Chapter 117 A Question

There are many mosquitoes in Sichuan and Sichuan, so many people wear sachets when they go out.There are various medicine sachets inside to prevent mosquito bites.

Xiuxiu grew up in Sichuan, even after she arrived in Longzhou, she carried Qingrun pills with her, so she had this light fragrance all year round, a bit like the fragrance of flowers.

How did she know that it was such a coincidence.Changsheng had used this medicine before, so he immediately guessed that Xiuxiu knew medical skills.That's why she went to dig the grave, and finally confirmed the cause of Hongqiao's death.

"I saw them fighting." Xiuxiu's calm voice, with an indescribable stillness, was like a candle fluttering in the wind and rain, and she said softly: "Li Yaozu ran out in a panic, he thought he was bored Hongqiao is dead. When I went in to investigate, I knew that Hongqiao had just passed out and was not breathing for a while. But since Li Yaozu felt that he killed Hongqiao, I will fulfill him."

She inserted the drugged silver needle into Hongqiao's Baihui acupoint, keeping her in a coma.

That day when she saw Li Yaozu bury Hongqiao in the soil at night, how did she feel about suffocating to death?

After Xiuxiu finished reading, she went back to her room and tried it out.

She buried her face in the pillow and was fine at first, but gradually she couldn't breathe.

The feeling was indescribable, but painful enough.Xiuxiu thought, Hongqiao, look, you were so painful when you died, just like I was almost raped by Li Yaozu, the same pain.

"Xiuxiu, go back to sleep." Chang Sheng sighed and said soothingly, "Go to sleep and forget about this matter."

Xiuxiu looked up at Changsheng, and asked blankly, "Mr. Cui, why didn't you expose me?"

Changsheng thought for a while before slowly saying: "Xiuxiu, the world is suffering, and there are many things that we can't do anything about. Because we are weak, because of poverty, or because of many other things, we have been bullied and oppressed, so we feel unfair. .”

"That's right, Hongqiao sent me to Li Yaozu's bed in a daze." Xiuxiu said dejectedly like a lost child, "But everyone blamed me, saying that I was flattering Li Yaozu."

Those accusations were like sharp arrows, piercing her body with blood holes.

"Is there no one to comfort you?" Chang Sheng asked her.

Xiuxiu thought for a while, then shook her head, "Yes."

The lady sweeping the yard said that she was a good boy and would not do that kind of thing.

There is also Xiaohong from the sewing room, who said she should forget about this matter, and no one will know about it in the future.

Many people comforted her, but Xiuxiu still felt sad.

"So, where there is shadow, there is light. Where there is injustice, there will also be justice." Chang Sheng said, "Everything is relative. You feel despair and resentment for the words of those wicked people. But suddenly those good people worried and comforted you. Xiuxiu, we can't stop other people's words, but we can control our own hearts."

"You always have to remember that if you do things right, even if you encounter injustice by chance, you must do things with a clear heart. There is reincarnation in the way of heaven, and evil people will eventually have evil rewards."

Xiuxiu was silent for half a moment, and the time froze.

She whispered: "Even if Hongqiao has done something wrong to me, I shouldn't kill her. I have many ways to make her pay back, but I chose the most extreme one."

Changsheng got up, walked to her, and hugged her gently, "Xiuxiu, you are a good girl. Listen to me, go back to sleep, everything will be fine tomorrow."

Xiuxiu stopped talking, just nodded slightly, then got up and left.


After she left, a voice came from behind the screen.

"Gu Changsheng, you are always like this, telling others the so-called great principles." Zhou Chen came out from behind and said half-sarcastically: "But if you can't even keep your dignity and life, you still listen to these great principles. What."

Changsheng sighed and said, "Your Highness, it is difficult for us to control many people and things, but at least we must ensure that we are not swallowed by darkness. If we all become the kind of people we reject, wouldn't this world be more hopeless?"

"What about you?" Zhou Chen asked, "What belief do you hold?"

Changsheng thought about it for a while, and said firmly: "If you are poor, you will be alone, and if you are poor, you will benefit the world."

She cannot be a savior, nor can she be a biological mother.All I can do is manage myself in times of difficulty and darkness, and help others in a relatively relaxed environment.

Zhou Chen raised his hand to pinch her cheek, and smiled calmly, "You want to be a selfish person, but you can't help but help others, Gu Changsheng, you are really contradictory."

Moving hands and feet again...

Changsheng took half a step back uncomfortably, and changed the subject, "Why did Your Highness come here so late, and what to do if someone finds out."

Although she said so on the lips, she knew that Zhou Chen never did anything unprepared.He is very powerful, so he must have a perfect plan to appear in her room so blatantly.

Hearing what she said, Zhou Chen stared at her with fire in his eyes.

Changsheng's face was hot, he touched his cheek, and asked unconsciously: "What? Is there something on my face?"

"You ask like this..." Zhou Chen approached half a step, and teased, "Do you think we are having an affair?"

Immediately, Changsheng was extremely embarrassed, and said quickly: "Your Highness, are you here for business? Tell me to leave quickly, you have to rest early."

Zhou Chen thought to himself, talking about love with you is my biggest business right now.

Although he thought this way in his heart, he definitely couldn't say that out of his mouth, otherwise Gu Changsheng would be cornered.

"This is for you." Zhou Chen took out a small piece of paper.

Chang Sheng took it over, looked at it carefully, and said in shock, "Where did it come from?"

"I picked it up." Zhou Chen said vaguely: "Let Jia Yiyi investigate and find out which of these places is most likely to hide the ledger."

They can't scare the snakes, they have to hit them with one blow, otherwise they will alarm that old fox Wei Cangjiang, and everything will be in vain.

Jia Yiyi?It must be Lord Jia Lian's daughter, that is, the Fifth Aunt.

That girl had suffered enough, and Chang Sheng felt a little sorry for letting her do such a dangerous thing again.

With a hesitation on her face, Zhou Chen said: "Don't worry, it's in Sima's residence. The safest person is Wei Yue, and the second safest person is Jia Yiyi."

Chang Sheng asked in surprise, "Why do you say that?"

Jia Yiyi doesn't seem to be favored, does Wei Cangjiang treat her differently.

"Before I answer your question, you first answer my question." Zhou Chen narrowed his eyes, his tone had changed.

Changsheng swallowed his saliva, and asked with some fear, "What's the problem?"

(End of this chapter)

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