Chapter 111 The real murderer
Chang Sheng thought about it carefully, his feelings for Zhou Chen could not be expressed clearly in one or two sentences.

The relationship between childhood sweethearts?Not really, but the friendship she formed with Zhou Chen when she was a child did make the relationship between the two of them a bit subtle, and they were closer than ordinary people.

But time has changed Zhou Chen, and also changed the relationship between them. If we define it again, maybe the word "familiar stranger" is more appropriate.

Xi Xin looked at her appearance, and couldn't help thinking in her heart, it's true that the authorities are confused but the onlookers know.With Changsheng's appearance, he definitely doesn't just treat His Highness as an ordinary friend.But to say that she has paid her heart secretly, it is almost meaningless.

It still needs someone to push her from behind, so that Changsheng can reach His Highness's arms.

"Huh? The jade pendant on your waist, I have seen it with His Highness before." Xi Xin said in surprise just seeing the jade pendant on her waist.

Chang Sheng said in embarrassment: "He just gave it to me."

Xi Xin raised her hand to look carefully at the pattern on it, she just looked at Chang Sheng and smiled, without speaking.

That smile, no matter how you look at it, seems to be a joke.

"Is there anything wrong with this jade pendant?" Chang Sheng flipped through it back and forth, but couldn't find anything special.The jade is soft, as if it has been worn for a long time.

"It's nothing." Xi Xin didn't point it out, and let Chang Sheng guess by himself, just asked: "Chang Sheng, do you hate Your Highness?"

Chang Sheng immediately shook his head, "Of course not, although he has a very poisonous mouth sometimes and always bullies me. But overall he is good, anyway, I often make him angry."

Xi Xin nodded, and asked again: "Then do you like Your Highness?"

Chang Sheng paused, stared at the small stove, and said falteringly, "I don't know."

Xi Xin hummed, and said clearly: "I see, you should go back to Sima's Mansion quickly, and pay attention to safety."

"What do you know!" Chang Sheng suddenly felt uncomfortable like a cat whose tail was trampled.

"I don't know anything, okay?" Asarum took down the medicine pot as if coaxing a child, and said with a smile, "Come on, it's getting late, I'm going to deliver medicine to His Highness too .”

Changsheng snorted, "Okay."

After she went out, Xi Xin shook her head with a smile and sighed softly, "Sometimes this little temper is really just like His Highness."

Asarum carefully poured out the medicinal soup, and carried it to Zhou Chen to deliver.

Zhou Chen was still talking about things with Wu Lingyun at the moment, Xi Xin walked over and gently put the medicine bowl over, pretending not to say: "Just now I heard from Chang Sheng that Your Highness asked her to go and report to me? "

Zhou Chen stared at the bowl of medicine for a long time, waited for it to cool down a little, then used a handkerchief to cushion the edge, held the bowl and drank it all in one gulp.His mouth was full of thick bitterness, which almost made him numb.

Seeing that he was about to finish his drink so refreshingly, Xi Xin felt a little sour and sad, but also a little relieved.In the past, His Highness never drank the medicine to his heart's content, but now he is happy, probably for the sake of longevity.

"What? Could it be that Your Highness has other intentions?" Wu Lingyun asked from the side.

Xi Xin glanced at Zhou Chen, and just said: "I've said everything you want me to say, it all depends on whether Chang Sheng has any intentions for you."

Before Changsheng left, His Highness specially gave her a jade pendant, and the jade pendant had a pattern of lotus flowers on it. This intention couldn't be more obvious.She has said what she should say, and I hope that Changsheng can appreciate His Highness's good intentions.

"I've been walking towards her, as long as she doesn't back down, I will hold her hand sometimes." Zhou Chen said calmly.

Xi Xin was a little moved when she heard the words, her expression was unspeakably complicated.

But Wu Lingyun thought to himself, it seems that he must learn from His Highness, this is simply an unborn lover!


When Changsheng returned to Sima Mansion, it was already late.She was holding an umbrella, and was blocked by Qingping when she entered the door, the little maid hurriedly said: "Why did you come back, Miss has been waiting for you for a long time."

"I've been chatting with my old friend for a while." Chang Sheng put away his umbrella, followed Qing Ping and asked, "Miss, do you have anything important to tell me?"

Qingping said dissatisfied: "You are a nobleman who forgets things now!"

Your Excellency?Chang Sheng was taken aback for a moment, and then came over with a wry smile, "Miss Qingping, don't be joking, even if adults appreciate it, Cui is just a servant of the Sima Mansion."

"It's good that you know." Hearing what she said, Qingping felt a little relieved, and said with a good look: "It's not about the murderer, Miss said, if you don't catch the murderer again today, you will be punished!"

Chang Sheng hurriedly said: "I've already made up my mind about this matter, as long as I use a little trick, I can make the murderer explain himself."

"Go talk to miss, I don't care about you." Qingping was talking to Changsheng, and then she went to the side hall, where Wei Yue was already waiting.

Wei Yue didn't look very happy, Chang Sheng explained her face for the better, but she couldn't figure out what this young lady was thinking.

"Cui Changsheng, let me ask you." Wei Yue said gruffly, "If Wu Lingyun will help you gain a foothold in Chang'an, will you go back?"

Changsheng was stunned, "How is this possible?"

Wei Yue glared at her fiercely, "What is impossible! Don't you know who Wu Lingyun is? If he is willing, he will definitely let you gain a foothold in Chang'an. No matter what you do, you will never be buried identity."

"I don't have any status to speak of now." Changsheng said with half helplessness and half amused: "Miss Dissatisfaction said that I have a bit of worthless arrogance. I am a criminal minister, so why bother to implicate my friends?" Run for me. The world is so big, there are many shelters besides Chang'an."

Wei Yue looked at her for a while, as if she wanted to distinguish the authenticity of her words, seeing her sincerity, she softened her face and said, "It's good that you know, you can make great achievements in Longzhou, but when you come back Changan, you are just a little sparrow. This lady promises you that as long as you stay in Longzhou in peace, your prosperity and wealth will be guaranteed."

"That's thanks to Miss." Chang Sheng smiled, and there was a little coquettishness in this smile.

Wei Yue also felt that she had acted a little too much, snorted, and stretched out her hand, "Bring it."

Chang Sheng followed her gaze and found that she was referring to the jade pendant on his waist, he hesitated for a moment before taking it off and handing it to her, "Brother Wu gave it to me."

"I know, you didn't have this before you went out." Wei Yue took a closer look, and it was carved with exquisite lotus flowers.Her small thoughts came to her mind, and she put the jade pendant into her purse, "Confiscated, you should hurry up and prepare, let Miss Ben see, who dares to commit murder in the back house!"

(End of this chapter)

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