Chapter 169 A Kiss (3)
Now she is like the wind, free to do whatever she wants.

But, that idiot Du Muxiang, even if he can make up his mind, can he really remain indifferent?

Although Du Muxiang is not as weak as she first met Ling Binghe, but the kindness of the Holy Mother is not fake.

"Xiao He!" Du Muxiang raised her face, a wave of fluctuation flashed in her eyes.


"You, can you give me a kiss." As soon as the words came out, Du Muxiang felt that she was being abrupt.

A trace of uneasiness permeated his heart. Under the indifferent appearance, Du Muxiang actually still had his knots in his heart.

It seemed that he wanted to be encouraged, so Du Muxiang made such a request just now.

As soon as the words came out, he couldn't help but hesitated.

What happened to me, why would I be able to say such a thing?

It's too bad, I'm afraid my image is already very bad.Du Muxiang lowered her face in frustration.

However, at this time, a warm breath approached, and the woman's hearty voice rang in Du Muxiang's ear: "Really, are you acting like a baby?"

He didn't ask why, didn't feel disgusted, didn't even have any affection, just the purest kiss, which fell on Du Muxiang's cheek, it was so light and soft that it made one's heart palpitate.

When the woman's soft lips brushed gently, Du Muxiang's body froze slightly, and she seemed to be unable to move.

But he also vaguely understood what Ling Binghe meant, and could feel Ling Binghe's comfort even more.

Xiao He, Xiao He, you are really nice.

I'm just a useless person, not worthy of you at all.As long as you are happy, I don't care what happens.

From now on, I have made up my mind and will not have any hesitation.

Even if it seems ruthless, then I will go on like this.

The cheeks of the two almost touched each other, but Du Muxiang was fascinated by the distance of only half an inch, but the silhouettes of the two faces were separated.

Immediately, Ling Binghe tapped Yaya's head with her finger: "You are a big kid, why are you covering your eyes?"

"It's called do not see evil!" Yaya replied so confidently, her crisp voice made Ling Binghe a little bit dumbfounded.

This brat is too shy.

But looking at the petrified Du Muxiang, Ling Binghe also narrowed his eyes immediately.

The kiss just now was just meant to comfort, but Du Muxiang looked so swaying in this appearance!
But a kiss, Ling Binghe didn't think it was a big deal.Don't Du Muxiang think so?

A slight twitch flashed across Ling Binghe's eyes, and her fingers lightly lifted Du Muxiang's chin, and said deliberately ambiguously: "I don't think it's because I feel out of morals, I want to marry me."

Du Muxiang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she slapped her palm lightly, and the wheelchair slid back a lot, escaping Ling Binghe's teasing.

Du Muxiang said solemnly: "Xiao He, you really think too much."

Not only does Tianyue College occupy a large area, but the student accommodation is naturally excellent. Among the landscape gardens, there are antique and exquisite small buildings dotted among them.Holding Yaya in Ling Binghe's arms, followed by Yu Ziluo, a handsome boy with a bad face, leisurely shuttles through the campus trails.

Looking at the number on the room card in her hand, Ling Binghe found the small pavilion where she lived.

Each student has a separate room. Even though four of them live in a small building, there is plenty of private space.

In the living room, there are already three young and beautiful girls, either standing or sitting, each with a different temperament.

I saw Gan Qing'er wearing a purple dress. When she smiled, her snow-white round face had shallow dimples, and her crystal eyes seemed to be like black grapes, which looked very bright, and she was indescribably cute when she smiled.

"The new classmate came today, let's welcome her well, after all, she is also our junior."

On the other side, Zhao Ya snorted disdainfully: "These kind of people who are transferred in the middle of the class, only rely on their connections to enter Tianyue Academy. In my opinion, it's nothing more than that."

"After all, it's classmates, and they still live together." Gan Qing'er said weakly.

"Anyway, I came here just to be gilded, so that I will be qualified to marry a good man in the future. I don't care what kind of classmate?" Zhao Ya gently tossed her long hair, and her beautiful face suddenly appeared. With a narcissistic smile.

If the appearance is outstanding, I can say that I can't lose to any female students in the Chi class.

The best way is to find one in Tianyue College, after all, the fat and water don't flow into the field of outsiders.

Gan Qing'er couldn't help frowning, Zhao Ya thought it was too much.In fact, there are several famous young masters chasing Zhao Ya in the academy, but it's a pity that Zhao Ya is playing hard to get, and he hasn't been confirmed yet.It seems that when Zhao Ya came to Tianyue Academy, he just wanted to catch a few winners.

Compared to Zhao Ya, Gan Qing'er felt that her appearance was a bit pale.

"For Yeying, what do you think?" Gan Qing'er looked helplessly at the taciturn girl in black.

Still as usual, Ye Ying continued to say nothing.

Gan Qing'er could only resign herself to her fate, sighed softly, but felt a little depressed in her heart.Anyway, she still hoped that this new girl who moved in would be a different person.

At this time, it was the sound of the room card opening the door.

Immediately, a graceful figure appeared in front of everyone, the woman with her hair tied loosely in a bun, smiling sweetly, not only beautiful, but also dazzling beyond description.

Gan Qing'er stared in a daze for a moment, never expecting that there would be a stunning beauty who would suddenly break into this place.

"Well, hello everyone, I'm Ling Binghe, a new classmate who lives here, I hope we can get along well in the future."

The woman said charmingly, holding Yaya in her arms generously.

"You, hello!"

Gan Qing'er couldn't come to her senses for a while, especially this stunning beauty was holding a baby in her arms, what's the situation?
And, this baby is really cute!
A pair of big watery and clear eyes, two dragon horns on the head, and fleshy cheeks that feel like pinching.If it wasn't because of her reserve, Gan Qing'er would have done something wrong to Yaya's little face long ago!
(End of this chapter)

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