Chapter 175

After the Queen Mother's voice fell steadily to the ground, Zhou Chen slowly walked out from behind the screen.Maybe it's because the room is warm, or maybe it's because he's very happy, at this moment his eyes are very clear, not as gloomy and deep as usual.

"Grandson thanked the imperial grandmother." Zhou Chen's tone rose slightly, revealing his good mood.

The Queen Mother stared at him and asked, "Xiao Wu, tell the truth, what do you think about Changsheng?"

Zhou Chen said with some surprise: "Grandson thought you knew that I adore Gu Changsheng."

His tone was so natural, so righteous, as if it was only natural for him to love Gu Changsheng.

The last thing I wanted to see happened...

The queen mother was dizzy and didn't recover for a while.

"But she's a bit stupid. She made a vow not to marry in front of everyone in the hall." Zhou Chen put his hands behind his back and said leisurely: "Now that the emperor's grandmother is in charge, the vow she made can be justified." broke."

He was willing to ask Gu Changsheng to ask the queen mother to come forward to break off her engagement with Xin Yi.Unexpectedly, this stupid woman actually went to the imperial hospital, so she completely broke down and didn't mention this matter.

But he didn't enter the palace for nothing, and doing one thing counted as one thing.Let her play in Dali Temple for a few years, and when the Queen Mother bestows a marriage, she can be his princess in peace.

As for if she still wants to be an official after marriage...

Zhou Chen thought about it seriously, then let her make trouble, after all, as long as she wants, he will give it.

"Xiao Wu, the Ai family will not give you a marriage." The Queen Mother's tone did not have the slightest room to change, she said firmly: "And Changsheng will never marry you."

As long as she is alive, she will never agree to this marriage!Even if she dies, she must arrange a happy marriage for Chang Sheng before she dies.

Zhou Chen looked at the Queen Mother, his tone was a little heavy, like a stone falling into a lake, "Why, did the imperial grandmother stand up for fear that her grandson would not survive, and delay Gu Changsheng's golden years? Don't worry about this, for Gu Changsheng, grandson will also die. will live a long time."

"Xiao Wu!" The queen mother slapped the armrest, her face was covered with anger, and she looked at him in disbelief, "How can you talk like that, how can you make grandma feel so sad!"

Zhou Chen lifted up his robe, knelt on the ground, and said word by word: "Just treat your grandson as unfilial. If the emperor doesn't agree to this matter, and you don't agree to this marriage, the emperor's grandmother, then neither can the grandson. It's up to the grandson." I will get the throne soon, and no one will stop me in the future."

After he finished speaking, he kowtowed three times in a row, then got up and left.

After giving such a big gift, this is to show my attitude of rejection!
The Empress Dowager suddenly fell down on the seat, feeling pain in her heart, and said in a dull voice, "Why does this child fall in love with Changsheng... Changsheng has only been back in Chang'an for a few months, how come Xiao Wu has taken a fancy to him. "

Nanny Yu poured tea, brought it over, and whispered: "You forgot, when young lady was often in and out of the cold palace, at that time I had a very good relationship with His Highness, it is not without reason."

And at that time, the Empress Dowager even told Cui Qingxiao that the relationship between the two children is so good, and it would be nice to be betrothed to Zhou Chen by Changsheng in the future.Although Zhou Chen's temperament was a little cold, but fortunately, his childhood sweetheart will definitely cherish Changsheng in the future.

"But Qing'er was still alive at that time..." The Queen Mother closed her eyes, and said with tears running down her face, "When Qing'er was still alive, Aijia was very happy about this marriage. Xiaowu and Changsheng were both on the cusp of Aijia's heart. Baby, it's best for the two of them to be together."

"You don't want Miss to marry Your Highness, so why should you agree to His Highness's words just now?" Nanny Yu handed over the handkerchief, sighed uncomfortably, and said, "If you don't let Miss come out of Dali Temple, Your Highness may also ask for it." You can't marry, after all, Miss's previous oath is still there."

The Empress Dowager wiped her tears with her handkerchief, and said in a helpless tone, "Aijia also said that you can leave Dali Temple only after Aijia bestows marriage and longevity. When Xiao Wu made that suggestion, Aijia knew what he was thinking." Instead of letting him do anything wrong, it’s better to hold the initiative in your own hands. Changsheng has always been filial, and he will definitely listen to Aijia’s words.”

"Your Majesty is really far-sighted." Madam Yu hesitated and said, "Your Highness just said about the throne..."

This is only three points.

When the queen mother heard this, her face was not very good-looking, "In order to force Xiao Wu to step into this water, the emperor let go of the matter between him and Changsheng, and now he has a headache!"

At the beginning, the Empress Dowager and Emperor Xuanwu agreed, and they never let go of the matter of Changsheng and Zhou Chen.Later, Emperor Xuanwu sent both of them to Longzhou in order to use his longevity to push Zhou Shen.

It's hard to get overwhelmed, if you let go, it's hard to turn back.The empress dowager's temples were swollen, she waved her hands and said, "Ayu, you go to the Xuanzheng Hall in person and tell the emperor what happened just now."

Knowing sons is better than mothers, she, the mother, knows her own son best.Since the emperor dared to let go of this at the beginning, he must have reserved his hands.

"Young maidservant, go now, Niang Niang, take good care of yourself, don't get angry." Madam Yu said hastily.


She hurried all the way to the Xuanzheng Hall, and then told what happened just now.

Emperor Xuanwu lowered his head to deal with official business, and after listening to Madam Yu's story, he raised his head and said confidently: "Go and tell the Queen Mother, I know about this matter, so she can feel at ease."

"Your servant will leave." Madam Yu breathed a sigh of relief and left the Xuanzheng Hall.

After she left, Emperor Xuanwu was reviewing the memorial with a brush, and said with some displeasure: "Tell me, since Wei Cangjiang was escorted to Chang'an, how many people have asked Dali Temple to quickly investigate the matter on the paper."

The Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment is from Concubine Xian's side. If the matter is to be investigated quickly, the intervention of the Ministry of Punishment will definitely affect justice.At that time, I will argue with the people of Dali Temple. I don't know if this case will drag on until the year of the monkey.

What's more, it will be the end of the new year in a while, and it will be even more inappropriate to try cases at that time.

"Doesn't this make His Majesty understand those people's thoughts more clearly?" Wang Fu said with a smile, "What's more, this case is presided over by Mr. Gu. Would His Highness stand by and watch?"

Emperor Xuanwu glanced at him, "You can see clearly, Changsheng can push Xiao Wu forward, so it's possible that he really let her marry Xiao Wu."

"That's what the servant said..." Wang Fu changed his mind, "Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, didn't you want to deal with it a long time ago, this is the right time."

"Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, that old cunning man, I can't catch him for so many years." Emperor Xuanwu glanced at the secret security on the table.

On the table is a piece of paper with a portrait of a child drawn on it, with the word Nie Wang written on it.

(End of this chapter)

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