Chapter 126
After getting into the carriage, he fell headlong into Zhou Chen's arms, lay on his chest and whispered, "Someone leave a message for Wei Yue."

"Well, don't think about it." Zhou Chen grabbed the cloak and covered her body, hugged her with one hand, and touched her forehead with the other.

The scalding temperature collided with his icy hands, as if sparks could be splashed.

Zhou Chen frowned fiercely, and held her hand.

Suffering from a long illness, he simply sat up and lay on his shoulders, pressing his face against his neck, trying to cool himself down.

Zhou Chen clasped the back of her head with one hand, and coaxed her softly, "Be patient, go back home and cook soup for you."

Changsheng has not been sick for a long time, this feeling is really too uncomfortable, it really confirms that sentence, the illness comes like a mountain.

When she was young, she suffered from frequent minor illnesses because of her mental instability.Later, the master brought her back to Wuyuan Mountain, and used formations to subdue her spirit, and her body improved day by day.Since she stepped into the spiritual path, she has never been sick again.

At this moment, it was very uncomfortable, Changsheng said listlessly: "If you let me know who is the one who killed me, I will definitely make him look good!"

Although she gritted her teeth, it was a pity that her tone was soft and lacked strength.

When Zhou Chen heard her words, he was silent for a while, just stroking her back, hoping that she would feel better.

No one knows better than him how painful the torment of illness is.He wished so much that Gu Changsheng would never know what it was like in his whole life, and even if it was just a typhoid fever, he would not let her suffer even a little bit.

If possible, put all the pain in her life on him.

Thinking of this, Zhou Chen hugged her even tighter.

I don't know why, but today's section of the road is unusually long.

It took a long time to reach the door, and now Changsheng was already dizzy from the fever.

Zhou Chen carried her in personally, and Wu Lingyun helped hold her umbrella to keep out the wind.

All the way to Zhou Chen's bedroom, Xi Xin immediately said: "Help her undress, she must be sweating."

Wu Lingyun immediately backed out after hearing this.

Xi Xin glanced at Zhou Chen, but found that he warmed his hands with a hot handkerchief, and stretched out his hand to undress Chang Sheng.

"Your Highness!" Xi Xin whispered, although Changsheng disguised herself as a man, but she was a big girl who was not married to Yunying, how could she tolerate Meng Lang like His Highness.

Zhou Chen said calmly, "Turn around."

Asarum, "..."

Now that the two are just getting together, His Highness's possessiveness is so strong, won't it be even more powerful in the future.Even though Xi Xin thought so, she still turned around obediently.

She couldn't help thinking with some worry, would a person like Changsheng who loves freedom be willing to be imprisoned by His Highness?

If there is an irreconcilable fierce conflict between the two, His Highness will definitely use some extreme means, and that will really be the end.

Long sick and drowsy, eyes half-opened, raised his hand to grab Zhou Chen's hand, and said in a daze, "Let Xixin come..."

She broke out in a cold sweat, and felt extremely uncomfortable at the moment.

Xi Xin heard it, but immediately went out.She has to help Changsheng cook some decoction to dispel the cold, and then prescribe a prescription to dissipate the heat. She really has a severe fever.

The moment she closed the door and went out, Xi Xin thought, Changsheng, I dare not disobey His Highness's words, I have wronged you.

"I haven't seen where you are." Zhou Chen went to the closet to get his coat, and reached out to help her take off his coat.

Although he said so, he still grabbed the quilt, helped her cover it, and helped her remove her clothes under the quilt.

Chang Sheng closed his eyes and simply ignored him.

After Zhou Chen helped her change her clothes, he sat on the edge of the bed and stretched his hands along the hem of the clothes.

"Go away." Changsheng pinched him weakly.

Zhou Chen's hand ran along her back, and he could still feel the scar on her back.He took out his hand, tucked her in the quilt, looked at her reddened cheeks, lowered his head and kissed her forehead, and said, "After the president is gone, I will find a way to remove the scars on your body."

"No need." Chang Sheng didn't have the strength to speak now, but just felt uncomfortable.

Zhou Chen poured a glass of water, helped her up, and fed her little by little, "It must be removed, otherwise it will affect our bridal chamber wedding night."

Chang Sheng felt that if he had the strength now, he would definitely pour a glass of water on Zhou Chen's face. This stinky and shameless person wanted to think about it in the long run.

She leaned against Zhou Chen's chest, drowsy.

"Take the medicine later and sleep again." Zhou Chen patted her cheek lightly.

After a quarter of an hour, Asarum cooked the decoction and brought it over.

Zhou Chen took the bowl and fed her.

Changsheng hadn't taken any medicine for more than ten years, and now he frowned bitterly, but he endured it and finished it.

"Your Highness, Changsheng is burning very badly right now, I'm afraid we need to use ice to cool it down." Asarum had already been brought in with ice cubes and water.

After feeding her the medicine, Zhou Chen gently put her down, and twisted the veil to help her apply it to her forehead.

"You'd better not get in the ice water." Xi Xin said a little worriedly.

Zhou Chen ignored her, and wet the veil on his own, and covered Chang Sheng's forehead.

After going back and forth like this for an hour, her high fever gradually subsided.

After Asarum gave her a diagnosis and treatment, she breathed a sigh of relief, "The foundation of longevity is still good, drink a few more medicines, be careful not to freeze, and you will be cured."

"Go and prepare some food." Zhou Chen held Chang Sheng's hand, "After she wakes up, she should be hungry."

Asari hummed and went out.

Wu Lingyun was still guarding outside, so he couldn't help but ask, "How's it going?"

"The fever is gone." Xi Xin said with a smile, "Your Highness, I care more about Changsheng than I do about myself."

"The man is emotional, probably so." Wu Lingyun said calmly.

Xi Xin asked curiously: "You are also a son of a family, you should have a marriage contract long ago, right?"

Wu Lingyun was so excited! They finally talked about their personal relationship!

He said calmly: "I am different from others. I am willing to make a marriage contract only when I meet the person I love."

Xi Xin was a little surprised. In Chang'an City, a master of Wu Lingyun's age had already had wives and concubines, yet he was not engaged yet.

She couldn't help asking: "Really? Then what kind of woman do you like?"

"It doesn't have to be gentle, but it's generous enough. I don't care about her family background or anything. She'd better like blue and black, have skills, and like to read books." Wu Lingyun clenched his fists and said slowly: "She smiles very demurely and knows how to take care of her." People. Serious and cute, and the craftsmanship of making tea is very good.”

When Xi Xin heard this, she was too slow to react, her face blushed, but she didn't speak.

(End of this chapter)

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