Chapter 133 What is Motivation

Zhou Chen thought he was good at strategizing, he arranged all the things well and let others carry them out.

All things are like a chessboard in his mind, he has already planned in his mind how to move and which piece to move.

After setting things up, everyone dispersed, and the real battle will start tomorrow.

Before Wu Lingyun left, he took out a letter and handed it to Chang Sheng, "This is from Zixu."

Changsheng took it and said thank you, Pei Zixu's reply was really fast enough.

Wu Lingyun and Xi Xin went out and closed the door behind them.

Chang Sheng sat down, opened the letter and looked at it carefully, frowning more and more tightly.

"Call to Pei Zixu behind my back." Zhou Chen looked into her eyes, a little silent.

Chang Sheng was thinking about other things, and said absently: "Pei Zixu will be my boss in the future, and this matter is also related to Dali Temple. I asked him some questions."

Zhou Chen wanted to know the content of their correspondence, but he didn't ask. He just said, "Is there something that Pei Zixu knows, but I don't."

"If I ask you, I'm afraid you will solve it for me directly." Changsheng folded the letter and put it away, counted the time, stood up, "rest early."

Changsheng took him out the door and went straight to Wu Lingyun.

Zhou Chen was indeed different from Pei Zixu. For example, she wanted to ask how much one plus one equals.Then Zhou Chen will directly tell her that it is equal to two, and Pei Zixu will tell her the principle and method of calculation, and let her draw her own conclusion.

Zhou Chen stands too high, many things are not important in his eyes, one plus one equals two is insignificant to him and can be ignored directly.

Changsheng knocked on the door, but Wu Lingyun hadn't rested yet.

"What's the matter?" Wu Lingyun asked straight to the point.

Changsheng nodded, "Accompany me to meet someone."


Zhou Chen said before that two elements are needed to solve the Wushan riot case, and the second is Zhao Qiran.

And it was Zhao Qiran who Changsheng wanted to see now.

This is a key person, Jia Yiyi likes him, he is Zheng Ding's good brother and Xiuxiu's respected elder brother.

Under his leadership, the people of Wushan County went to seek an explanation.As a result, everyone was arrested, and he was the only one who was fine.

When Changsheng asked Zheng Ding, Zheng Ding said that he was willing to take the blame for Zhao Qiran.But when she saw Zheng Ding's expression, she knew that he must also like Jia Yiyi.

As for the matter of taking the blame, Chang Sheng sneered again and again, if it weren't for Wei Cangjiang's acquiescence, would Zheng Ding be able to help others casually?

"Zhao Qiran lives in a small house in the county." Without further ado, Wu Lingyun went out with Changsheng. On the way, he said: "There were more than two hundred villagers who participated in the riot, mainly People from Yucun and Fengcun, because these two villages were the hardest hit and they are close to the county."

"Well, they were timid and fearful at first, but they gathered under Zhao Qiran's instigation." Changsheng nodded, "Master Jia wanted to suppress it, but I didn't expect these people to bypass him and go to Longzhou, and the matter got out of hand gone."

These contents are all written in Pei Zixu's letter. After Mr. Jia arrived in Chang'an, Pei Zixu had spied on him.It's just that he didn't expect that Mr. Jia died not long after.

Wushan County is not too big, and there is thick snow on the road.

Wu Lingyun took the map and led Changsheng along the path.

An alley with few lights.It was probably freezing cold, and everyone went to bed early.

Wu Lingyun and Changsheng jumped into the courtyard, and stood together under the window with their waists bowed.

The shadow of the candle flame fell on the window, and the people inside were still asleep.

"Qiran." A middle-aged woman's voice came out, sounding a little weak.

It was Zhao Qiran's mother, the Qin family.

When Zhao Qiran was young, she took Zhao Qiran all the way back to Wushan County.Relying on the Qin family to do the work, it was difficult to pull Zhao Qiran up.However, the Qin family and Xiuxiu's mother handed handkerchiefs to each other. When they came to Wushan County as orphans and widows, they were often helped by Xiuxiu's family.

"Mother, what's the matter?" Zhao Qiran put down the book in his hand, walked over and asked.

Sitting at the table, Mrs. Qin hesitated to speak several times.

She looks a little old, but her face is extremely soft, she speaks softly, "Yiyi and Xiuxiu have been in Longzhou City for so long, you go and see them."

"Mother, don't worry about it, the two of them brought enough money before they left." Zhao Qiran lightly pressed his mother's shoulder, "It's so late, you should go to rest quickly."

Qin said worriedly: "The two little girls, what will they do if they meet bad guys outside?"

Zhao Qiran was the most filial, and he didn't want his mother to worry, so he could only say: "Uncle Jia was arrested and sent to Chang'an, and Zheng Ding was also arrested. What if the government wants to arrest the two of them, what should I do? They are still outside at this time Avoid the limelight. Mother, don't worry, after a while, I will definitely go to Longzhou to find them."

Qin had no choice but to be relieved after hearing his son's assurance, got up and went back to the room.

Yiyi, and Xiuxiu.

Zhao Qiran stood in a daze, he thought for a while, turned on the lamp, and fell asleep.


Wu Lingyun and Changsheng went out quietly.

"Come here in the middle of the night, you just want to see Zhao Qiran?" Wu Lingyun was a little puzzled.

Chang Sheng shook his head, and said uncertainly: "I suspect that Zhao Qiran is Master Jia's illegitimate son."

Wu Lingyun looked at her incredulously, "Where did you see that?"

Changsheng is also a little troubled. It would be great if I could get a DNA test. It's a matter of a hair.

"I asked Pei Zixu to check Zhao Qiran's biological father, but I couldn't find it." Changsheng said while thinking, "There is a detail. Mr. Jia went to work in Shu when he was young. It's just that he didn't get used to it, so he was transferred back soon. gone."

"That's it?" Wu Lingyun felt that there was no connection at all.

Changsheng thought for a while, and said as concisely as possible: "Everyone has a motive for doing something. If you're hungry, you have to eat, and when you're cold, you have to dress. But I haven't analyzed Zhao Qiran's motive for planning the Wushan riot. "

When analyzing the cause of a criminal's crime, what is the motive for the police to picket him?
Sorrow?debt?Wait, once the criminal motive is confirmed, there will be traces to track the identity of the prisoner.

After learning that Zhao Qiran led the riot, what Chang Sheng immediately thought was, what did he want to gain by doing this?What can I get?
Zhao Qiran is very talented, Master Jia appreciated him very much before this.He even wanted to send him to Chang'an to take the imperial examination. If the Wushan County case hadn't happened, his road would have been smooth.

Of course, she learned that information later.

But when this happened, it meant ruining Zhao Qiran's future.Climbing to the Wei Cang River?No, no, what he got from Wei Cangjiang was use, and what Mr. Jia told him was help.It's clear what to choose between the two.

So here comes the question?What exactly does Zhao Qiran want?
(End of this chapter)

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