Chapter 192 My Daughter
It is a rule that the martial arts club where the frontier reports work is not allowed to enter Beijing without an edict.

Now that the local army can enter the palace quietly, it is simply a joke in the world.Is it possible that the imperial guards stationed in the suburbs of Beijing are all decorations?Unless there are traitors, it is impossible for so many people to sneak into Chang'an without being discovered!
Chang Sheng carefully looked at the leader, it was King Wu Zhou Ji.He was dressed in armor, holding a long knife in his hand, with a stern look on his face.

"In order to ascend the throne as soon as possible, the prince actually poisoned and murdered your majesty!" Zhou Ji raised his knife and roared angrily: "Shouwang Zhou Chen joined forces with the prince and imprisoned your majesty in the Zichen Palace. Today I will raise troops to save the emperor and the people under the wall. General, please help me!"



The soldiers standing below raised their arms and shouted, the earth was really shaking.

Chang Sheng frowned, Zhou Chen hadn't shown up for so many days, could it be that he was really accompanying His Majesty in Zichen Palace?
In the past few days, rumors have spread one after another, and the ministers are all behind closed doors, fearing that they will be involved.Even Gu Dingxiang cultivated himself at home and thanked guests behind closed doors. Gu Changsheng knew that the innocence of Chang'an City was about to change.

After Zhou Ji shouted, he pointed the knife at the door with a swipe, and the excitement in his voice could not be concealed, "Zhou Chen, you rebellious minister and thief, don't dare to catch him quickly!"

When the second younger brother took people to control the various palace gates and the prince, he would wait for Zhou Chen to open the gate and kill him, everything would be a foregone conclusion.It is an indisputable fact that the father is seriously ill, no matter how many days he can live, no matter who he wants to leave the throne to.After tonight, everything is his!
He counted silently in his heart, and after twenty counts, Zhou Chen still didn't open the door, so he rushed in with someone.

If he opens the door, let someone shoot him to death with random arrows, and teach him not to speak!

When Zhou Ji counted to ten, the door slowly opened.

Wang Fu opened the door, and Zhou Chen stood with his hands behind his back indifferently, and asked proudly: "Why, I heard that elder brother wants to raise troops to serve the king?"

"This thief really murdered His Majesty!" Zhou Ji roared with a ferocious expression, "Shoot an arrow for me! Kill King Shou and rescue Your Majesty!"

Changsheng was so frightened that she lost her soul on the spot, she flew out, and the moonlight sword in her hand appeared out of nowhere.

Arrows flew wildly, and the hidden guards who came out of the dark blocked the flying arrows with their shields.Changsheng summoned his spiritual power and flew all the way to Zhou Chen's side.

Zhou Chen was not surprised to see her, he held her hand and frowned and said, "I ran out so recklessly, it's good to be injured."

Gu Chang patted him angrily, touched his body, and felt relieved knowing that he was wearing gold silk soft armor.

"You don't even know how to answer me for such a big matter, Zhou Chen, let's settle this account later!" Chang Sheng grabbed his arm and brought him back to the main hall, and the dark guards also retreated in with them.

"Where's the backup?" Chang Sheng asked anxiously when he heard the banging on the door outside.

"No." Zhou Chen pulled Chang Sheng into the inner hall, where His Majesty was sitting on a soft couch reading a book.

Chang Sheng looked surprised, and was about to speak, when Zhou Ji rushed in with someone, and the room was immediately filled with cold light and murderous aura.

Dozens of personal guards followed Zhou Ji, and Zhou Ji's face changed drastically the moment he saw Emperor Xuanwu, and he couldn't believe what he saw.Emperor Xuanwu's complexion was rosy and his complexion was very good, he didn't look like he was seriously ill at all.

"Boss, what are you doing?" Emperor Xuanwu slowly put down the book, glanced at the guards following Zhou Ji, got up and half-closed his eyes and said, "Could it be possible to rebel!"

