Chapter 109
This thing is tricky.

How difficult is it? Let's talk about Wei Cangjiang's identity first, the brother of the current Concubine Xian, who came from a wealthy family.

Longzhou can be said to be a monolith. For so many years, no one knew that there was a problem in Longzhou, but no one could grasp Wei Cangjiang's handle.Even if the Wushan riot happened this time, maybe Xue Guangding would only be arrested by then.

Wushan was hit by frost, which caused the crops to fail.His Majesty immediately sent people to distribute relief money, which was a huge amount.And this happened not long after he was canonized as the crown prince. Because of Xue Ding's status, Xue Guang's status naturally increased.

Thinking of this, a thought quickly flashed in Changsheng's mind, which was a little unbelievable.

She took a sip of green plum wine first, and then asked, "How much relief money will His Majesty give Wushan County this time?"

Wu Lingyun thought to himself, Gu Changsheng finally thought of this question, and he said a number, "Fifty thousand silver."

Chang Sheng asked in disbelief: "But I asked Zheng Ding, the registered population of Wushan County is only 5000!"

Zheng Ding used to be a clerk of the county government, so naturally he is very clear about these things.

Dazhou has a vast territory, and of course natural disasters are indispensable.Disasters such as drought and flood occur almost every year.Naturally, there is a complete system of reality.One is to distribute disaster relief money, and the other is to reduce taxes and corvees.

The imperial court will issue special documents to carry out a series of disaster relief measures.

Each registered population will be allocated one tael of disaster relief money, which means that there are 5000 people in Wushan County. According to the population, there should be 5000 taels of disaster relief money, but the imperial court issued a full 5 taels, which is ten times more!
Zhou Chen said calmly: "Wei Cangjiang's last reported population was [-] people. In his petition letter, he magnified the impact of the disaster and strongly demanded that more relief money be distributed."

It can be said that Changsheng was not shocked. Dazhou was rich in products and had extremely high purchasing power.She did some calculations in her mind, one tael of silver was equivalent to 5000 yuan, and four taels of silver was equivalent to 2 yuan.A family of five can get a full 20 yuan!

With so much money distributed by the imperial court, even if a little bit of it goes to the peasants and gives them a way to survive, they will not riot.

However, there is still a doubtful point. The population of each state and county will be counted in the register every year and passed on to the Ministry of Household Affairs.

How could the higher-ups fail to notice the sudden increase in the population of Wushan County?So much relief money was issued without any objection.Moreover, in order to prevent corruption, the disaster relief money will be distributed in batches, and the 5 taels were actually distributed at one time.

"Master Jia's memorial passed through Wei Cangjiang first, and Wei Cangjiang then wrote a letter of love and sent it to Chang'an with his memorial." Wu Lingyun explained: "So, the letter of love that Master Jia finally arrived in Chang'an has changed. What happened, even he himself does not know. It is not impossible for Xue Guang and Wei Cangjiang to lie about the disaster. But if there is trouble, Master Jia will be blamed."

Chang Sheng clenched his fists and asked, "Is this His Majesty's approval?"

Such a large amount of money will be issued at one time, and it is impossible to leave the treasury without His Majesty's imperial pen and verdict.His Majesty is so wise today, how could he not see that there is a problem.

"Wei Cangjiang bit the bait that the father put down, and his mouth is full of blood now." Zhou Chen raised his hand and stroked the cup lightly, a little heat passed through his fingertips, and the words that came out carried a hint of sarcasm, "He embezzled the money, probably with complacency. He thought the father was trying to appease him and show weakness to him."

After turning his mind a little, Changsheng understood the key point.

King Jin was crowned as the prince, and the empress regained her majesty in the palace, and her status was further consolidated.Concubine Xian must have been deeply affected. Although she has two sons, the first prince and the second prince, they have not been crowned kings yet, so there is inevitably some grievance in her heart.

Wei Cangjiang probably felt that His Majesty gave so much money so readily this time just to appease him.

Chang Sheng sighed softly: "Your Majesty's situation is really big. So it doesn't matter who comes to Longzhou for disaster relief, His Highness will go with you, right?"

At that time, she invited herself to appear in the Xuanzheng Palace. Although it disrupted His Majesty's plan, it didn't have much impact.Even if his identity is revealed at that time, it will make Wei Cangjiang take it lightly.

"That's not true." Zhou Chen said slowly: "You invited me to Longzhou, although you surprised Father, but there is also an advantage."

Chang Sheng followed along and asked, "What are the benefits?"

She thought about it, after she came to Longzhou, she did too many self-righteous things, causing Zhou Chen to clean up the mess for her, and even used her hidden contacts.

"Gu Xiang." Wu Lingyun explained the key point for Zhou Chen.

Even if Changsheng is not favored, she is Gu Dingxiang's daughter after all.She is more suitable than anyone else to come to Longzhou.

Changsheng thought that before she left, her father asked her to ask for help at any time.She dismissed it at the time, feeling she would never ask him for help.Now that I think about it, in the eyes of outsiders, she will always be the prostitute of the Gu family, and she has gained seven points of face when she is away from home.


Chang Sheng heard the implication of the two of them, frowned and said: "You mean, my father is from the school of Concubine Xian?"

She now has a vague idea of ​​the situation in the imperial court. Everyone who wants to gain a foothold must stand in line.

It's just that you have to pay attention to standing in line. If you stand in the right place, you will be a chicken and a dog ascending to heaven. If you stand in the wrong place, you will be full of bones.

Changsheng thought about it carefully, but he really didn't know which faction her father belonged to.

Zhou Chen said meaningfully: "Your father is a strange man."

"It's fine if you don't like to talk about it." Changsheng is not willing to delve into it. What she thinks now is to solve the Wushan mob case as soon as possible.In that case, corrupt officials can be brought to justice, and the victims can get the relief they deserve.

"To fully understand this case, we must go to Wushan County." Chang Sheng thought for a long time and said, "I will find a way to talk to Wei Cangjiang when I get back tonight."

"You just need to give him a message." Zhou Chen looked at him and said, "Wu Lingyun was ordered to investigate, and he was impatient to spend time in Longzhou. He just wanted to get the evidence and go back to Beijing. But he came to Longzhou After a few days of secret investigation, there has been no progress."

Changsheng gave a thumbs up, "Your Highness is indeed an old fox."

In this way, if Wei Cangjiang wanted Wu Lingyun to return to Chang'an as soon as possible, he would definitely abandon Xue Guang's pawn.At that time, Xue Guang will be in a hurry, maybe something will happen.

Changsheng drank wine, warmed up, got up and was about to leave, but suddenly heard Zhou Chen ask: "What did you exchange with Zheng Ding?"

Changsheng groaned, and said in a low voice, "Xiuxiu's life."

(End of this chapter)

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