Chapter 184 Gua is Human Nature (3)
When a woman quarrels with a woman, of course the words need not be logical.

"Oh, who did I think it was? Isn't it the flat papaya from the Du family? It's flat on the front and flat on the back. It's so vitriolic that anyone who sees it thinks it's ugly."

"Are you targeting Miss Ling like this, are you jealous that others look at her and not you?"

"She is prettier than you, and it is her ability to have more peach blossoms than you. Why are you jealous?"

Every word and sentence is absolutely lethal, not to mention that Du Muyue is a three-no product with no breasts, buttocks, and beauty, and every sentence hits her sore spot.

Zhao Ya also said emotionally: "Even if you don't like Miss Ling, saying this in front of children is really lacking in sympathy, and it will hurt Yaya's pure heart!"

Ya Ya suddenly showed a weeping expression, looked at everyone innocently, and then in front of everyone, his eye sockets turned red, and his little nose twitched.

As soon as they saw Ya Ya's expression, everyone couldn't help but think in their hearts, cruel, it is too cruel.

Even if Yaya is an illegitimate child, but he is so cute, and he is showing off his cuteness with the dragon's horns on his head. Saying such words in front of such a child is really hurting his young heart, and his behavior is indeed vicious.

Ling Binghe watched his son grow up, so he could tell the real ones from the fake ones.She used to think that her baby was a little dumb, but now she just realized that her son is deceiving people with his angelic face, and he really has his own level.

To be honest, I also know that the mother and son are in an embarrassing situation.Even if I don't care much about it, the outside world's views on her out-of-wedlock children are always vicious and mean.And Ling Binghe didn't let Yaya deliberately avoid these things. What should be faced, even if it is avoided, will be faced sooner or later.It's better to let Yaya shape a strong mind as soon as possible.Even so, Ling Binghe still felt a little heartache.Other people's children can have fathers and mothers, but Yaya is destined to face these gossips.

Just let Mu Mu be Yaya's father!

Ling Binghe thought a little angrily, but she also knew that she couldn't do it, after all, she couldn't be so rash.

Du Muyue was already mad with anger, and she vaguely understood why everyone was targeting her.The Ling Binghe in front of her is beautiful and unrestrained, with a lovely baby, appearing in the sun like some beautiful treasure, unconsciously touching other people's heartstrings, and can't help but be confused by it.Even if she knew clearly that Ling Binghe had been innocent in the past, she seemed unwilling to tarnish this beautiful scene.

Even many people in Ziban had some opinions on Du Muxiang's behavior.

After all, even if the people in Ziban are a little bit arrogant, a little conceited, but they are not non-human beings who fell from the outer sky.

As long as it is a human being, it is natural that everyone has the love of beauty, and everyone has the heart of sympathy.

Du Muyue felt a little wronged, and subconsciously blurted out: "He is a bastard, and I'm not wrong"

Before she could finish her sentence, Du Muyue received countless blank stares.

However, mixed with the white eyes, there is also a trace of indifference and displeasure.

The owner of this indifferent and displeased gaze is naturally Ling Binghe.Although she knew that others would have opinions on her son, and even humiliate her in public.But it doesn't mean that she, Ling Binghe, will accept and tolerate this kind of behavior.What's more, she is a woman who has revenge and will not let anyone go so easily.

Of course, Du Muyue's words were echoed by several people in the purple class, which made Du Muyue more confident and proud.

Yu Ziluo lying on the branch lightly, her body seemed to have no weight, and she swayed slightly with the swaying of the breeze.

But Yu Ziluo looked at Ling Binghe with a slightly complicated gaze.

Is it sympathy?No, how can a person like myself who has almost no feelings sympathize with anyone else?Especially this woman, squeezing herself, being mean to herself, and trying to use herself in every possible way.I'm not a masochist, so how could I sympathize with her?
Then why is there a faint throbbing in my chest?

Yu Ziluo pressed her chest, feeling her heart beating.

Perhaps this scene was vaguely familiar to him.

"Monsters like him, please don't play with him, the farther away from this kind of person the better." What I heard in my ear was the vicious words spoken by the immature child's voice, but because of the immature voice, it also made this person The disgust seemed so real.

"Shen'er, don't play with your brother, don't learn his martial arts, mother can't bear you to be hurt, your brother has such a temper, sometimes he gets angry, I really don't know what he will do." The mother's kind voice was Say such cruel words.No, the mother's love never fell on me.Her smile and concern are only for her little brother.

The confusion in Yu Ziluo An Nai's eyes made her emotionally less insane, but a bloodthirsty smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Ha, he's in a bad mood today, who let those trash remind him of things he doesn't even want to think about.

So he can really give a big reward for free, and help this woman kill all the offal when there is a conflict.

But at this time, Yu Ziluo heard Ling Binghe say in a sweet voice: "Miss Du, you are so concerned about my affairs and filled with righteous indignation, why do you turn a blind eye to your mother's murder of the eldest son and her conspiracy?"

"Ling Binghe, don't spout blood here, my mother is not this kind of person. Besides, you and Du Muxiang, a traitor, are working together to cheat the Du family's money. You are despicable and shameless!"

"Heh, I met Du Mutou by chance. Because I saw that he was weak and being hunted down again, I was out of righteous indignation and rescued him. And I learned from the assassins that these killers were actually sent by the eldest lady."

Ling Binghe spoke with a righteous face, as if she was extremely angry.

Yaya pretended to wipe the tears off her face, but she couldn't help thinking that what her mother said was too far from the truth.

The fact is that Ling Binghe pulled Yaya away and whispered in his ear that he wanted him to take this opportunity to stun Du Muxiang, and then the mother and son would rob Du Muxiang of all his belongings.

(End of this chapter)

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