As soon as the word rebellion came out, Zhou Ji's legs almost went limp.

But he also knew that taking a step back at this moment would lead to an abyss, beyond redemption.

Zhou Ji bit the bullet and said: "Father has been missing for many days, so it was imprisoned here by Zhou Chen! My son brought someone to rescue, so I will kill Zhou Chen and save Father from the fire and water!"

He tried a look at his followers, and the guards rushed towards Zhou Chen with their knives in hand.

Chang Sheng pushed behind him, pushing Zhou Chen inside.The moonlight sword in her hand exudes a quiet light. The swordsmanship in the early days was very vigorous, but now it is a sickle for harvesting life in the eyes of others.

Zhou Chen stood aside, watching Changsheng slaughter.Her swordsmanship is clean and neat, and her expression is indifferent and calm.Not a drop of blood splashed on her body, and not a trace of filth fell into her eyes.

"Xiao Wu, I told you not to bring Changsheng in!" Emperor Xuanwu said angrily, if Cui Qing were to see Changsheng killing people so calmly, he might be heartbroken.

"Whether in hell or in the world, Gu Changsheng must be with me." Zhou Chen said extremely calmly.

By the time Gu Changsheng retracted his sword, countless people had already been lying down in the hall.

Zhou Ji's heart was trembling, he looked back, but no one came in again.Standing outside and approaching the soldiers, he realized that there was a sudden silence.

After a while, Zhou Lang in armor came in with a long sword in his hand, glanced at Emperor Xuanwu and said, "Father, the rebellious officials and thieves outside will be punished. The rebel Zhou Ke hanged himself and died. The prince was seriously injured and is currently being treated in Qingning Palace." .”

"Boss, what else do you want to say." Emperor Xuanwu didn't change his expression when he heard the news.

When Zhou Ji heard the news that Zhou Ke had hanged himself, he laughed maniacally, pointed at Emperor Xuanwu and said, "What do you think me and my second brother are! Is Zhou Chen out, and we are nothing but dispensable useless people in your heart!"

He roared excitedly, his eyes were crazy, and he rushed towards Zhou Chen with a knife.

Zhou Lang raised his sword and stabbed Zhou Ji to death. Everything was just a flash of fire.

There was blood all over the floor, Chang Sheng leaned on the porch pillar, holding his sword, thinking.Fortunately, Ronghua went to Guanlong with Pei Zixu, otherwise, if she saw such a thing, she might not be able to live well for the rest of her life.

Just like her, she hid in the cabinet and watched her parents being hacked to death with knives, and relied on Chu Nian's salvation for the rest of her life to live.

Chang Sheng's face was pale, and Zhou Chen grabbed her hand, which was icy cold.Looking at her like this, she seemed to be possessed by a demon that night.

"Gu Changsheng, you are not allowed to fall asleep!" Zhou Chen felt flustered when he thought of how Changsheng's six relatives refused to recognize him and stubbornly went to find Pei Zixu that night, so he snapped, "Did you hear that?"

"Don't go crazy." Changsheng tried not to think about that scene, and smiled weakly.

Zhou Lang took people to clean up the follow-up, and the corpses in the hall were removed.The silent palace people carried buckets of hot water to wipe off the blood on the ground. Throughout the ages, this kind of thing has happened countless times in this hall.

Emperor Xuanwu spat out a mouthful of blood and fell on the couch, everything happened so suddenly.

Wang Fu seemed to know about it a long time ago, so he wiped away his tears and asked the palace servants to summon the imperial physician.

"Changsheng, come here." Emperor Xuanwu slightly raised his hand and said weakly.

Longevity passed by, the corners of his eyes were red, half kneeling on the edge of the couch and holding His Majesty's hand, "Say."

Emperor Xuanwu glanced at Zhou Chen, smiled, and said slowly, "You are my daughter."

(End of this chapter)

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