Chapter 188 Gua is Human Nature (7)
A calculated smile appeared on Ling Binghe's lips. At first, her Shuiyue Bingpo tried to control Xue Chengfeng's sword moves and guide the menacing fighting spirit, but Ling Binghe did not have this ability.It's just that the psychedelic effect of Shuiyue Binghuo made Xue Chengfeng feel a slight gap. When his mind was divided, Xue Chengfeng's sword power gradually weakened.

There was a stuffy atmosphere in the air, the power of the two extreme moves was temporarily locked around, but with the continuous injection of power from the two, they were about to break out of their shells.

With a bang, the sword in Xue Chengfeng's hand was chopped off by the first-rank divine weapon in Ling Binghe's palm.

The broken blade rolled and fell slowly.

Once this balance is broken, it will naturally lean towards the weak.

Ling Binghe yelled, and the moment she drew back her long sword, the strength of the two people's locking was like the flood that finally broke through the dam, rushing away endlessly, bringing a huge impact force in an instant.The two forces were entangled to form another stronger force, and they rushed forward like crazy.

And Xue Chengfeng was hit by this force, and his body was damaged in many places immediately, and his whole body was thrown out by the impact.

Although Xue Chengfeng wanted luck to resist, it was useless. The overwhelming pain and humiliation made Xue Chengfeng unable to think about it.

However, the other one, compared to Xue Chengfeng's miserable appearance, Ling Binghe was safe and sound.

There was no wind in her clothes and hair, but her expression seemed indescribably peaceful. As we all know, in the eye of a tornado, she is undoubtedly the safest.

"In the fighting arena, the sword has no eyes, offended."

Ling Binghe waved the Shuiyue Bingpo casually in her hand, and the smile on her face became wider.

The surroundings were completely silent, and everyone couldn't believe it. Did this woman really win?It's too incredible!
Han Yun was already in a cold sweat. Tianyue Academy forbids infighting, not to mention that students were seriously injured under his nose.If this matter gets out, I'm afraid my future in Tianyue Academy will be ruined.

Of course, if he hurts a helpless Chiban disciple, he can turn a blind eye and even try to avoid being held accountable afterwards.But the ones who are seriously injured now are not only the children of Xue Lao's clan, but also a rare genius in Tianyue Academy who has become an earth-level master at a young age.

Now Han Yun has only one hope, and that is to hope that Xue Chengfeng's injury is not serious.

Otherwise, this time, I am afraid it will be difficult to explain.

However, God didn't seem to hear his Han Yun's prayer. When he pressed Xue Chengfeng's pulse with his finger, he found that the other party's dantian was vaguely hollow, and his fighting spirit was like melting ice and snow, which could no longer gather and kept passing away.

I'm afraid that even if Da Luo Jinxian is here, he may not be able to save Xue Chengfeng's martial arts.

Ling Binghe, who was standing on the side, flicked her clothes lightly, and she was also slightly curious in her cold eyes.It was the first time to meet the enemy in this way, and when the fighting spirit finally turned, Ling Binghe could only follow the trend to guide this enhanced version of fighting spirit towards Xue Chengfeng.

So of course Ling Binghe is not very clear about what the consequences will be.

"Ling Binghe, you actually hurt your classmates in public, you, you ruined everything." Han Yun's voice was full of disbelief, but it was the truth.

Xue Chengfeng also felt that his dantian was empty, and his heart was seized by unprecedented fear. Obviously this woman's fighting spirit was weaker than his own, but this result was inexplicably caused, but Xue Chengfeng was not reconciled.

He must have used some despicable means to beat himself just now!

There was resentment and unwillingness in his eyes, especially the astonished gazes around him, which made Xue Chengfeng feel more uncomfortable than thousands of sarcastic words.

"You woman, you used despicable means to win, and plotted against me!"

Xue Chengfeng spoke intermittently, looking at the figure that was as dazzling as a diamond in the field, but his eyes were as cold as ice and snow on a high mountain.But what gave him a headache was that he didn't even know what ghostly method Ling Binghe used.

"It's a joke, everyone is watching, I win you because of my strength, can't I afford to lose?" Ling Binghe's eyes and brows were slightly sarcasm.

"The dean will definitely uphold justice for me!"

"Ling Binghe, you hurt your classmates in public, your methods are despicable, and your behavior is shameful. Now that you have ruined everything, do you want to let it go?"

The last sentence was spoken by Han Yun.

Now that things have happened, he naturally wants to put all the responsibility for Xue Chengfeng's injury on Ling Binghe, so as to save himself.Furthermore, while the two moves were striking each other just now, Han Yun was also keenly aware that Ling Binghe's fighting spirit was at most as strong as Xue Chengfeng, but he knocked Xue Chengfeng down extremely quickly, saying that there was nothing tricky in it, and it was nothing to say people will believe.

That being the case, punishing Ling Binghe himself would not be regarded as wronging him. In the future, there will be more room for maneuver in this matter, and he will put aside his relationship and return all the responsibility to Ling Binghe.

I saw that Han Yun had stood up, his eyes were sharp, his sleeves were agitated lightly because of his fighting spirit, and an inexplicable pressure locked Ling Binghe.Although I don't know exactly what method Ling Binghe used to conspire, but Han Yun is already a master of the Shattering Void Realm, so naturally he is not afraid at all.As a teacher who teaches fighting classes at Tianyue Academy, Han Yun's Dou Qi cultivation is naturally good, even among the teachers of Tianyue Academy, he can be regarded as a top-notch leader.

"Teacher, you have to be reasonable. Who said just now that in the fighting arena, it is inevitable to miss in the process of fighting. Even if you are injured because of this, it is no different from others. Or if I am injured, it is no different from others. His injury is a heinous crime. Double You said the standard earlier, I won’t compare.”

Under the high pressure created by Han Yun, Ling Binghe remained as if nothing had happened, her voice was clear and crisp.No matter how thick-skinned Han Yun was, Ling Binghe's words warmed him a little. This little girl's mouth is really powerful.Immediately, a chill surged in Han Yun's heart, and he will beat her seriously later, to see if she can still be so sharp-tongued.

"On the fighting arena, you use despicable methods to plot and hurt people. Tianyue Academy will not tolerate such despicable behavior!"

Once he found an excuse, Han Yun didn't care about the rationality and authenticity of the excuse, let alone other people's opinions, and shot out in a fit of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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