya's forehead by the way.

Yaya immediately covered his forehead subconsciously, um, continued to ignore it.

However, Boss Bai came prepared this time, taking advantage of the opportunity to conjure up a candy and shaking it in the palm of his hand.

"Yaya, let's see if Shigong treats you well and even brings you candy."

"Don't think you can buy me off with just one candy." Yaya said holding her small face.

"Then how can we buy Yaya?" Boss Bai hurriedly asked humbly.

"At least one bag of sugar!" Teeth gritted his fingers.


I really don't know if Yaya is stupid or smart.

However, Boss Bai really came prepared, and by the way, he delivered a bag of candy to Yaya.

"Greedy ghost for you!" Boss Bai touched the corners of Ya Ya's head by the way, and Ya Ya suddenly showed a very comfortable expression.

Shigong touched his horns, it felt so comfortable!
"Actually, Shigong came to see you, mainly because Shigong has some questions in his heart and wants to ask you."

Boss Bai heaved a sigh, he still had to ask Yaya for his opinion on such matters.

And Yaya is definitely a good boy who is willing to help others, with a bright smile on his face, he couldn't help saying: "Master, ask."

"Yaya, what do you think of Master? Isn't he handsome!"

"What is handsome!"

"If you are like Shigong, you are called handsome!"


Boss Bai coughed: "Do you think Shigong and your mother are very suitable when they are together?"

Yaya thought for a while, then nodded, he was still eating the candy given by the master, since there was a bribe, of course he had to help the master!
"Of course, your biological father is also a handsome, personable, handsome, handsome, responsible and successful man with status and status."

"But mom said my dad is an irresponsible bastard, the most disgusting, disgusting, big stallion that women hate!"

"You are your mother's prejudice against your father, because your mother has always admired your father, and you also know that a woman who hates because of love is terrible."

Boss Bai was talking nonsense, although Ling Binghe didn't hear it, but couldn't help shivering.

Ya Ya also half understood, meaning that his father is a very nice person?Tooth is actually quite happy in his heart.

"Then, here comes the question. If Shigong and your father want you to choose, do you think it's better to choose Shigong or your father?"

Boss Bai asked himself a difficult question.I always feel that the current situation between myself and Xiao He is very delicate, as if my wife has been cheated by others, and it seems that I am cheating on other people's wives.Even if he pursued Xiao He as the boss Bai, he would probably be beaten to death by Xiao He's powder fist later on.

However, Yaya answered without any hesitation: "Both!"

Cough cough cough cough cough cough!Boss Bai almost choked on his own saliva.

"This won't work. A woman should be consistent. She can't marry a concubine. If Uncle Du asks you to have a threesome, is that okay?"

Seeing that Yaya nodded again, Boss Bai was stunned like a thunderbolt.

Xiao He, what did you do with your son's education? It's so outrageous.

Yaya looked puzzled and cute. Although Boss Bai was downcast, he could only rub Yaya's head.

"Yaya, one cannot like several people at the same time."

Boss Bai felt that it was necessary to give Yaya a proper education.

"Mom said the more good things the better!"

"However, just people can't share. There can only be one person I love the most. If I like your mother, and then I like other women, what do you think, Yaya?"

Yaya shook his head again and again, this feeling is really annoying!

Thinking of Shigong swaying, swaying behind other women, talking with a soft smile, Yaya's heart feels a little uncomfortable.

"Master is so annoying."

"Yes, that's it."

Boss Bai was persuasive and persuasive, seeing that his son had already entered the Tao, he continued to seduce: "Then if only Xiao He likes one person, who does Yaya think he should choose?"

"People can't share?"


"There can only be one favorite person!"

"That is that is!"

"Then, let's talk about Yaya. Yaya chooses Mommy's favorite person." Yaya looked at Boss Bai apologetically and said.

Touching Yaya's eyes, Boss Bai felt his chest was constricted, and he almost passed out.

"It's not like that!" Boss Bai wanted to bite the handkerchief angrily.

There seems to be something wrong with my own education of Yaya.

"I mean except for Yaya, man, the handsome and good-looking man next to Xiaohe."

"But Shigong said that there can only be one person you love the most."

"Except for you, Yaya." Boss Bai didn't know how to explain.

"It doesn't count if Shigong speaks." Ya Ya looked at Shigong and felt that Shigong was quite fickle, but he didn't care about it.

"You don't understand this."

"That Yaya tell Shigong!"

Ya Ya waved, and Boss Bai leaned over his face happily.

Haw, Yaya's soft lips kissed Boss Bai's face, the lips were so soft, Boss Bai felt as if he had eaten soft cotton candy, but his brain seemed to be stuffed into a big clock, boom, boom, boom I knocked it several times, but it was still buzzing in my head.

It seems that he was molested by his own son, so it would be good to moles him a few more times.

"Yaya, how about some more kisses?"

Boss Bai felt that his voice was so sweet, and he felt chills all over his body.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Boss Bai was overjoyed, he immediately picked up Yaya and rubbed it in his arms.

Wait a minute. Is there something you forgot?

When he was leaving, Boss Bai realized that the question he wanted to ask had no answer yet.Suddenly, several black lines appeared on the old man's head.I really don't know if Yaya is stupid or smart.

(End of this chapter)

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