Chapter 166 Killing with a Borrowing Knife (3)
Happy ass!

"I don't know if you have the ability to bear the vengeance of the plot just now, the humiliation of the plot."

Yu Ziluo calmed down instead, since Du Muxiang is a top-notch expert, she will never allow herself to lose her mind due to anger.A pair of bloodthirsty purple eyes became cold because of this, Yu Ziluo clasped the handle of the knife at her waist, and the clothes on her body were already windless.

"How about we make a deal?"

"You think I'm going to talk to a scumbag like you?"

"I take you as a compliment to me, but maybe it's not too late to listen to my bargaining chip before doing it. Or are you afraid that after listening, you will be moved by me, so you don't even have the courage to listen?"

Du Muxiang's fingers touched the music lightly, but she didn't move any hands or feet in the music.

"I don't think I am your opponent, young master, so as long as you wait for a while, you can easily take my life according to your wish, so why not wait until I finish speaking?"

Sometimes, some people just want to stimulate it, and the effect is still very good.

Yu Ziluo snorted coldly, although he did not express his agreement, but this snort meant to speak quickly and not to be long-winded.

For some reason, Du Muxiang is just a cripple, but in Yu Ziluo's eyes, she is so calm and calm.The more this is the case, the more he can't do anything to Du Muxiang. Otherwise, wouldn't it prove that he has been shaken in his heart and is afraid of being persuaded by Du Muxiang?
Then just listen to it yourself, and see what Du Muxiang will agitate his tongue like a spring, and what will he say to himself?
"However, I still want to make a bet with Mr. Yu!"

"Some people don't push their boundaries!"

"Isn't the more interesting the game, the better?"

Facing such a murderous and violent murderer as Yu Ziluo, Du Muxiang looked confident and fearless. It is estimated that Yu Ziluo rarely met such a person.

And Yu Ziluo suddenly felt a little suspicious in his heart, this Du Muxiang was a little too suspicious, why did he feel so familiar to him.

"Sorry, I never bet with anyone." Yu Ziluo flatly refused.

Could it be that he is an idiot written on his face, and he is easy to deceive, so Du Muxiang regards himself as a winner.

"That's right, as long as you don't want to lose in a bet, you will definitely make a plan to let Kaizi take the trap, but this is also the true skill of a wise man."

Du Muxiang's fingers never leave the purple pipa, and her own safety must be guaranteed.

"Or, someone is too timid to even listen to me? I won't force it."

Du Muxiang provoked each other deliberately.

"I don't know how to live or die, do you think this most useless aggressive method will work for me?"

"Please general is worse than aggressive general. Besides, Mr. Yu, with your intelligence and ruthlessness, I believe no one can take advantage of you."

"Well, let's take this as a compliment to me. But don't think I'll believe a word you say."

"I can also take this as your compliment to me, Mr. Yu."

Du Muxiang sighed faintly: "You also know that Xiao He is all alone with a child, it's really pitiful."

The corner of Yu Ziluo's mouth twitched slightly, what's so pitiful?This woman does everything she can to oppress and use calculations. The pity is that the person who is against her is good.

"So, if someone can kindly help her and stand up when she is in danger, that would be great!"

"Don't even think about it."

Yu Ziluo flatly refused.

"Actually, I know you want to cut me into many pieces now."

Someone is self-aware.

Yu Ziluo said that Du Muxiang's guess was quite correct.

"If I don't resist and you choose not to kill me after fifteen minutes, even if I win, you have to abide by the agreement and protect Xiaohe." Du Muxiang spoke slowly and methodically.

Yu Ziluo's eyes were a little deep for a moment, this cripple who pretended to be a ghost.

"Treasure and savor the last quarter of your life, cripple!"

"So Mr. Yu, you agree?"

"I'm kind of interested in watching someone pretend to be smart and make himself a cocoon!"

In an instant, the fierce murderous aura emanating from Yu Ziluo immediately restrained Du Muxiang.

Ridiculous, but also a smart guy who pretends to be smart, thinking that everything is in his calculations.When he hacked him to death, this smart man knew how wrong he was.

In the beginning, Yu Ziluo's idea of ​​killing Du Muxiang was not so strong, but now, he has decided to teach this cripple who doesn't know what to do.

"First, Mr. Yu's body is full of burning fighting energy, although Xiao He has superb medical skills and fighting energy control skills, but you know very well that her acupuncture can only have a soothing effect, and cannot heal you. Even so, you still stayed in Ling's Pharmacy with one ten-thousandth hope."

"But, she can't heal you. I can!"

Speaking of this, Du Muxiang's fingers lightly slid across Yu Ziluo's veins, and began to explore, but the trickling internal energy penetrated into Yu Ziluo's body like a stream.

The vital point was held, Yu Ziluo wanted to resist, but when Du Muxiang's vindictiveness rushed into Yu Ziluo's body, Yu Ziluo was slightly taken aback.

The two vindictive spirits have the same root, same origin, same vein, and blend, so comforting.

A sense of comfort traveled along Yu Ziluo's arm, penetrating to the heart.

However, this feeling was only for a moment, and then Du Muxiang withdrew her fingers.

"You have also practiced the burning magic skill? Then why are you?"

"If the young master is willing, I can help you cleanse your marrow and renew your body. Of course, you must protect Xiaohe for three months."

Du Muxiang looked at her fingers and said with a chuckle.

"That's more tangled. Sometimes people take advantage of it. At first, they just ask to do one thing, and then there is a second thing. In the end, they can't bear it and kill the person who threatened them. If that's the case, it's better Don't waste your time, everyone, go directly to the last step?"

(End of this chapter)

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