Chapter 159 A Tale of a Tale (1)
"Xiao Yu, don't you prepare for it?"

"By the way, there is something I've always wanted to tell you." Yu Ziluo frowned, looking very unhappy and worried.


"Xiao Yu's rotten appellation is not allowed to be used to address me in the future."

Ling Binghe was speechless, this Yu Ziluo, the reflex arc is too long, right?Is he really pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?
"By the way, are you really not masked?"

Ling Binghe chuckled in Yu Ziluo's ear, laughing so much that blue veins appeared on Yu Ziluo's head.

"No need!" Yu Ziluo said casually.

With his aloofness and wildness, even if he was a burglar, he would not hide his face.At most, when others want to see their own face, it's right to knock them out by the way.

Ling Binghe smiled lightly, and then jumped up, Yu Ziluo followed after a little hesitation.

Originally following Ling Binghe, he was afraid that she would leave him in the pharmacy and cause some troubles for him secretly, so Yu Ziluo decided to follow this woman and never allow her to play any tricks secretly.

But now Yu Ziluo also has a feeling that she seems to be lured here by Ling Binghe deliberately.

Although the woman's slender figure was somewhat blurred in the night, under Yu Ziluo's sharp eyes, it was fully revealed.

Although Ling Binghe came to Mu's house for the first time, her beautiful eyes flowed around, and she could identify the important places of Mu's house based on her architectural knowledge.

Among a bunch of buildings, there is a Seven Star Fort, which is in the heavily guarded area of ​​the Mu family, so there must be secrets in it.Ling Binghe stopped on the branch, her skirt was blown by the wind, swaying slightly, looking at the fortress, she gently gathered her hair with her fingers.There are piles of dark clouds in the distance, and the stars are sparse and looming.

Ling Binghe's cute nose slightly turned up, looked at Yu Ziluo and said, "Xiao Yu, who do you think lives in the Seven Star Castle of the Mu family?"

Yu Ziluo landed lightly on another branch, just hummed softly, but did not answer.Under the dim moonlight, although this woman covered her cheeks, the sparkle in her eyes still looked charming and thought-provoking.

Ling Binghe's cute little nose slightly tilted up, anyway, she already knew that Yu Ziluo would be so cold and arrogant, and would not answer her own questions.And her frown and glance are all extremely agile.

Yu Ziluo also watched Ling Binghe quietly, but she was a little curious about Ling Binghe.

The last time he saw Ling Binghe, Ling Binghe was only a high-ranking human rank, this woman should have entered the ground rank now, why can she improve so quickly?Especially for those who are new to the earth, there should be some discomfort, but this woman does not have such a situation.

But if Ling Binghe has extremely high talent, why did she only rise from the human rank to the earth rank now?

In addition to healing her wounds, curiosity about Ling Binghe was also the reason why Yu Ziluo stayed in the pharmacy.

While thinking this way, Yu Ziluo followed Ling Binghe to the roof of the Seven Star Fort.

And when Yu Ziluo looked up at the moon, Ling Binghe easily and familiarly lifted off the two roof tiles.Looking at Ling Binghe's movement of quietly removing the tiles, I don't know how many times I have practiced, she is definitely a familiar hand.

Yu Ziluo suddenly muttered in her heart, this woman did this, and she didn't know how many times she had been a thief before.

But thinking about it carefully, I shouldn't have any expectations of Ling Binghe's character.

Sure enough, there was a voice coming from the room, and the people on the roof could hear it clearly.

"The head of the family doesn't have to worry, I guess Ling Binghe is such a little girl, she can't afford any big troubles." A soft man's voice rang out, and it gave people goosebumps.

Ling Binghe shuddered, and looked carefully, besides Mu Fengxing, the head of the Mu family, there was also a middle-aged fat man in the room, with a pair of slender mung bean eyes that flickered from time to time.

"Master Gu, the pharmacist in the pharmacy is a super class."

Mu Fengxing said listlessly.

This Master Gu's voice suddenly became a little louder: "Could it be that the Patriarch dislikes that I'm just a first-level alchemist, and I can't compare to other people's super-level ones."

Mu Fengxing quickly waved his hands and replied, "Of course I didn't mean that."

After all, with the strength of the Mu family, it is already very good to hire a first-level pharmacist.Of course, this master Gu is not a good bird, the asking price is extremely high every time he refines the medicine, and the Mu family can't make much money as a result.Otherwise, the Mu family would not be able to marry the Lu family, and give the beautiful Mu Lan to that nympho of the Lu family.

"Ling Binghe, this little bitch, is just relying on his own good looks to seduce a super pharmacist with his body. The method is really low!" Master Gu's soft voice became a bit feminine because of excitement. Same fine.

Goosebumps appeared all over Ling Binghe's body when he heard it, and a little bit of gleam appeared in his eyes. He dared to arrange himself like this behind his back, so that he would not give this bastard a bit of trouble later.

"To deal with such a lowly woman, of course we have to resort to all means." Master Gu was angry, but he still had to consider for the boss.

Otherwise, the Mu family would have been screwed to death, and my good days in the Mu family would have come to an end.

Yu Ziluo looked at Ling Binghe, raised her eyebrows, and there was a little doubt in her eyes.Unexpectedly, Ling Binghe was lucky, and Ling Binghe happened to overhear others plotting against her.Could it be a special arrangement.

Ling Binghe's gaze returned, it's just such a coincidence, isn't it?
As soon as Master Gu said this, Mu Fengxing immediately listened seriously.

"Although the secret framing of the Du family has been exposed, but as long as she tampers with the medicine in Ling Binghe's medicine shop and causes many people to be poisoned, her reputation will not be bad."

"What does Master Gu mean?"

"That is to poison secretly."

Master Gu took out a bottle: "As long as I sprinkle this bottle of poisonous powder into the medicinal materials in Ling's pharmacy, it is best to kill a few people, and keep it so that Ling Binghe's voice can't do it."

(End of this chapter)

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