Chapter 177 Let’s Go Nympho (4)
All kinds of medicinal materials are planted here, with a complete variety and a vast area, which is already like a large-scale medicinal material cultivation base.Sure enough, as one of the three major sects, this hardware strength is indeed very impressive.

Although Ling Binghe used the Tianling stone to build a medicine field in the house he bought, but in terms of complete varieties, it is still not as good as here.

And Ling Binghe's face was immediately stained with a happy smile. She was already planning to steal some seeds from this medicine field, and then use the medicinal power of the Heavenly Spirit Stone to grow the seeds in her own medicine field. By the way, various medicinal materials are grown.

Her lithe movement has revealed the joy in her heart, and she feels that her visit to Tianyue Academy this time is not in vain.

And at this moment, a handsome figure has already entered Ling Binghe's eyes.

The man in front of him is tall and handsome, with silver hair hanging down to his waist, but his face is handsome and moving. His whole body is like a bright moon in the sky, but there is an unresolved gloom in his brows. For some reason, there seems to be a glow on his body. A touch of mystery.

I feel that this man is very unhappy!This was Ling Binghe's first reaction.

Immediately, a gentle smile appeared on the handsome man's lips, and he said softly: "Since you are all here, you should come to class quickly."

babble?This handsome guy should be the teacher, and it should be the handsome guy Zhao Ya mentioned.

Sure enough, these female students called Teacher Die Qing sweetly one by one, their faces were flushed, and they were very shy.

To be honest, after Ling Binghe traveled to another world, although she knew that this world was different from ancient China, she still had strict etiquette for women.Although it is not for women to leave the door and not to step in the second door, it is impossible to see frivolous acts in noble women.

This also made Ling Binghe a little depressed.

However, after I came to Tianyue Academy, I found that the women in the academy were more aggressive than each other.Now it has developed into a public, molesting the beautiful male teacher.Thinking of this, Ling Binghe felt like laughing.

Existence is reasonable, and Tianyue Academy is not without merits.Of course, too much freedom is not too good. For example, Lu Xueer's indiscriminate attacking nympho is probably also the characteristic of Tianyue Academy.

Ling Binghe looked around, saw a few male students, and immediately understood.

Who made this teacher Die Qing handsome and good-looking, so beautiful that she could make bubbles, and she was very popular with women.The male students must have been hit, so they wouldn't come if they could.Originally, his facial features were correct, but in front of Teacher Die Qing, he became crooked.

However, Ling Binghe vaguely noticed that this Die Qing was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

She has a keen sense of touch and can discover things that others will not know.But even so, what kind of person Die Qing is has nothing to do with her Ling Binghe.

Ling Binghe lowered her head, looking at Yaya who was already dozing off in her arms, a soft smile appeared in her eyes.

Little Yaya, who loves to sleep so much, be careful to turn into a big fat pig!

Anyway, other messy things have nothing to do with their mother and child.

Looking at Teacher Dieqing's tall and thin back and the gently swaying white hair, Ling Binghe couldn't help thinking, is this teacher Dieqing really a third-level pharmacist?He looked, indeed, too young.

But in fact, others can't tell the real age of Teacher Die Qing. That handsome face really doesn't show traces of time, but there is a faint melancholy between the brows, which faintly reveals the mood of this beautiful man .

A gust of wind blew, and a few fallen leaves swirled down. Yu Ziluo embraced her hands and landed behind a big tree.If Ling Binghe saw it, she would definitely murmur that Yu Ziluo was acting cool and handsome.

He also noticed this strange teacher Die Qing just now, but he just paid attention to it.

Not worth your own vigilance!In Yu Ziluo's heart, she immediately made a judgment.

In the classroom, when Teacher Die Qing was about to give a lecture, someone came and whispered in Teacher Die Qing's ear. I really don't know what they said in private.I saw Teacher Die Qing's face suddenly changed, and it seemed that there was something unspeakable.

At this time, two arrogant figures appeared under the classroom, and only one of them said lewdly: "Sure enough, there are many beauties here, and the quality is not bad."

When Gan Qing'er saw these two people, she immediately frowned.

The gazes of these two young men were restrained, and they probably had good cultivation, but their lustful and obscene gazes made people feel a little goosebumps.

Ling Binghe was also a little curious, and unconsciously asked: "Who are these two?"

"One of these two sons is a disciple of the Xue family, named Xue Chengfeng, and the other is the eldest son of the Lu family, Lu Xiuyi. They are all students in the purple class, and students in the purple class. High. Especially Xue Chengfeng, he is already an earth-level master."

"Oh? I don't know what level he is?"

"At this age, Xiu's first entry into the Golden Core Realm is already very remarkable. Hmph, Xue Chengfeng's character is not very good, but because of his good aptitude, even if Old Xue is dissatisfied, he will not really punish him. Recently If you have cultivated to the Golden Core Stage again, then naturally you will think it is even more remarkable."

Ling Binghe knew it well, probably this is the legendary playboy.

Lu Xiuyi came this time because of the girl in his family who whispered in his ear, saying that he was wronged in the academy, and he wanted to uphold justice for her, and he must take the opportunity to teach the woman who dared to bully her a lesson. pause.

Originally, Lu Xiuyi didn't want to come, but after hearing from Lu Xueer, that woman was as beautiful as a flower, so of course he wanted to see what happened.

Of course, Lu Xiuyi is not an idiot, and he also brought Xue Chengfeng along with him.As long as Xue Chengfeng is here, no one in Tianyue Academy would dare to mess with him.

But now that Lu Xiuyi turned his eyes, and when his eyes fell on Ling Binghe, he immediately turned into Brother Zhu, and even felt speechless for a moment.

The woman in front of her was holding an extremely cute child, she should be the woman that the younger sister mentioned, it would not be an exaggeration to say that she is a stunning beauty.The woman in front of her is full of amorous feelings, every move, every frown and smile, all of them are soul-stirring and touching.There is a touch of laziness in Yinglang, which makes people forget about others.

(End of this chapter)

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