Chapter 142 Nie Wang
What kind of person is Zhou Chen?
If he is not happy, the whole world cannot be happy.

When he opened his mouth to speak, the girl Floating Leaf who was smiling just now was a little embarrassed, but fortunately she was a clever girl.Knowing that Zhou Chen's temper was not going well, he immediately stood up, bowed gracefully, and left.

"Your Highness has seen all the beauties in Chang'an, and I'm being reckless today." Xue Guang hurried to save the situation, but he complained in his heart that this His Highness is really unpredictable and difficult to serve.

Changsheng said abruptly: "Master Xue, who is the best singer in this building?"

Wu Lingyun watched from the sidelines, absolutely not getting involved in the affairs of these two people.The fire at the city gate of the province affected the fish in the pond, and there was no reason for him to roast the fish.

Bai Yixing kept his eyes on the expressions of several people and made a little guess.

"It's because I didn't think thoroughly." Xue Guang almost sweated on his brow in a hurry.

Half a quarter later, Xuefu dressed up to attend.

Xuefu saluted, didn't say much, held the pipa in her hand, and started to sing.

No one spoke at the table, but the atmosphere was quite harmonious.


Taking advantage of the snowy night, a group of people came from the Xue family.

A group of ten people, divided into two groups, visited Xue's house at night.

The first day to the fifteenth day is the shadow of the sun, and the fifteenth to the thirty is the shadow.The number remains the same, but the people in it change.The dead and wounded will be replaced, as will the incompetent.

The Thirty Shadow Guards next to King Shou of the Great Zhou could be described as a formidable army.

Eleven came to Wushan County in advance to search for a long time without any progress. Their people would come to Xue's house to search almost every night, trying to check every corner.

Xue Guang is narrow-minded, but his ability to hide money is second to none, he is like a weasel.Ordinarily there should be some clues, so you have to employ someone to hide so much money, right?Unfortunately, they didn't find anything. ,

This is the last time to check. If there is no gain, they will have to find another way.


Xuefu sang one piece after another, but no one told her to stop, so she didn't dare to listen.

This is a duckweed that is committed to others, how can it have its own ideas.This singing lasted for a full hour, and at the end the voice became hoarse.

"Okay." Changsheng poured a glass of water and handed it to her. Seeing her fingers turn red when she played the pipa, he said gently, "Miss Xuefu's voice is really beautiful, and it makes people feel that the lingering sound is lingering."

Zhou Chen squeezed the cup and said, "Reward."

Wu Lingyun immediately presented the bank note on his body, Xuefu looked at the number, and then looked at Changsheng.

Chang Sheng directly took it and handed it to her, and said with a smile: "Young Master Zhou is always generous, so don't be alarmed by Miss Xue Fu."

Only then did Xuefu accept the bank note, thank you very much.

Xue Guang was overjoyed in his heart, thinking that Zhou Chen fell in love with Xuefu, he immediately made a decision and said: "At the beginning, I also saw that Miss Xuefu sang well, so I redeemed her. It is not disrespectful to raise her in the mansion. If you like it, young master, You might as well take it home, when you are bored, there happens to be Xuefu singing a song for you."

He wanted to tell Zhou Chenxuefu that he was innocent and he had never touched her.But the words are very frivolous, it doesn't make any difference to give Xuefu as a gift.

There was a glimmer of gloom in Xuefu's eyes, and he forced a smile and said, "It is Xuefu's blessing to be able to serve Mr. Zhou."

Just like this, when they left Yingchun Tower, Xuefu followed them.

When going out, Xue Guangsai gave Chang Sheng a piece of paper, and said overjoyedly: "It's really a happy event, I didn't expect His Highness to like such a dull woman."

In terms of appearance, Xuefu is indeed not delicate and charming, but it is fresh and bright, and her singing voice is moving.

Chang Sheng lowered his head and took a look, it was Xue Fu's deed of selling himself, so he took it with him, and she said in a low voice: "By the way, I heard His Highness said today that he is tracking down the whereabouts of the relief money, and I heard there is a clue. Yes. If you can help His Highness find it, it will be necessary for Master Xue to become a nobleman."

Xue Guang thumped in his heart, and immediately said: "This is natural, this is natural!"


"It's freezing cold, Miss Xuefu, let's take the carriage." Chang Sheng said with a smile.

Xuefu hesitated for a moment, and got into the carriage.

Chang Sheng turned around and stretched out his hand, and said blankly, "Give me the reins."

Wu Lingyun didn't dare to provoke her, so he silently handed over the reins to her, and sat in the car with Eleven.

Changsheng got on his horse, with a neat posture, riding Juechen, and the horse stepped on the snow.

Eleven drove to keep up, after all, he couldn't keep up with the speed of Changsheng's disappearance.

"Arguing again?" Wu Lingyun asked in a low voice.

Driving on Eleven, "Don't talk nonsense."

Xuefu, who was sitting in the carriage, shrank in the corner, not daring to approach Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen frowned slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Changsheng stopped the horse, jumped off, patted the horse's buttocks, and let it go by itself.This is the horse that Wu Lingyun raised since he was a child, and he knows his way.

She looked at the dilapidated alley in front of her, wondering where to start.

Suddenly, I saw a child turning a street corner with a pile of firewood in his arms, and he smiled forever.

Changsheng flew over and grabbed the little boy by the neck.

"Who would dare..." The child turned his head and saw that Gu Changsheng was about to run away after dropping the firewood.

How could Changsheng let him run away this time, pinched his neck, and smiled, "Hey, do you want to say that I bully children again this time?"

"You're just bullying a child!" the little kid shouted, scratching his neck.

Changsheng dragged him out, and said confidently: "I really just bullied the child, what's the matter?"

"What kind of hero are you!" the child thumped all the way.

Changsheng listened to his stomach rumbling non-stop, and suppressed a smile.

Dragging him all the way to the restaurant, Changsheng ordered a few dishes and sat down.

The child rolled his eyes and said firmly, "You ask me to do something?"

"Smart." Chang Sheng glanced at the ragged cotton shoes on his feet, his toes were exposed, poured a cup of hot tea and said, "Warm up first."

Two cups of hot tea were poisoned, and the food was served.Braised pork, spicy chicken, Qin Dynasty bamboo shoots, two bowls of rice, looking at the little devil's mouth watering.

He swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva, and asked: "You will not be rewarded for not doing anything, first tell me what you can do with me?"

"My name is Changsheng, what's your name?" Changsheng picked up his chopsticks, took a mouthful of braised pork calmly, then put down his chopsticks and sighed: "It's a bit greasy."

"Nie Wang." The child's stomach screamed again.

Chang Sheng stretched out his hand, "Let's shake hands, we will be friends after exchanging names."

Nie Wang judged the situation, quickly shook Changsheng's hand, and then grabbed the chopsticks and ate it.

After he was full, he put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth, asking, "What do you want me to do?"

Chang Sheng pointed to a table of men, she took out a pearl, and flicked her hand lightly, where the pearl fell silently into the gap in the man's belt.

"If you want to cooperate, it depends on whether you are qualified." Chang Sheng said with a smile: "Take back that pearl quietly."

(End of this chapter)

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