Chapter 147
"Father, here, what's going on..."

When Wei Yue woke up early in the morning, she found that the world had changed.The outside was heavily guarded, and the atmosphere in the entire mansion was solemn and terrifying.

"Xiaoyue, it's all right." Wei Cangjiang said with a smile: "Father has encountered something, you go and read a book, and you'll be all right when you turn around."

Wei Yue frowned and said, "Father, don't treat me like a three-year-old kid, does it seem like a trivial matter now?"

Wei Cangjiang clenched his fists tightly. He never dreamed that Zhou Chen would be so powerful and powerful.He only held an account book, but he dared to send troops to surround his house.Is he really going to turn against Concubine Xian?
Don't forget, there are still people guarding the border in his Wei family!

The Wei family has a great reputation, if Zhou Chen dares to do anything to him, it will completely push the Wei family to the opposite side!
He has no fear until today, relying on the merits of the Wei family, the military power in the hands of the Wei family.

The door of Wei's house is open.

Zhou Chen walked in, Wu Lingyun was on the left, Eleven and Asarum were on the right.

He entered the room like this, with an indifferent expression.

Wei Cangjiang saluted, and said respectfully: "Your Highness sent people to surround the lower official's house. I don't know what it means?"

"Where is Gu Changsheng?" Zhou Chen asked.

Wei Cangjiang said in confusion: "Who is Gu Changsheng? Your Highness just said that out of nowhere."


The sword in Eleven's hand reached Wei Yue's neck, and Wei Yue was in a daze at the time, not knowing what happened.Who is Gu Changsheng?Could it be... Could it be Cui Changsheng?

The sword glowed coldly, in stark contrast to Wei Yue's delicate skin.

Zhou Chen asked again, "Where's Gu Changsheng?"

Wei Cangjiang still said, "I don't know what His Highness is talking about."

Zhou Chen turned around and said indifferently: "Cui Changsheng is Gu Changsheng. She disguised herself as a woman to investigate the case. Your father has been corrupt and bribed for many years, harming the people and taking away the people's fat. Gu Changsheng's trip to Longzhou is to find evidence. Bring your father to justice."

Every time Wei Yue heard a word, her face turned pale, and she was almost on the verge of collapse when she heard it.She looked at Wei Cangjiang, her eyes were stunned and more blank, and she stammered, "'s not true, right?"

Wei Cangjiang said angrily: "Your Highness, the interests of the officialdom are entangled, so why bother to use my daughter to coerce me to confess. You don't have to force the subordinates like this. The subordinates really don't know what you are talking about!"

What this means is that Zhou Chen is using Wei Yue to force him to confess his guilt, and Wei Cangjiang can really control his temper.

"Where is Gu Changsheng?" Zhou Chen asked for the third time.

Wei Cangjiang still said the same thing, "I don't know who Gu Changsheng is, and I don't know why His Highness kept interrogating him."

Zhou Chen stopped talking, sat down, and served hot tea with Asarum.

There were only three things, and Zhou Chen asked Wei Cangjiang enough face three times in a row.

But Wei Cangjiang just couldn't understand this truth, and insisted on carrying it, that was something he couldn't help.

Eleven's sword was still on Wei Yue's neck, and the sharp blade would pierce her tender skin at any time.Wei Yue has encountered such a big change in a row, and she has not recovered until now.

Cui Changsheng... No, it should be Gu Changsheng, she is actually a woman.Wei Yue was on the verge of weeping, she covered her face and remained silent for a while.She has grown up so big, she has been a delicate flower growing in a greenhouse since she was a child, she has never experienced such a thing.

Wei Cangjiang felt sorry for his daughter, but he couldn't show any cowardice.

"Master Wei, the evidence of the crime is convincing, and there is no room for you not to admit it." Wu Lingyun said imposingly: "Your Highness will seal the Wei family, and all those involved will be thrown into prison."

Wei Cangjiang was completely shocked, and asked angrily, "Your Highness, why did you do this!"

Zhou Chen said indifferently: "Master Wei, if you have anything to say, save it and go to Dali Temple to talk about it."

"Come here, take him into custody!" Wu Lingyun shouted loudly.

Seeing the soldiers approaching, Wei Cangjiang said angrily, "I see who dares to touch me!"

Wu Lingyun put his hand on the knife, glanced at Zhou Chen, and then said, "Maybe Mr. Wei wants to flee in fear of crime. In this way, whether you live or die is up to us."

This is a blatant threat. If Wei Cangjiang resists now, he can be killed on the spot.Wei Cangjiang was so angry that his face turned red and his neck was thick, so he could only catch him without a fight.

"Don't touch my father!" Wei Yue's eyes were red at the moment, and she stood in front of Wei Cangjiang, looking at these people with hatred, "None of you are allowed to touch my father!"

Wei Cangjiang knew his daughter's temperament, but after he was imprisoned, he couldn't take care of many things. He took his daughter's arm and said in a low voice: "Xiaoyue, don't mess around, Dali Temple will replace my father with innocence. You Go to Chang'an to find your aunt, she will protect you."

The guards couldn't allow them to talk too much, so they went up to grab Wei Cangjiang and dragged him down.

Wei Yue was crying hysterically, and wanted to chase after her, but Qingping held her back tightly, and the little maid said with red eyes: "Miss, just listen to the adults."

"Why did it become like this, why?" Wei Yue muttered a few words, then suddenly turned around and walked over to grab Wu Lingyun, and asked excitedly: "Where is Cui Changsheng? She is human! She is so kind to me, isn't she?" Just for today! Why didn't that coward dare to follow me, why!"

"Miss, miss." Qingping couldn't help crying, and said, "Don't do this."

Xi Xin couldn't see the girl's bleak face when she was crying, so she handed over a handkerchief and said softly: "Miss Wei, Changsheng has never been sorry to you. She was plotted by someone sent by your father, and her life and death are still uncertain. What do you have?" blame her for that."

"Impossible, my father is not that kind of person." Wei Yue's chest was tight, and she wanted to say something more, and she passed out without taking a breath.

Who can tell right from wrong.

In the eyes of the common people, Wei Cangjiang is a treacherous and evil corrupt official.In the eyes of the emperor, he is an insatiable moth.But in Wei Yue's eyes, she is the best father.In the eyes of the servants of the Wei family, he is a considerate and generous patriarch.

People have thousands of faces, each with a different face.Right and wrong, likes and dislikes, can only be defined from great good to great evil.

Wei Cangjiang caught him, but Gu Changsheng still didn't know where he was.

Did she get hurt?Is she struggling?Does she hurt...

When Zhou Chen thought of this, his heart ached.

"Asarum, go and invite Jia Yiyi." Zhou Chen said in a restless voice, forcing himself to be calm.

Jia Yiyi is sitting outside looking at the sky and the snow.

Xiuxiu stayed by his side without saying a word.

Wei Cangjiang was arrested, Zheng Ding and fellow villagers will be released.So where are they going?

"Xiuxiu, why didn't brother Qiran come to pick me up?" Jia Yiyi looked up at Xiuxiu, with an indescribably gloomy tone in her tone.

Xiuxiu shook her head, "I don't know."

(End of this chapter)

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