Chapter 106 Hug
After leaving the door, Chang Sheng closed his eyes and slowly let out a sigh of relief.

She knew that Zhou Chen should have sent someone to do something.Now that Wei Cangjiang already knew about Wu Lingyun's arrival in Longzhou, he would naturally take the next step.

He must have sent someone to investigate who followed Wu Lingyun when he entered the city.

It's just that the city guards only mentioned him, but they didn't say that there were still people sitting in the carriage at that time.This shows that among the city guards, there must be people from Zhou Chen.Even though Wei Cangjiang could send someone to question the city guard, it was impossible for him to investigate too carefully.

Wei Cangjiang doubted her identity, since she had already contacted Zheng Ding, he would definitely deal with him mercilessly.Even if Wei Yue wouldn't send her away in front of his daughter because of Wei Yue's affection, he would kill her quickly after Wei Yue left.

It's just that a thin layer of sweat broke out from Changsheng's back after performing the play just now.

As long as she said one wrong word, she might not be able to leave the Sima Mansion today.There must be spiritual masters sitting in the back hall, and she is definitely not an opponent.Changsheng felt right, Liu Guanhai is indeed a master of the spiritual way, and his strength is unfathomable.

Standing in the back hall, as long as Wei Cangjiang gave an order, he could instantly put Changsheng to death.

Zhou Chen's plan has only one purpose.

Turning Changsheng into someone useful to Wei Cangjiang, since she was someone useful to him, how could Wei Cangjiang kill her?
"Hello?" Wei Yue patted Chang Sheng's shoulder, "Did you get scared?"

Also, who can go through such an experience without being afraid?What's more, her father was so powerful that normal people would have lingering fears.

"It's a bit mixed." Changsheng sighed helplessly, "No one in Chang'an dared to have a deep friendship with me, and only Brother Wu looked after me because of the childhood friendship."

"Is it because you are the descendant of the guilty minister? Huh, it seems that Chang'an people are very powerful." Wei Yue said very generously: "It doesn't matter, you are in Longzhou now. As long as you have talent, my father will definitely use you. Yes. Cui Changsheng, your success is just around the corner!"

Chang Sheng seemed to be relieved, and said sincerely: "First of all, I must thank the young lady for her kindness, and then thank you for your support. The Wei family has treated me with a kindness of rebuilding."

Hearing what she said, Wei Yue was very happy in her heart, but she didn't show it, she just said: "Forge while the iron is hot, let's find out the real culprit quickly, and let father see your talent."

How could Wei Cangjiang value such things?What he values ​​is that his surname is "Cui", and the point is that she is the "Queen of the Criminal". Since Wei Cangjiang feels that he is arrogant and arrogant, he will not be met, and he is not worried that she will have anything to do with people in the court. .

After all, who is involved in a major case of treason, who would be willing to be involved with such a person.

"This matter is not in a hurry, I already have an idea in my mind." Chang Sheng smiled and said: "Your Excellency just said that Brother Wu is still in Longzhou, and I want to get together with him again."

"You are really..." Wei Yue was annoyed that she had an "old friend" and forgot that she was a "newcomer", and immediately became very annoyed, turned around and left, ignoring her.

Chang Sheng didn't have the time to coax her right now, so he pondered for a while and left Sima Mansion.

Wei Cangjiang saw his daughter leaving and returning angrily, coaxing: "What's the matter? Who made our young lady so angry."

"It's not that Cui Changsheng, as soon as he knew that Wu Lingyun was in Longzhou, he rushed over in a hurry, and didn't pay attention to me at all!" Wei Yue's face was displeased.

Wei Cangjiang thought to himself, indeed, he was from a famous family, so his thoughts changed really quickly.Cui Changsheng understood his cryptic words so quickly, and it seemed like he could be made.


The person who was born out of the Sima Mansion soon felt that someone was following her.

She knew it was someone sent by Wei Cangjiang, so Changsheng didn't show any emotion at all.Just before going out, a housekeeper specially told her that Wu Lingyun's address was Zhou Chen's house.

It seems that Wei Yue has already gone there to "complain" to Wei Cangjiang. That's what the housekeeper said, "I heard that Mr. Cui is going to find General Wu. It just so happens that my lord knows the general's address, so I might as well tell you."

"Ah, is it?" Changsheng pretended to be pleasantly surprised and said, "Thank you so much. I wanted to go out and find out by myself."

Just like that, she took the address given by the other party and went out.

Step by step, dare not go wrong.

Undercover career, the word thrilling is not enough.Now she finally understood why Zhou Chen got angry when he knew that she had gone to the Sima Mansion by accident.

Changsheng was still holding the note in his hand, and asked people where this place was along the way, and it took half an hour to find the way.

It was cold in late autumn, and her ears were red from the cold.

After finally finding a place, Changsheng went up and knocked on the door.

It was the housekeeper who opened the door, and asked her to wait after carefully asking her why she came.

Changsheng stood at the door with anticipation on his face.

People hiding in the dark watched carefully, Cui Changsheng waited for a short while, Wu Lingyun strode out from the inside, and gave Cui Changsheng a hug.

The two people didn't know what they said, they laughed for a while, and walked in the door side by side.

The moment the door was closed, Changsheng's smile fell.

Wu Lingyun sighed, "Go and have a look at His Highness, I'm afraid his heart is still hanging in his throat."

Chang Sheng just hummed and asked, "Where is he now?"

"Study." Wu Lingyun patted her on the shoulder and said: "If His Highness loses his temper, you should take it easy. This time, you were really too reckless."

"I know." Changsheng nodded.

Changsheng walked through the corridor, bypassed the small garden, and came to the door of Zhou Chen's study.

For some reason, her mood fluctuated a bit.Standing at the door hesitating, he never knocked on the door and went in.

or wait...

Zhou Chen guessed that he was in a fit of anger right now, so he should wait for him to calm down before coming back, otherwise, going in would definitely add fuel to the flames.Changsheng nodded himself, yes, that's it.

She turned around to leave, but when she heard the creak of the door behind her, she immediately stiffened.

Chang Sheng sighed secretly, but turned around obediently.

Zhou Chen stood at the door, looking at her with serious eyes.

Changsheng smiled apologetically, "Ah, I...well, I thought you weren't here."

"Come here." Zhou Chenqing said coldly.

When he said this, Chang Sheng didn't dare to go over, for fear of being beaten.

She murmured, trying to justify herself, but she couldn't find any excuses.

Changsheng wept, walked over, pulled his head together and said, "Don't slap your face."

Zhou Chen reached out and held her in his arms.

Hugging very tightly, Changsheng was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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