Chapter 130 Feudal Society
After arriving at the house, it was Eleven who opened the door.

Chang Sheng was a little surprised when he saw him, but after thinking about it for a while, he knew that Zhou Chen must have arranged to come to Wushan County on the eleventh day in advance to prepare.

Prepare for a rainy day, he, Zhou Chen, used these four words to the extreme.

Zhou Chen got out of the car and saw that Chang Sheng's hand holding the rein was already red with cold, he frowned and stuffed the heater in his hand.

Changsheng didn't refute it, and it immediately became much warmer when he held it in his hands.

When they walked halfway, there was already a light snowfall, and it was getting heavier now.

Eleven came over to hold an umbrella, Zhou Chen directly took the umbrella and held it with Chang Sheng.

The two walked side by side, with blue and white porcelain oil-paper umbrellas and the same black cloak.

Behind is the white snow, all the way forward, the beauty is like a painting.

Eleven blinked his eyes, and just realized that he pointed to the two people in front of him and stammered, "He...they..."

Xi Xin smiled, "Your reaction is really slow."

Eleven suddenly laughed from ear to ear, and jumped up happily.


One head hit a tree branch, and the heavy snow directly smashed Eleven to the ground.

Xi Xin laughed and trembled, hurriedly walked over to caress Eleven, "Eleven, that's not how martial arts are used."

The moment before she touched Eleven, Wu Lingyun strode over and pulled Eleven up from the ground.

Eleven Jiong's face was flushed, he touched the snow on his face, and said awkwardly: "I'm so excited, I'm so excited."

He has been with His Highness since he was a child, so he naturally knows how deep His Highness's feelings for Miss Gu are.If it weren't for His Highness's physical condition, he would have left Chang'an to find the location of Wuyuan Mountain.

Now that it's finally over, he is happy, happy to replace His Highness.


After entering the hall, Zhou Chen stretched out his hand to help Chang Sheng take off his cloak, and then touched her cheek. It was so cold, it seemed that she was frozen.

"Why do you punish yourself." Zhou Chen stretched out his hand and smacked her forehead fiercely, frowning, "Gu Changsheng, I told you that you are a stupid woman early on, and I was always right."

Chang Sheng touched his forehead and said in a low voice, "Wei Yue will change."

Not long after, Wei Cangjiang could no longer protect her, and she also saw clearly the ugliness of this world.


No longer believe in love, and no longer believe in others.When Changsheng thought of this, his heart ached.

In the eyes of others, Wei Cangjiang is a heinous villain, but in Wei Yue's heart, he is the best father in the world and also her belief.If even her own faith has collapsed, what else will she believe in in the future?

"Everyone has their own life, and you can't take responsibility for other people's lives." Zhou Chen served her hot tea and said slowly: "During Wei Yue's more than ten years of life, she enjoyed prosperity and wealth. Delicious delicacies and exquisite jewellery. The life she enjoyed was poured out by Wei Cangjiang with other people's blood. What did you say before?"

Changsheng glanced at him and said, "You always have to pay it back when you come out to play around."

Zhou Chen pinched her chin, feeling that she had lost a lot of weight recently, and he had to make up for her after returning to Chang'an, "Didn't you hear clearly?"

Yes, she could hear clearly.Changsheng sighed, but Zhou Chen is like this, you can't let you pretend to be confused.

Sometimes I think about it, such a man who can't coax others will definitely be kicked in modern times.

"Wei Cangjiang didn't tell Xue Guang that I was a spy. It seems he did it on purpose." Changsheng pondered for a while and thought: "In this case, my actions in Wushan County will not be as smooth as I imagined."

"This matter is easy to solve." Zhou Chen said casually: "It's just a bit of a bitter plan. If Wei Cangjiang can't step down at that time, he will naturally tell Xue Guang that you are a spy. With your attitude towards Xue Guang today, you can't do it." In two days, he will definitely take revenge on you, and by then Wei Cangjiang will not be able to speak."

"A person like Xue Guang, I really don't know where his confidence is." Chang Sheng said with deep hatred: "It is such a narrow-minded villain who forcefully forced Mr. Jia to death, and caused the people of Wushan County to be in dire straits."

Yes, I wonder where Xue Guang's confidence is.

He is neither the son of a family, nor an official with power. Where does he have the confidence to be so arrogant to the officials from Chang'an.

Inside, there are ways that Changsheng does not know.

Zhou Chen explained patiently: "Xue Ding is the prince's adviser, but Xue Guang is on the side of the Wei family. In the end, it is still inseparable from the word interest."

It stands to reason that the empress and concubine Xian are incompatible, but in the face of absolute interests, there is no permanent enemy.

Xue Guang's ancestral home is in Longzhou, so he has a certain foundation.Regardless of Xue Ding's objection, he got involved with Wei Cangjiang. Once there were interests involved, the relationship between them would not be so clear-cut.

Longzhou has mines and produces ironware.One-third of the sabers used in the Great Zhou army came from Longzhou, and the oil and water in it, just think about it, you will know how much it is.

Besides, it is impossible for Concubine Xian not to need money to manage things in Chang'an City, she needs a large amount of silver taels every year.The moon silver given by the palace was not enough for her to reward, so naturally it was filled by Wei Cangjiang.

There is also the queen, although she is from the Pei family, she is not short of money.

But I can't help but the prince is short of money!The prince's qualifications are mediocre, and he likes to raise women to drink flower wine, but most of the properties under his name are not well managed.If Xue Ding had such a way to get money, he would naturally turn a blind eye.As long as there is no entanglement in power, who would think that money is too little?
So Wei Cangjiang and Xue Ding colluded in this way, domineering in Longzhou.

Wei Cangjiang had the Wei family and a virtuous concubine as his backer, so he was naturally confident.

As for Xue Ding, he thought he was collecting money for the prince, let alone be afraid of anyone.

"The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the chaos of the world is for profit." Chang Sheng sighed while holding hot tea: "The big people make the game, and it is only the little people who suffer."

Zhou Chen looked at Changsheng for a while, then suddenly said: "Gu Changsheng, sometimes I feel that you are not from the Great Zhou Dynasty at all."

Changsheng was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "Could it be that I'm from Dongying?"

"You know what I mean." Zhou Chen didn't mean to joke at all.

An era has a way of thinking of an era, as well as the three views of an era.

For example, people in the Great Zhou Dynasty, high-ranking officials and nobles knew that they were superior to others since they were born.They will have compassion, but will feel that all this is normal.The nobles are the nobles, and the common people are the common people. This is the norm in society.

As for the common people, they feel that they are humble when they are humble, and that great people are superior.

The ruling class suppresses them with ideology and majesty, so there are classes.

 ~~ I always get used to conveying some thoughts when I write in gray. ^_^ Is it a bit silly @@That's it. The reason why there was a king class in feudal society was because people at that time were enslaved ideologically.To make an inappropriate analogy, we are educated to be patriotic from birth, so patriotism is a concept in our bones.Even if you have no love and awe for this country, you will never do anything against it.So I say that every era has its three views.

(End of this chapter)

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