Chapter 113 Do not cry without seeing the coffin

Chang Sheng silently pulled out the silver needle in her hand, then shook his head at her, signaling her not to speak.

The moment Xiuxiu saw Changsheng's face clearly, her pupils shrank suddenly.She clenched her fist tightly and stared at Changsheng.After a while, she restrained all her emotions, stared down at the ground without saying a word.

Changsheng sighed inwardly, she is really a stubborn little girl.

She reached out and patted Xiuxiu's shoulder lightly, signaling her not to be nervous.

The little girl still lowered her head, pursed her lips tightly, and said nothing.


The rainy night is quiet, quiet and lonely.

Changsheng trapped Xiuxiu in a dark corner, listening quietly.

After a while, a girl came hurriedly dressed in the night.She looked around before carefully knocking on the door of Li Yaozu's room.

"Why are you here?" Li Yaozu looked at her in surprise and asked, "Didn't you say you tricked Xiuxiu into coming to me?"

Changsheng and Xiuxiu were right outside the window, and they could hear these words clearly.

Those unbearable memories suddenly appeared in her mind, Xiuxiu subconsciously grasped something to hide her inner emotions.Changsheng's hand hurt a little, and he held Xiuxiu's hand behind his back.

"Xiuxiu! Xiuxiu! You have the ability to go by yourself!" Tian Xiang was in a hurry to get angry, and immediately poured all his anger on Li Yaozu.

Li Yaozu chuckled, stepped forward to grab Tianxiang's hand, and showed a disgusting smile, "Xiuxiu didn't come, you can do it too..."

Tian Xiang's backhand was a slap in the face, and he said fiercely: "Li Yaozu, do you dare to hit me?"

Li Yaozu has always been a bully and shy of the tough, and Tian Xiang is favored in front of the third wife, so he dare not do anything to her.Touching the face that hurt from the beating, "Grandma, am I just joking? As for being so hard...then you didn't bring Xiuxiu here, why did you come to find me in the middle of the night."

"Do you know that Hong Qiao is coming back!" Tian Xiang's face turned blue, "This little bitch dares to come back!"

Li Yaozu's face turned pale immediately, he stammered and asked, "You...what did you say?"

Tianxiang gave him a strange look, "What's the matter? Hongqiao is coming back, which scared you like this. Didn't you hit her with a stick that day, and she dared to yell around?"

"Yes... yes." Li Yaozu laughed dryly, "Didn't she go back to her hometown to get married? Why is she coming back properly?"

"I can't bear to part with the good life in Sima's Mansion." Tian Xiang pouted, "Come back as soon as you come back, anyway, the third lady will not let her have a good life. She actually climbed into the adult's bed under the eyes of the third lady. Slugger."

"This... so." Li Yaozu looked extremely uncomfortable, and asked again: "Who said that? Is the news accurate?"

Tian Xiang frowned, thinking that something was wrong with Li Yaozu today, "What Qing Ping said could be wrong, Hong Qiao would believe it, and she would be back tomorrow. What I worry about is that when this bitch comes back Broken my good deed."

"What do you need me to do for you?" Li Yaozu finally came to his senses.

Seeing that he was on the road, Tian Xiang calmed down a bit and said, "Isn't this Mr. Cui who is just catching up with Xiuzhuang to test his character? I'm afraid that Hongqiao will come back tomorrow and make a fuss, which will spoil my big business."

Last time she obeyed the third lady's order to teach Hongqiao a lesson, but she was ruthless.If Hongqiao held a grudge and said something she shouldn't say in front of Mr. Cui, then she would have failed.

"I understand. I will warn her as soon as she comes back." Li Yaozu quickly agreed, urging Tian Xiang to leave quickly.

Tian Xiang nodded contentedly, turned and went out.Li Yaozu is the only one in the mansion who is suitable for this job. Firstly, he is the one who made this villain, and secondly, he has other ties with Hongqiao.At that time, the combination of kindness and strength will definitely make Hongqiao speechless.

Not long after Tianxiang left, Li Yaozu walked around the room a few times, but after thinking about it, he still felt uneasy.

He put on his coir raincoat, took a shovel and went out.

When he went out, Changsheng pulled Xiuxiu around from the other side.


"Miss, we're here, we're here!" Qingping and Wei Yue hid not far away, watching the figure approaching from afar, and whispered excitedly.

Wei Yue quickly pinched her and said in a low voice, "Don't talk, it's a bad thing!"

The two looked nervously at the man getting closer and closer, and both recognized him as Li Yaozu.

Li Yaozu looked around furtively, looking for something on the ground with his head down.

He went under a tree, took five steps due east, and started digging with the shovel.

The place where the pit was dug was the exact location where Hongqiao's body was found!
"It's here!" Li Yaozu couldn't help but muttered after digging for a long time without finding anything.

"Li Yaozu... are you looking for me?"

A sudden voice came from behind, and Li Yaozu let out a cry in fright and dropped the shovel in his hand.

Li Yaozu turned around, saw Hongqiao's figure, and immediately sat down in the pit trembling, and asked with chattering teeth, "Are you a human or a ghost!"

The figure slowly moved to this side, with a gloomy taste.

At this time, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, and the rain became heavier and heavier.

"What do you think..." Hongqiao walked over with her hands outstretched, her tone cold.

Li Yaozu tremblingly picked up the shovel, and tremblingly said: "I...I didn't kill you on purpose!"

"Murder pays for life, Li Yaozu, today is your death day..."

Hongqiao refused to let him go, and got closer and closer.

Li Yaozu was in a hurry, he raised his shovel and was about to hit him.

But someone flashed out from the darkness and kicked Li Yaozu to the ground with a volley.He knocked his face to the ground, ate a mouthful of mud, and was very embarrassed.

At this time, servants hiding in the dark came out with lights and surrounded Li Yaozu.

Changsheng walked over and asked with concern: "How is it?"

"Fortunately, you made the move in time." Qingping pulled her hair, expressing that she was fine.

Only then did Li Yaozu realize that he had been fooled.He was tied up without saying a word, planning to argue to the end later.

Wei Yue was already waiting in the side hall, when Li Yaozu was brought in, his dirty appearance made her frown.

"Miss..." Li Yaozu pretended to be timid and fearful, and asked pitifully, "What are you doing with the little one? But did the little one commit a crime?"

Changsheng stood aside and glanced at him. This man really didn't cry when he saw the coffin.

Wei Yue asked with a cold face: "Just now you admitted that you killed Hongqiao, so you must deny it!"

Li Yao Zudun pretended to be puzzled, "The servant didn't say anything, did Miss hear wrongly?"

Wei Yue was angry, walked over in three steps and kicked him hard, angrily said: "Don't pretend to be stupid for Miss Ben!"

"Miss, didn't Hongqiao go back to her hometown to get married?" Li Yaozu said innocently, "Why did you get involved with this slave?"

 Thank you "Yu Qingchen" sister paper for the reward, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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