Chapter 156 The Behavior Rules of Violent Men (2)
On the other side, Du Muxiang took out some coins and handed them to the hemiplegic patient.Originally, just in case, it was specially designed to bribe the framer of the Mu family.However, by mistake, Yu Ziluo would unexpectedly come to the pharmacy, so her own design was unnecessary.

"Young Master Du, it's been too hard for you to do the facts for you. You don't know how terrifying the young master of your shop is."

"Okay, take the money and go as far as possible, the Mu family will not let you go."

Du Muxiang asked so.

But this time, making a fuss is not without effect, so even if someone frames Ling Binghe in the future, it will not be so easy to be believed.

Du Muxiang's eyes were faintly deep, but if he wanted to bring down the three great families in Liluo City, it would still take some effort.But he is also confident, as long as he is here, no one will be able to count Ling Binghe.

At Tianyue College, Xue Zhusha looked at the news sent by the spies, and there was a bit of coldness in his eyes.

It seems that this Ling Binghe's luck and wit are quite good.

However, if I guessed correctly, the violent man next to Ling Binghe should be that one.

Thinking of this, Xue Zhusha's eyes suddenly became a little uneasy.

However, a mere Ling Binghe will never escape her Xue Zhusha's calculations.

That night when Ling Binghe was about to close the shop, she saw a snow-like figure slowly coming to Ling Binghe's medicine shop.

Seeing a gentle and friendly smile on Xue Zhusha's face, she said softly: "Miss Ling, I have something to talk to you about."

talk about what?Ling Binghe always felt that Xue Zhusha was a weasel giving a New Year greeting to a chicken, so she had no good intentions.

"Ms. Snow, you are not here to teach me a lesson, are you?" Ling Binghe's eyes moved, looking at Xue Zhusha with a half-smile.

Women like Murong Tianfeng who make trouble for him at will are certainly annoying, but women like Xue Zhusha who hide their knives in their smiles make Ling Binghe even more troublesome.

And Xue Zhusha said softly immediately: "Miss Ling, how could I teach you a lesson? Miss Ling must have forgotten that you should be considered as a student of Tianyue College now, and you should go to the college for accommodation. This is also the rule of the college. .”

"If I don't go to the academy, I'm afraid I will have to expel Miss Ling according to the rules." After Xue Zhusha finished speaking, she deliberately glanced at Ling Binghe.

Ling Binghe raised her eyebrows, as if she should go to the academy.

"Go, why don't you go?" Ling Binghe said with a smile, Xue Zhusha couldn't help but nodded slightly.

The smiling eyes of the two met together, colliding sharply.

Ling Binghe!You will regret your provocation against me today!

Ling Binghe stared back, and everyone waited and watched.

Since Xue Zhusha invited herself to Tianyue Academy so sincerely, it would be disingenuous not to go.But Xue Zhusha will express extreme regret for her decision today.

In the hall, the bored Yu Ziluo's eyes fell on Du Muxiang, thoughtful.

When he was threatening Ling Binghe just now, he felt a vague threat coming from one side, but he didn't expect that the person behind this scene was actually this handsome and handsome crippled young man in front of him.

When Ling Binghe went to pack her bags, Yu Ziluo unexpectedly came to Du Muxiang's side, and said curiously: "What is your identity?"

Yu Ziluo felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity with this crippled body, and also realized that Du Muxiang's cultivation could be described as unfathomable.

I really don't know why such a master is bent on Ling Binghe's side.

With the sharpness of Yu Ziluo's eyes, he could already see that Ling Binghe was just a human-level master. In Yu Ziluo's view, a woman with this strength was just the most ordinary waste.However, this woman's medical skills are still very miraculous.And there is such a mysterious disabled son by his side.

"I'm just Xiao He's property."

"She is also worthy? Although this woman is a stunning beauty, for a master, a woman's beauty is not enough to confuse the mind."

Although Du Muxiang looked weak and pale, and seemed to be a weak person with no strength to restrain a chicken, in Yu Ziluo's view, there was an inexplicable coldness and profoundness in this cripple.

"Perhaps Xiao He is more than just beautiful." A faint smile appeared on the corner of Du Muxiang's mouth.

"Forget it, what happened to you and her has nothing to do with me. I only want her to heal my injury, otherwise I will never spare this woman."

Yu Ziluo seemed so domineering.

Du Muxiang looked at Yu Ziluo, but a calculating light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

This man's martial arts are so strong, I am quite worried about letting Ling Binghe go to Tianyue Academy alone, if there is Yu Ziluo as a free bodyguard, it will be very good.

"It's a pity, if you're not careful, Xiao He may be plotted against. She has a lot of enemies in Tianyue Academy."

"Do I look like an idiot with strong limbs and a simple mind? You take advantage of me so casually?" Yu Ziluo said disdainfully. If Du Muxiang had such a plan, it was purely underestimating her own IQ.

He is domineering, simple and rude, but he has always only caused headaches and troubles. He has no way to take advantage of him, and he is not the kind of dumb goose who can make people fool around with a few words.To put it bluntly, people with insufficient IQ do not even have the chance to advance to the heavenly rank.

"By the way, the last dog slave who took advantage of my pretentiousness was slaughtered by me just now. Some people should not be smart."

Yu Ziluo's eyes flashed, those useless elders of Longyin Sect thought that he would not dare to move around if he arranged a spy by his side?Joke, I am a person who will never be easily blackmailed.He Yu Ziluo just doesn't want to be threatened by anyone, and he absolutely doesn't want to be bound by anything.

This woman Ling Binghe is definitely not that simple. Even if someone from Tianyue Academy wanted to kill her, it would not be that easy.

Looking at Yu Ziluo's proud figure, Du Muxiang also smiled slightly.

Sure enough, none of the sky-level masters is a fuel-efficient lamp, and violent men are not just with well-developed limbs.

(End of this chapter)

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