Chapter 134
People who were a little skeptical now feel that their skepticism has been shaken.

"But if there is nothing wrong with this Purple Demon Core, what Miss Ling said is slander. In Liluo City, no one dares to slander Tianyue Academy." Xue Qinglian's tone already had a hint of slander. Threatened taste.

I saw Xue Qinglian chuckled, her eyes darkened slightly, for the current plan, there was only one way to get out.

Fortunately, he was extra careful and carried the real Purple Demon Core with him.

Although he has lost a lot of benefits, the most important thing right now is naturally to restore his reputation.But Xue Qinglian smiled slightly, and with a quick movement of her fingers, the two extreme purple magic cores were dropped.

So it would be a waste for him not to be a thief!
But one thing Xue Qinglian got wrong was that both of them were fakes, even if he replaced them, he would still be exchanging fakes for fakes.

However, Lan Ruxing was still a little confused by Xue Qinglian's calmness, and felt that Xue Qinglian should not be that kind of person.

Originally, Lan Ruxing had prepared to say that there was no need to check this, and he could trust Tianyue Academy.But Uncle Chen next to her has already gone over to check with a cheeky face. After all, Uncle Chen is older, less courageous, and more cautious.

After all, it was bought with 20 crystal coins, and Uncle Chen felt that he had a heavy responsibility.

Xue Qinglian looked at Ling Binghe, her voice turned deep: "Today, Tianyue Academy will not let Miss Ling's slander just go away."

Ling Binghe didn't care, the real thing was still in her bag, no matter how Xue Qinglian played, she couldn't conjure a real Purple Demon Core.

Uncle Chen seemed to be shocked. He didn't respond for a long time, and finally raised his head tremblingly, looked at Lan Ruxing and said, "Miss, this Purple Demon Core is fake."

"Fake, what nonsense are you talking about?" Xue Qinglian thought she had heard it wrong, and there was a hint of disbelief on her face.

Lan Ruxing's complexion also changed, and she pushed Uncle Chen away to check by herself.

Xue Qinglian's handsome face was completely pale for a while, it was impossible, it must be that Uncle Chen made a mistake in the inspection.

The people around were all silent, and even Mo Linghua probably couldn't imagine that the Purple Demon Core was really a fake.

Lan Ruxing watched for a long time, and Xue Qinglian felt as if she was waiting for the final verdict, but when Lan Ruxing raised her head, she heard Lan Ruxing tremble and said: "This is fake."

Time seemed to be frozen, and Xue Qinglian didn't understand why for a while, but felt that the eyes around her seemed to have become extremely scary.

In the end, it was Murong Jingyu who broke the calm: "Our Zisu Zhan Clan will definitely investigate this matter to the end, and someone must pay the price and compensate for the loss!"

It means that since the Purple Demon Core is gone, someone needs to be responsible for the compensation.The person responsible for this should naturally be Tianyue Academy.

"Shameless!" Du Muxiang commented faintly, making the shadow on the side a little puzzled.

It's really shameless for someone to use his own baby to pick up girls, and let people from Tianyue Academy pay for it!
In comparison, Tan Ruoxue, whose cards are maxed out, is really a kind and lovely little white rabbit.

Tan Ruoxue shivered secretly in Long Yinzong, she felt that there was a little chill behind her back, and she really didn't know who was arranging herself behind her back.

Boss Bai looked like the winner in the end, not only hit Tianyue College, successfully implemented the plan, sent the Ziji Demon Core to Ling Binghe for free, but also knocked away a sum of money from Tianyue College, making Tianyue The Academy pays for its own chicks.Boss Bai couldn't be more satisfied.

"Master, your expression looks so shameless." Ling Binghe asked from the side.

"I'm wearing a mask, which one of your eyes sees me shameless."

Boss Bai still grabbed Ling Binghe's hand and said: "Xiao He, as long as you want, I will even pick off the moon from the sky for you."

But of course let other people be the ladder and let Boss Bai climb up!

"However, although the plan has been half-successful, we can't be proud, we must take advantage of the victory and pursue it!"

"That's right, take advantage of the victory and pursue!"

"If you don't compromise!"

"No compromise!"

"Despicable and shameless!"

"Xiao He, there is something wrong with this slogan!" Boss Bai weakly protested.

Ling Binghe gave Boss Bai a white look, and accepted Boss Bai's suggestion by the way.

"Be persistent!"

"Yes, persevere!"

Ya Ya also made an oh yes gesture, indicating that he was also involved.

"By the way, that fake master has already been found by Mu Mu." Ling Binghe's eyes rolled, and she felt a little cunning no matter how she looked at it.

"oh oh."

"I have interrogated him and asked him to write a confession. This fake master has a bit of conscience and a sense of justice. He will recruit everyone he can."

Conscience and a sense of justice?

Two people, one big and one small, stared at Ling Binghe suspiciously.

Could it be that he used such a little bit of despicable and shameless threats?

"Let's send this confession to the principal of Tianyue College, Mr. Xue. By the way, we can test how many people from Tianyue College are involved in this matter."

"You bastard!" Xue Lao was furious at Xue Qinglian.

"I asked you to host the Medicine Rewarding Conference, not to tarnish the reputation of Tianyue Academy. In this way, people outside don't know how to spread the word."

Xue Lao stared at Xue Qinglian, really hating iron but not steel!
"Qinglian knew that she had neglected her duty, so she let others take advantage of her."

Xue Qinglian made a look and told Xue Zhusha to come quickly to persuade her father, after all, if the old man loses his temper, it is not easy to provoke.

"Father, don't be angry. The third brother doesn't want to be like this. He is busy all day long, and sometimes he will be a little negligent in doing things, so that others can take advantage of him!"

Xue Zhusha thought about Ling Binghe, and a secret anger grew in her heart: "Besides, I think there must be a conspiracy behind this matter. Someone is inciting the masses to use the pressure of public opinion to deal with our Tianyue Academy. If it wasn't for Ling Bing He suddenly asked to inspect the goods, I'm afraid we won't lose face in public. From my point of view, this woman's behavior is weird, which seems very unusual. Why don't we start with Ling Binghe, maybe we can find something. "

(End of this chapter)

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